What kind of V8 has the most melatonin and vitmain b6?!
Answers: Melatonin and Vitmain B6 cause vivid, lucid dreams, and I REALLY want to have one. Apparently V8 has a combination of melatonin and vitmain b6 which i believe. I went on the V8 website and theres a varitey of V8 beverages. For example theres V8-Splash, V8-Fusion, and Classic V8 which I bought. I was just wondering if their was one in particulr that a hihger melatonin and vitamin b6 amount than the rest. Also If anyone else has tried V8 for obtaining lucid dreams it would be a great help if they could tell me if it helped at all. Thanks.
Eat a banana! They contain Vitamin B6, otherwise known as Pyridoxine.
I've never heard of that, but i've heard of another product recently, that, cause vivid lucid dreams, abit more pricy then V8 though
here's the link, .
I don't know who started this rumor. If V8 juice helps with lucid dreaming, it has nothing to do with melatonin or B6. I looked at several different varieties of V8 juice (vegetable, Splash & Fusion) none of which contained any B vitamins or even mentioned melatonin. I checked online and double checked at the grocery store.
It may be another vitamin (A & C were on each lable I read) mineral or just the placebo effect.