Are Oompa Loompa's vegetarian?!
Answers: as you all know, Willy Wonkers never lets the oompas out of the Chocolate Factory, and as we all know, there is nothing but chocolate and other miscellaneous candy there. I know there is milk in chocolate, but what other animal products do you think they eat? What would Willy do if one of them went off the deep end and ate one of the geese that lays golden eggs? That could be a profit loss not to be believed... what would a proper punishment be for that oomp for killing Willy's profits, AND killing a goose?
Haha I love what your doing :)
Some people actually think your the real Ash- oh wait, it's "Christy" now. Lol, some of your comments sound JUST LIKE HER!! I guess we must fight trolls with "trolls" haha.
To answer your question, no I don't think so. Darn immoral oompa loompas
LOL, you're my favorite troll in the Vegetarian and Vegan section. Thanks for the entertainment.
I think wearing that much tan in a can, plus a green polyester wig and stripey jodhpurs, is punishment enough.
chocoholics i am sure
they only eat carrots, hence their orange hue. i thought everyone knew that :0)
As far as I know, Willies are certainly NOT vegetarian.
If you know what I mean...XXX
They are in fact juicearians. Being blonde, I do not usually know extraordinary facts such as this one, but I did stay at a Ritz-Carlton Hotel last night.