Why the big deal over eating meat?!

Question: I can understand eating or not eating something for your own reasons, thats cool. but... why the need to try and force these ideas on the rest of the planet? We know that humans are omnivores, because of our teeth. even chimpanzees eat some meat. and have you watched animal planet? there is no humane way to kill something. The food chain of animals eating other animals will continue long after we are all dead. So why are there so many zealots, on so many subjects?

Answers: I can understand eating or not eating something for your own reasons, thats cool. but... why the need to try and force these ideas on the rest of the planet? We know that humans are omnivores, because of our teeth. even chimpanzees eat some meat. and have you watched animal planet? there is no humane way to kill something. The food chain of animals eating other animals will continue long after we are all dead. So why are there so many zealots, on so many subjects?

There are many, many environmental and ethical reasons NOT to consume animal flesh. Before we knew about soybeans and other viable meat alternatives, it was necessary to eat meat. These days, it is not necessary.

I am a vegetarian but I do NOT force my beliefs on others (that's such a turn-off); I only bring it up if they ask me about it. I even cook meat dishes for my friends and loved ones.

im a vegetarian but i dont try to get my friends to be one. im the only one in my family that is a vegetarian and its only because i hate the taste and texture of meat

i love the smell of cooked meat and help my mom cook meat

well personally.
I've talked to many doctors about this concern and any doctor will tell you...
there are certain protiens in meat that you need in your daily diet that you cannot recieve from organic/kosher/veagan foods.

I hope my answer helped you.

because there all pet loving cry baby's that treat ANIMALS like HUMANS which is not the natural order of things. in my opinion

watch the discovery channel, Nature is not pretty its dog eat dog (or chimp eat chimp)

That's a good question. I think the reason that people feel so strongly about meat is the amount of pain and suffering involved. Imagine if 10 billion cats and dogs were confined to cages so small they could barely move, were mutilated without any painkillers, and were slaughtered while fully conscious. There would be a huge outcry and the people who did that would face felony cruelty-to-animals charges. Yet this happens every year to farmed animals who are no different from cats and dogs in their ability to suffer. Imagine saying, "If you don't want to abuse cats for your own reasons, that's cool, but don't tell me not to abuse mine." From a moral standpoint, actions that harm others are not matters of personal choice.

It is true that animals eat other animals in order to survive. An animal can't walk into the grocery store and stock up on tofu and veggie burgers. Whereas animals eat meat to survive, humans are actually healthier without it. The American Dietetic Association (one of the nation's leading nutrition experts) says: "Vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." We eat meat for the pleasure of tasting it, not because it's necessary for survival or good health.

Also, I've never seen a wild animal raise it's prey in factory farms, where animals are forced to suffer like this: http://www.chooseveg.com/animal-cruelty....

I agree that trying to force someone to change isn't good (or effective). I never criticize people for eating meat or tell them what to do. I see myself as providing people with information about factory farming that they can either use or disregard.

Hope this addresses your questions.

Your teeth look nothing like a cat's. Your argument is weak.

If you were secure in your choices you wouldn't be in here defending yourself against people who haven't said a single word to you.

If you want to eat meat, then do it. We aren't forcing you to go vegetarian.

You said:
"My hats off to those of you who dont preach. honestly there are some that feel they are in the right to walk up to people in restaurants and tell them off for eating steak."

Yeah. I'm sure you've met *so* many vegetarians like that. Your ignorance is showing.

I find it fascinating that argumentative non-vegetarians get so defensive over vegetarians who speak their truth.

You insist we're "forcing" our ideas on you, and yet you think nothing of the MILLIONS of commercials and billboards you will see over your lifetime that encourage you to go to so-and-so's restaurant to try their new dead-animal $andwich with all-new artery-clogging sauce, or the food pyramid (developed by the U$DA, which is funded primarily by meat, dairy, and $ugar producers)[1][2] you learned about when you were in grade 2, not to mention all the bullshiitake your government feeds you to keep you con$uming, con$uming, con$uming.

But oh my gosh, those nasty zealot vegetarians are speaking their minds and disrupting the status quo again. Better go back and hide under a blanket - it's safer there. Cuz if you stay out here, you'll risk learning something.

If you're so sure that the way you live your life is just and right and natural, then why pay any mind to what the veg*n freaks are up to?

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