Vegans, would you buy produce you know comes from a country?!
Answers: that exploits migrant workers who harvest the crops to save money, or do you not worry about the human factor in your ethical equation?
hi i definately wouldnt knowingly buy produce from a country that exploits humans or animals, i'm lucky as i have an organic veg scheme that i can get food from and also lots of shops that sell fairtrade nearby!
Then I guess you can't eat anything grown in California.
I do think about the human factor, but boycotting those crops is not going to improve the plight of those workers. They'll just get sent back to Mexico. From the frying pan into the fire.
people have much more choice than the animals in factory farms do.
hey if they come here illegally.. that's their choice.. i buy either way sometimes.. i will buy walmart brand then i will buy organic, with the "fair trade" seal on it..
y r u being complicated jus grow ur own veggies or dun eat dem at all if its hard sheesh
Yes, I would.