I am thinking about being a vegetarian?!
Answers: what are some good meals i can have for dinner
What do you cook now? Just make what you like, but without meat. There must be things you like that don't include meat. Try modifying the dishes you like that involve meat - the imitation meats actually taste good and they're helpful during the transition.
Keep an open mind about everything and try things more than once, even if you don't like them at first. Things like tofu and legumes can be an acquired taste, like red wine or coffee - and red wine and coffee were well worth the effort. Tofu and legumes are worth the effort too!
The internet is an awesome resource for recipes, and
I'd start by making hummus!
2 cloves garlic
1/4 cup lemon juice (fresh is best, but the bottle kind works too)
1/4 cup water
1 can chick peas
1/2 cup tahini (optional....really, you don't need it, I didn't believe it but I tried it without and it's good!)
salt to taste
Put everything in a blender and blend it up. You may need to add more water or lemon juice, but be careful about adding too much.
There are tons : vegetarian lasagna, mediteranian spinach strata, yaki soba, black bean burgers, noodles with peanut sauce.....check this site for great ideas
Lentil soup.
Stir fry with veggies and tofu
Veggie lasagna
Veggie burgers
You can have some salad, fish (salmon!), fruits, vegetables, and tofu. Like Boca Burgers, watermelon, or celery. :) Also cereal, bread, potatoes, ect.
vegetarian diets dont tend to be as healthy as both meat and vegatable and fruit diets because its much harder to keep a healthy balance of all the needed nutrients...
but as for vegetarian dishes, i guess just a salad, pasta like fettuccini alfredo, etc...
*beans and rice combos
*vegetable salads
*peanut butter sandwiches
*Boca Burgers
*Tofu in hundreds of ways
good choice! this is a very healthy liestyle. ther are so many things you can eat. for simple foods, try
-soups: vegitable, rice, barley, lentil, tomato, butternut squash
-soy burgers, veggie burgers and soy products
you can find a lot of meat substitions with Boca Burgers and other products..they will be in the vegitable freezer isle.
You can also eat speghetti with sauce, veggies with melted cheese. a lot of things are good roasted, like squash and yams. I also like beans, fruits, nuts and peanut butter. Don't forget grains..there are TONS of breads out there!
Hope this is a good start!
You can have anything you want. Most meals can be made vegetarian either by simply leaving out the meat or by replacing it (with tofu, with commercial faux meats, with seitan, etc...) Stir fry and chili are really easy to make vegetarian, but you can also have curries, soups, tacos and burritos, casseroles, anything you want. Pick up a couple of vegetarian cookbooks for inspiration, or look at a recipe site like http://www.allrecipes.com and go to their vegetarian section.
becoming a vegetarian can be VERY HARD
good luck!!! : ]
I think it's great that you're considering vegetarianism!
It depends, of course, what types of food you like to eat; Some of my favourites include: pasta with vodka sauce or red sauce; vegetarian tacos ( You can use Old El Pasa mix and just add in fake ground beef. ); Veggie Burgers; Salads; Certain soups -- Check for any sort of broth made from animal products. You can pretty much have anything, just check for no meat. Plus, you can take any of your old favourites and take out the meat.
There are generally vegetarian versions of almost everything. There are "chicken" nuggets, "chicken" patties, "burgers," and almost anything else you can possibly think of!
And don't forget tofu. People seem to be against it, thinking it'll be soggy and gross, but it can be barbequed(it's amazing!) or fried or anything-ed.
If you need any more ideas, you're welcome to email me, xtehxsammehx@gmail.com
Also, you can look on the websites I cited in my sources.
There is this food brand called boca which is strictly soy, and protein. It is a great brand with alot of options, burgers, lasangas, and cheeseburgers. just try to find different vegatarian brands and work your way from their. alot of pizza stores sell veggie pizzas (good), salads with cheese, onions, lettuce, dressing really add alot of vegetables in it. Soups, their are alot of foods u just have ot go out there and find them.
for free and easy recipes go to:
Your parents can buy most things at your local large food store. buy the ingredience for the meals.
make dinner, and save some for the next day's lunch.
Vegan Nutrition: Vegan Food: How to be a Healthy Vegan.
good luck
they're plenty of obtions as listed by other ppl
i am one child of eight and i am a vegetarian, i have been one for about two years now. at first my mom thought it would be hard for me to be a vegetarian but really you can eat all the same things, just with crumbles (that's what the fake meat that i buy is called) i think it tastes like real meat, i don't really remember, but you can make anything with it. also since you are not getting the protein from meat that you would normally get just make sure to take a vitamin and maybe add extra servings of beans, eggs or peanut butter to your daily diet.
DO IT! GO VEGETARIAN! Just walk through the aisles of the grocery store and you'll find theres lots of options
no bc you can die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just let you no eat other things but at least eat meat that gives you protain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you need protain