Anyone getting sick of the "can vegetarians eat animal crackers" question? XD?!
I faced that question when I was 11, but I have a feeling it's not children asking now...?
Answers: I laughed the first time, but it's posted again and again... It's a waste of a question (just like this one...?) Still, vegetarian and vegan input on the matter...
I faced that question when I was 11, but I have a feeling it's not children asking now...?
I've only been here a few months... and I've already seen it posted like 100 times. I used to answer them but now I just ignore them or simply type "YES" for the easy 2 points. I agree not very original is it. LOL =)
Another annoying one is "but plants feel pain, how can you eat those?" or similar.
OMG are you serious...that is too funny, I never heard of that before.
some jokes are old to some, some are new to otheres as you can tell from the first answer...=]
personally, i find it hilarious, only because my best friend moved away and she was a vegetarian, and it brings back wonderful memories
i miss her like h-e-double hockey sticks (can you swear on this?)
i'm a vegetarian, and i find it "giggle-worthy."
Yes but It makes them feel "clever"
My answer is: Yes we can eat animal cookies(crackers) "I bit off their little heads & nibble on their toes" ;-}
Slainté (to your health)
You know and I know that it is a baiting question however as long as people bite, it will be posed. The amusement is not the question, it is the number of people that rise to the bait.
yeah, it get really annoying, i remember the first time i saw it everyone was like attacking the guy who asked it and i defended him, but now i dont even waste the time to answer it.
I find it lame. As I always say "Do you eat girl scout cookies??!?! OMGzzz"
Yes, yes and three times yes!
yes god i hate that questions...same as "can vegetarians eat bread because it kills the yeast?" soo annoying, of course we can eat yeast! yeast is on everything, especially grapes, and fruits, that would be silly to stop eating yeast...
oh my gosh!
yes; it makes me so mad!
it really is a stupid question.