How can I start an animal rights group at uni?!
I'm asking in the V&V and not another section because I know you guys are also caring and passionate about animals.
Answers: There is no current groups or members. How can I get the word out? How can I get people to join? What sort of activities should we undertake (preferably not PETA style nude activism)? But mainly, how do I start?
I'm asking in the V&V and not another section because I know you guys are also caring and passionate about animals.
Each university has different policies and procedures for starting a student group, so first check with your Student Activities office (or whatever it's called at your school). You might need to find a faculty advisor, write a charter for the organization, fill out forms, etc.
Many schools require a certain number of people to start a group. So once you know the procedures, create a tear-off recruiting flyer with contact info and post copies on bulletin boards around campus. If you know anyone who's interested in animal rights, give them copies of the flyer to hand out to their friends & post in their dorms.
Once you're established as a group, find out what kind of publicity resources are available to student groups. For example, many schools have student organization fairs where you can set up a table and distribute info about your group. (Make sure you have a sign-up sheet for people to write their e-mail addresses). My college had a TV station and student groups could have free advertising on the channel simply by filling out a form. If it's allowed, you could use chalk on the campus sidewalks to advertise, or hand out leaflets as people are going into the student center. Letters to the editor of your school paper are also effective for raising awareness of animal issues and getting your organization's name out there.
Some groups focus on specific campaigns (like veganizing the dorm cafeterias) while other groups do more general public outreach events (film screenings, speakers, soy ice cream socials, etc). I suggest finding out what your members are really passionate about & interested in and go from there. Just don't waste too much time having meetings... only have them when they're necessary. It's good to have a mixture of social events like potlucks and activism/outreach events to promote animal rights. Also, remember to delegate responsibilities... you shouldn't be doing everything for the group, even as the leader. People feel like valued members when they're asked to contribute their special skills/talents.
One more suggestion - make your student group's name sound as unthreatening as possible, to help w/ funding and recruiting efforts. Something like "Students Helping Animals" is better than "Activists Against Animal Exploitation"!
Feel free to e-mail me w/ any questions or if you need help with graphic design. Good luck!!
well first of all to start you have to find your target audience
so i would be looking at hanging flyers outlining your intentions in the cafeterias etc, i bet your uni is the same as every other, vegetarians/vegans are vastly undercatered for, so they will be interested
then you arrange a couple of informal meetings and assess just what everyone expects and wants and hopes to achieve
THEN you get in touch with a local organisation and ask someone to come as a guest speaker, they are always happy to help and encourage, and you are on your way to forming your group,
well done and good luck
This is a great idea!
Maybe you could rally some friends round? Ask your course leader (assuming you have one).
Make leaflets, posters, etc to get recognised. You seem to be really passionate about animal rights, so I think you can do it!
Other people will see how passionate you are. Just gather the facts together and distribute leaflets around!
Get support from other veggies/vegans. Posters would be effective way to get the message across.
I think this idea has potential
You're an intelligent person, I believe in you!! :-)
*edit: Is there a course leader you could talk to? You could arrange weekly meetings etc etc? By having weekly meetings you can get people involved. The more people helping you out the better :-)
Hang fliers in dorms, cafeterias (yes. . .), unions, etc. Talk to your university/student government about getting a meeting room available, so you can have a scheduled meeting time/place. You may be able to get a few $$ to help you organize.
Make sure your flier is clear about your aims and methodologies. Otherwise you may have issues trying to organize a group of uncohesive folks.
Oh, and see if there are some national organizations that have similar viewpoints. They may be able to support you as well.
While I'm not a vegetarian, good luck!
Post a notice on the community message board, all sorts of vegetarians will come see, but remember, keep your beliefs to yourself and dont sprout them, some people are vegan and others accept animal byproducts, dont judge them, at least they are trying, not everyone agress with your philosophy but get to know the other vegetarians and find out why they believe what they do without being judgemental, goodluck on your cause, if I have the choice to give up meat or fruit and veg, bye bye meat, you are not alone, just dont be over zealous, goodluck to you!
hi hala! :)
do some posters and arrange your first meeting, make sure there is a contact number on the posters so that maybe if people can't make the chosen day/time at least it will give you an idea of how many are interested.
get as much information as you can from animal rights organisations, and maybe some leaflets too!
as for activities i think it would be best to discuss that at the meeting, as to what areas people want to cover!
for example if there is a shop in your area that sells fur maybe decide to do a demonstration/leafleting out side the shop for maybe two/three hours, make sure you have lots of info and maybe a petition, make some banners so that people can see why you are there,make sure you are all polite to the public even if they are ranting and raving and put your point across calmly! make sure you know the laws about protesting/gathering and try a find a solicitor who is compassionate about your cause(get some cards of them and give to everybody on the demo).
not sure what the laws are like there but here the laws have been tightened up!
you don't have to do things illegally to get the message across!
is it possible to find your local animal rights group and go along to get some ideas and obviously some support!
and word of mouth is one of the best ways to let people know so spread it around!
i know you have the intelligence and compassion to make a go of this idea! lots of luck! :) x
I wish I could be more helpful,.....How about getting peoples together on a web site,..then take it from there,...?
You know ,..start your own web page.
I'll Join!!!!!
your best bet would be to connect with another university animal rights group see if there views are the same as yours and you could use the same charter or make yours similar.Piggy backing on an existing group would give you the benefits of organization skills and avoid some of the growing pains they have endured.First send out info on message boards at the uni to see the responses you would get