Are vegetarians who wear leather hypocrites?!
anyone else find this hypocritical?
Answers: i got into a minor argument with a friend yesterday.he is a vegetarian but yet while we were out shopping for the day he bought a real genuine leather jacket.i challenged him and said you wont eat an animal's meat but you'll wear their skin?he tells me im a bad person because i eat meat but on the other hand he thinks it's okay for vegetarians to wear leather?
anyone else find this hypocritical?
I do think your friend is hypocritical. On the other hand, there are different reasons for being a vegetarian consumer of foods. You may have sensitive stomach and can't really consume meats. A leather jacket wearer of this sort would not be a hypocrite in my eyes. I think your friend might just have a problem with admiting a fault in his argument. Why can't he just admit that he won't eat the food but he doesn't have a problem with wearing it since he might look absolutel sexy in the mirror? he's vain; that's the real issue.
No. Vegetarianism is just a diet and many do it only for health reasons.
EDIT: If your friend did it for animal rights reasons there's some question there. If they're wearing leather they have no grounds for calling you a bad person for eating meat though.
Not necessarily. So long as people are eating cows, there will be leather. If he reasons (as is likely) that the cow was killed for its meat and the leather is a byproduct; it is efficient rather than hypocritical to make use of its skin as well. On the other hand, if the cow was killed for the leather - a very rare occurrence, at least in this country - then it would be hypocritical to feed that demand.
me; i have some leather made adidas sneaks that my sister bought and never wore. i wear them all the time. i dont think it makes me a hypocrite because I didn't buy them; she did. and if i wouldnt have taken them, they'd just sit in her closet and get dusty.
but for a vegetarian person to go out and buy a leather jacket personally, then yell at you for eating a cow, yeah i think that is being a hypocrite.
It depends on their reason for being a vegetarian.
It depends on their motives for being vegeterian, to me. I know someone who doesn't eat meat only because she doesn't like the taste-never did since she was a kid, and won't even eat those Boca burgers because they taste too much like actual meat for her. Now, with her, I wouldn't mind if she wore leather.
If it was some preachy person who told me about how meat-eaters were awful people and how can you kill a living creature, etc, then YES, they are hypocritical and have no business wearing leather.
Why is he a vegetarian?
Health reasons? then no... not a hypcrite.
Animal rights/cruelty reasons? Then heck YES he is a hypocrite with a capital H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E !!!!!
No, I don't believe they are. For one, not every vegetarian made their choice based on animal welfare concerns. Even if you choose not to kill animals for food, you may consider the fact that you cannot single-handedly shut down the beef industry as justification for using a byproduct of that industry. Everyone has to draw their own line and vegetarianism is commonly accepted as a dietary choice (versus veganism, which implies a lifestyle choice.) Now, you probably shouldn't get into a bunch of finger-pointing unless you know you're going to come out clean and I don't think your friend is. He shouldn't be telling you you're bad for eating dead animals when he's wearing them. That's the point at which hypocrisy enters the picture since he's holding you to a standard which he may not be meeting himself.
Vegetarians don't eat meat. It's a choice. Not something to argue about!
But I don't wear leather
Every time you choose to buy a leather jacket or leather shoes, you sentence animals to a lifetime of suffering. Buying leather directly contributes to factory farms and slaughterhouses, since the skins of animals are the most economically important coproduct of the multibillion-dollar meat industry. The vast majority of animals slaughtered for their skin suffer all the horrors of factory farming-intense confinement, painful mutilations, deprivation, harmful hormone and antibiotic injections, and cruel treatment during transport and slaughter.
The majority of leather comes from developing countries like India and China, where animal welfare laws are either non-existent or not enforced. Most of the cows and other animals who are slaughtered for their skin endure extreme crowding and deprivation as well as castration, branding, tail-docking, and dehorning, all without any pain relief. A PETA investigation in India documented that cows had their tails broken and chili peppers and tobacco rubbed into their eyes in order to force them to stand up and move after they collapsed from exhaustion on the way to the slaughterhouse. At slaughterhouses, animals routinely have their throats slit and are skinned and dismembered while they are still conscious after improper stunning.
so if he's a veggie because he doesnt like meat then i suppose he could wear leather but if he is veggie because he disagrees with the abuse and suffering the animal suffers before it gets on peoples plates then yes he is a hypocrite!
Yeah, I totally get your point.
But, maybe its just taking your friends some time to make all the changes. I mean its hard at first to be a vegetarian when all your peers are eating meat. -
Plus its better to do one small thing (not eat meat), versus a big fat nothing!
As Me-Aster Bunny has already stated vegetarianism or just being a vegetarian is NOTHING but a DIET.
Vegetarianism has nothing to do with USING/BUYING/or PROCURING products made from animals, but it sure has plenty to do with CONSUMING products made from animals.
Funny how most self proclaimed "vegetarians" don't know that. Cracks me up.....
–noun 1. a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.
The only people who would find this hypocritical are only those who merely lob their input into the forum without first checking sources or having a frikken clue what they're talking about.
Depends on the reasons. If he is all about eating healthier, and that's it...then I don't think so. If he is more about animal welfare, from like a PETA perspective, then I'd say he needs to get a very LARGE hypocrite cone for his head. At least you eat the meat and get some sustanance from it...he's just making a fashion statement at the expense of a, he would likely not have a jacket if someone hadn't whacked a cow for the meat. Odd choice on his part, if that's the case.
your friend is an idiot :|
Vegetarian normally base their diet around health concerns rather than concerns for the actual animal. Although anti-animal cruelty is a big part of who they are, vegans are the ones who refuse the use of any animal product.