What's everyone making for Easter?!
Answers: I'm still trying to decide what I want to make to bring with us (my whole family gets together over my parents house) and I'm at a loss.
Bunny Eggs, Boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, poched eggs, baked eggs, fish eggs, frog eggs, turtle eggs,
eggs, eggs, eggs, and more eggs. Why not try goose or ducks eggs.
LOL Happy Esater Eggs?
Do a ham with pineapples
I have no idea what I'm having. I would, however, like some bread with a delicious herbal mix of olive oil, thyme, and basil. Yummmm....
Ham, hashbrown casserole, broccoli casserole, sweet potato casserole, blackeyed peas, corn pudding, rolls, lime cake and maybe a pumpkin pie.
If your family is making the main course, bring a type of salad, either a leafy salad, a macaroni salad, potato salad, veggie salad - you can google this awesome broccoli salad, made with bacon, mayo, nuts, cheese and some other ingredients I can't think of - it sounds gross on paper but it is surely a winner.
Chicken Enchiladas and hard boiled eggs.
nothing. probably some soup with crackers and then later a small salad. i have a weird stomach so now i'm vegan and have to eat small amounts. i miss chocolate man.
Going out to eat down the Jersey shore.
I'm ,making Vegan Banana Muffins tomorrow. Mmmm! x
Tofurkey roast! (They're not just for Thanksgiving.)
ham potato salad baked beans and deviled eggs
I am just going to try to make everyone else happy all day long.
i'm also having tofurky! it's my first time and i am very excited