Why do people pick on vegetarians?!

Question: People who eat meat think veggie eater are werid but we are saving the earth and the animals!

Answers: People who eat meat think veggie eater are werid but we are saving the earth and the animals!

It's more about them than it is about you. It's not fun when all your preconceived notions and childhood programming are shown to be false, and they lash out at us instead of the ones who lied to them.

Check out Carol J. Adams' "Living Among Meat Eaters" for more insight. And do your best to ignore the idiots.

Animals were put on this planet for us to eat.

How exactly are you saving the earth by being a vegetarian?

I don't pick on vegetarians. I just don't know how they can not eat meat. I love meat!

My dear friend, people pick on anyone that is differant than them,and some are worse than others they think it will make them look better. GOD bless you.

i kno one vegitarina well more ut this one has a stupid reason for being a vegitaria she shays shes one becaose she doesnt like how they are killed and yes its horrible but still and she does evn recycle...i do she thinks recycleing is stupid which then kinda knocks her saving the world by not eating meat deal

killing and eating animals is right, protecting them is wrong? i'm so afraid of the human mind, i just don't know what's the world coming to!

To all you Sausage Lovers out there...

NOTHING WRONG at all with being veggie xx

There's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. But at the same time as a meat eater don't put it on me that i'm a killer and a bad person. Do I think you're 'saving the earth'? Hell no, and I'm pagan! If that's what you believe then fine good for you but don't thrust it in my face, make me feel bad. Every vegetarian I've met has made gross faces when I eat a burger, I don't gag when you eat a beet. Do I believe in torturing animals for meat? No, I'm currently an activist to shut down the current production foie gras because it is cruel to ducks. There are ways of killing animals where they feel little to no pain though. I guess what I'm trying to say is if you can respect me I can respect you. Don't push your personal decisions on me and I won't push mine on you.

Also to scottie, it has NOTHING to do with being slaves to the human race. That is the biggest pile of cr@p I've ever heard. Animals eat other animals don't they? Most of the aren't only omnivorous. They're carniverous or a mix of both- just like people so stuff it.

hi mrs whatever, yes could you read the question carefully, i guess it's very clear, it targets at those who pick on vegetarians. if your not the one, why do you have to get so disturbed. and there's no such thing as less-pain killing please! if your such a loving activist, why don't you be the first one to be experienced on for a no-pain killing method? yes there are animals which eat other animals, there are people who kill other people too, why don't you go kill somebody? your just contradicting yourself!

every meat-eater I've met has made gross faces when I eat my veg, i don't gag when you eat your burger.

actually i hear alot of veggies picking on us..everyday veggies post comments that say arnt veggies haelthyier than meat eaters oh yes what a load of crap..secondly we get constantly refered to as carnivores...thats wrong...if you dont want omnivores dont slate us....what did jesus do..turn the other cheek if you think your better than us why stoop to our level it only proves your not.

Because people are jealous. People usually pick on people because they are jealous.

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