Been vegetarian all my do I start eating meat?!
I'm marrying someone who is a meat eater and so are his family and extended family. My own family and I have been vegetarian all our lives. I guess the reason I want to start meat is to gain health benefits but also fit in/connect with my new family. Otherwise everytime they cook, they will have to make seperate veggie food for me..I don't think it could last that long..
Any suggestions on how I can overcome this and start meat?
Answers: may sound simple, but I have mental barriers to start eating meat..I think I'll be sick!..
I'm marrying someone who is a meat eater and so are his family and extended family. My own family and I have been vegetarian all our lives. I guess the reason I want to start meat is to gain health benefits but also fit in/connect with my new family. Otherwise everytime they cook, they will have to make seperate veggie food for me..I don't think it could last that long..
Any suggestions on how I can overcome this and start meat?
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
If you've been a vegetarian all your life, and you don't have any health issues as a result of your diet, why do you feel that you want to start eating animals "to gain health benefits" - it just doesn't make any sense.
If I had a chance to go back and live my life again, I would be a vegetarian my whole life, instead of just from 14 years of age onwards.
I guess marrying into an Indian non-vegetarian family (as I did) wouldn't be as bad as marrying into a non-Indian non-vegetarian family in terms of "fitting in" because Indians normally cook vegetable and animal dishes separately anyway, so it was never an issue while I was married. The only argument I can remember over food was my objection to them ruining perfectly good cauliflower by cooking it with egg. Bleurk!
Don't compromise your principles just to "fit in" - if your husband's family can't love and respect you enough to accept your differences, then it doesn't bode well for the relationship with the extended family as a whole. Why doesn't your husband become a vegetarian to "fit in" with HIS new family? It would make as much sense.
Digetively speaking, it may take your system some getting used to. I was vegetarian for 10 years, and started back slowly; first fish, then chicken, eventually beef and pork.
However, I do know former veggies who just dove in and had a burger.
Do what sounds good to you.
Even though I do eat meat now, from a health standpoint, a vegetarian diet is really healthy if done correctly (not just fries and bean burritos the way I did it the first year).
I do know well what it's like at family functions (especially in the South in the US) when you're the only vegetarian, so I can sympathize. I would not, however, start eating meat again for that reason alone.
100 years from now, people will likely all be vegan, and totally healthy.
You can have a perfectly healthy diet as a vegetarian.As for wanting to fit in with your new family, don't compromise your beliefs for anyone,if your partener loves you, he'll understand this.
Eat small bites at a time of meat that are not that greasy, or hard to digest, because your body is going to react differently, because it's not used to getting food in your system, that's harder to breakdown, since veggies are so easy for the stomach to break down!! Good Luck!!
if he loves you i don't see why he can't make that extra effort, but then again if you love him you should make effort too.
one of my dad's gf's daughters is vegitarian (one of the daughters, not one of the gfs) and when we get together for dinners we just cook extra veggies and a vegitarian side that she will eat.
if you do want to eat meat then i think you should consult a doctor, i know it sounds funny but your body could go into shock! maybe just call your doctor up and ask him if there is any special way to do it, or if there are any dangers in eating meat for hte first time. I guess you would start by eating small ammounts of meat, like maybe a make pasties with a tiny bit of mince meat, and then slowly add more meat and less veggies. meat really can be delisouse, really it can.
as for hte mental barriors maybe your doctor could help with that, idk. but in the end it will prob. be a leap of faith, like sky diving or ab sailing or somehing like that!
since you have been going so long without eating meat your body might react in a way that is not normal for you right now so start slowly and you could also ask a health professional for advice and get an educated answer on how to go about that. otherwise you are just getting speculation.
If you really want to dishonor your own parents, just put the meat in your mouth, chew it and then swallow.
There are no health benefits to eating meat unless you are starving and emaciated but at that point almost anything would have benefits.
If you want to be weak and do whatever is easiest to fit in, you should have no problem eating meat if you take it slow.
Additional health benefits include: saturated fat, cholesterol and concentrated pesticides due to build up from less than human grade grain.
