What do vegetarians do when they eat meat by accident?!
Answers: I was just curious, if you choose not to eat meat, why, and what do you do if you happen to have a taste of chicken or anything of that sort, on purpose or by accident? Just curious :)
It wouldn't happen on purpose; if it happened by accident I'd just forget it and move on. I didn't do it by choice, I won't do it again if I can help it. No need for drama or self-loathing.
if they are vegetarian for dietary reasons only its no big deal. it happens.
One of two things:
If they find out it's meat, they get angry and/or sick (nauseous).
If they never find out, absolutely nothing happens. Life goes on and they are oblivious.
I used to freak out but not anymore. If it happens in a restaurant, I immediately return the dish and request a replacement but I never make a scene about it. Actually this has happened to me twice and in both cases they were very apologetic and in one of those cases, my tab was halved. You should always be diplomatic, unless of course they did it to you intentionally. Fortunately no one has done that to me.
I would get the runs when I ate meat by accident. Along with a terrible tummy ache.
Well, I haven't ever swallow meat, but I've had it in my mouth my some accident or anyother, and I just spit it out and move on.
I hear that if you do eat meat after being a vegetarian, you become very sick and throw it up.
I chose not to eat meat for many reasons. One is that I know better than to eat something that was once alive.
Well, I'd spit it out if i noticed soon enough.
If it's already been swallowed there isn't anything one can do, so you've got to move on and hopefully be more vigilant in future.
I don't think anyone except perhaps veg*n extremists would throw a tantrum or anything, mostly we try to be careful and avoid the possibility in the first place.
Well i have been a life long vegetarian and i feel totally disghusted if i eat meat by accident. I litrally feel like throwing up...but i have met people who have become vegetarian who used to eat meat before...the certainly dont like it but its not that big a deal for them.
BAD Karma
I don't eat things by accident. I make everything homemade, so I know exactly whats in it.
Run to the Ladies room and cry. Call Ingrate Newjerk and PETA will sue the pants off of the Murderers !!!!
not, a big deal, by the body being on a low level of toxic will eliminate this with no harm.
nothing ! see above
on the occasion that this happened to me, i just gagged myself until it came up. even though people think it's not good for you, it's better than gorging red meat. :)
I've only done it twice (both accidental) in the nine years I've been a vegetarian, and both times I've thrown it up, mostly because I have a weak stomach.
I just shrug it off and move on. No big deal.
It rarely ever happens (to me at least) but if it does happen what can you do about it? You've already ate it. You just make sure you dont do it again x
They stop being vegetarians and start eating meat.