Poll......Do you allways wash up.......after you zip up.....and then cook?!
Answers: i squat,wipe,pull up and wash! LMAO
yes of course
I do while I'm in there.
Most definitely. I am not compulsive, but there is something to be said about germs and being sanitary. Not a thought process for me. I always wash after whatever and before handling food or dishes, etc. Just the way you do it. Period.
I never understood why people wash after peeing. I take a shower every day, so my wee wee is not dirty. If anything, I wash my hands BEFORE I pee.
I always wash my hands before handling food or eating regardless.
P.S. Number 2 is a different story.
Yes. Regardless of what I'm doing afterwards. Only takes a sec.
Yup. Okay, I don't really cook. You got me on that one but I'm always squeaky clean!
Yes, regardless of the type of cooking we are talking about ;)