What do vegetarians look like?!
Have you heard that whole stupid stereotype of pale, skinny, weak, iron deficient ?
I am only one of those- but I've always been thin x :-)
Answers: I'm veggie.
Have you heard that whole stupid stereotype of pale, skinny, weak, iron deficient ?
I am only one of those- but I've always been thin x :-)
Heya Scottie,
I think they look like everybody else. I really hate that stereotype it's so stupid. Only way any one knows I'm vegan, is if I wear my cute yellow 100% Vegan T-shirt.
Vegans & Veggies rule =0)
[edit]: you can buy em on line, I found one at K-mart once.
Wow Michael your guest house sounds lovely. + your funny.
They come in all shapes and sizes! I have curves, and I am a veggie. I have always had pale skin, and I am definetly not weak.
vegetarians look like humans like every one else.
LOL... I thought this was a joke when I read the headline.
I have heard that stereo type, but know veggie eaters in all shapes and sizes.
I saw one in the grocery store. I could tell by the contents of his shopping cart, plus he was very pasty and thin.
I have a friend that was a vegetarian since she was born. But then she's REAAAALLY huge. I wonder why sometimes.
Well am not vegetarian but I don't think those stereotypes are true. Infact vegetarians live healthier lives and even live longer than the average "meat-eater". Did you notice that cows, sheep, bufallo, elephants, hippos, rhinos... live longer than dogs, cats, bears, lions, wolves, tigers,... and they're also fat!!! We should respect other peoples choices and not bug them coz they're different from us.
All this vege talks getting me hungry. I could use do with a big bowl of coleslaw . Mmmmhhh....... delicious
soorryy...not....enough energy to type...gotta go lie down....
Yep, i know what you mean Scottie, we see it a lot in this forum. Its silly steroetyping.
The queue at McDonalds doesn't exactly look a picture of health, does it ?
and as veggies are only 4% of the UK population i assume the majority of people at the doctors are meat-eaters.
And the majority of supplements at supermarkets are aimed at meat-eaters.
eeemmm, that meaty stuff doesn't seem so healthy now eh ?
We own a veggie guest house, the thousands of guests each year all look normal to me.
Seriously dedicated vegetarians always have a guilty look. They're wondering if that chocolate bar they just ate was really vegi!
Oh, yeah....you should see how skinny & weak I am.....NOT!
Actually I was told recently that I was a great advertisement for veganism because I look healthy & am obviously not wasting away (could do with losing a few pounds if the truth be told).
I also have a great vegan t-shirt that says 'All this and vegan too'!
Vegetarians not only come in all sizes, but can be obese if their carb intake is too high and exercise regime too low.
heard the stereotype too :/ i'm about average/skinny side but when i ate meat i was overweight and had high cholesterol. now i'm perfectly healthy. and i've always been pale. something about being irish more than being vegetarian :)
Some are long and orange with green hair
Some are small, fat and purple..
Joke lol
Well it really depends on what they eat, some are quite large and have a big appetite, and some are very thin with a small appetite, but theres lots of difference with vegetarians, it really depends on what kind of diet they eat.