Many people are vindictive in their belief that their habits are justified by crucial health benefits. In reality, they are just immature and delusional in their attempts to present their side as more right than the other.
If meat has so many supposed "health benefits" why have many top tier athletes improved performance on a vegan diet?
by opening your mouth and putting the food in, try it!
i find it most strange that all these people that want to eat meat ask the question on their first day in Q & A
are we having an influx of trollops?????
I applaud your desire to make a sacrifice just so you can bond with your future in laws.. But it is all unnecessary. If your fiancee i fine with your being a vegetarian then his family should accept that fact too. It may be awkward at first but I'm sure they will get used to it. Next time you visit, impress hem with a veggie dish which all of you can enjoy. Or you can cook one right there and show then it's no big thing at all. If you don't make a big deal out f it, neither will they.
I am a vegetarian married to an omni. I am perhaps lucky because my husband was the one who said at the table "She's a vegetarian guys so don't ask her to have the some of the chicken". No problems from then on.
Hiiya x I am a vegetarian and at one point of my life i decided to be come a meat eater x
I did it by starting off with eating meat flavoured crisps to get used to the taste then start eating meals that are vegetarian but you can add a bit of meat x
You Will soon get used to it x
Hope it helped it did for me x
Start at home alone with small portions and see what happens.
A tiny, tiny, tiny, piece at a time each day. Then increase the portions. No additives. Sample beef, pork, chicken, fish, duck, etc. gradually.
"I guess the reason I want to start meat is to gain health benefits but also fit in/connect with my new family. "
You will probably only find that you increase your risk for heart disease and cancer and increase toxic pesticide levels and hormone levels rather than gain health benefits.
I understand the reason behind the decision to start eating meat to fit in with your husband's family, but they need to respect your lifestyle choices and beliefs too. You could just offer to bring your own food to family get-togethers or even better, show them how you prepare vegetarian food. You would be surprised how interested many people are. Often they don't cook vegetarian food because they don't know how.
Well, you are incorrect in assuming there are health benefits to be gained. I'm not sure if your would-be husband and his family were the ones to tell you this, but it looks like their scheme was successful.
I might marry someone who ate meat, but I wouldn't start eating it to fit in with her family. That's not love. Besides, I'd be marrying her, not her family. Why would you care so much about what your husband's family thinks?
i am a vegetarian and my husband and his family are not.......they have never made me feel like i don't fit in and are always very helpful, asking what i can eat and what i can't, etc. you might want to try it for a could be surprised. to assume that you won't fit it because of a dietary preference is cutting your inlaws a little short, isn't it? why not give them the chance to accept you as you are first?
You would get more helpful suggestions if you posted this in the general "Food & Drink" section.
Eating meat will not afford you any health benefits- quite the opposite in fact. And why would you want to marry someone, if you had to change your beliefs to feel accepted?
That said, eating meat is pretty simple:
1. Open mouth
2. Insert decaying flesh of dead animal
3. Chew
4. Swallow.
You might want to go to your doctor and get some medications for acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, and maybe something to lower cholesterol.
Always good to be prepared.
You are much healthier as a vegetarian. And I am one and am married to a meat-eater and everyone has pretty much adjusted. Even my own family isn't vegetarian so it has been an adjustment for everyone since I stopped eating meat but they respect me and make accommodations. I return the favor for them as well when we have guests.
You are obviously doing this out of love and respect for your future husband but what about him? Shouldn't he love and respect you enough to accept you as you have always been?
But if you insist on changing, then as others have said, gradually is better. It will allow your digestive system to adjust.
start eating curry's or somthing
and just put a tiny bit of meat init
just think.. eating meat aswell as vegetables is much more healthier than missing meat out
it makes u weak and unhealthy
meat tastes sooo yummy aswell x
Well, it is very nice of you to be considerate to your new husband and his family by getting rid of your stuffy diet. It will be a lot less awkward if they don't have to tiptoe around your tofu. Best way to introduce meat into your diet is very slowly. I would start with fish and chicken before working your way back up to beef. You may feel sick at first but it will all come back. Eating meat is a natural as riding a bike, you never forget how. Good luck!