I am wondering, will becoming a vegan or vegetarian stop the rest of the world from eating meat?!

Question: No offense to those that are of the vegan or vegetarian. But, do you think the world will become vegan or vegetarian because of the stand of those that don't eat meat? And what of those that do harvest animals and use every single part of that animal and waste nothing? Do those that don't have any animal protein in their diet think that they are saving the earth? Please don't give "Duh!" answers. I am respectfully trying to understand the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle.

Answers: No offense to those that are of the vegan or vegetarian. But, do you think the world will become vegan or vegetarian because of the stand of those that don't eat meat? And what of those that do harvest animals and use every single part of that animal and waste nothing? Do those that don't have any animal protein in their diet think that they are saving the earth? Please don't give "Duh!" answers. I am respectfully trying to understand the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle.

If you don't stand for something, You will fall for anything.

Meaning..we all need to do our part, in some way to make this place better, livable.. No matter what you do, even if it is picking up someone elses trash in front of your house.. contribute to making it better and vegans are trying to do the right thing for them.. I respect that.

nope....no one takes away my meat me love meat as cookie monster loves cookies

one person can't change the world. i could be wrong but i think that's unlikely.

they do not believe in killing animals most animals were given for food though

I love eating meat and I eat enough to make up for the people who dont....so dont worry

i used to think that too. but now i know somebody who is a vegan and i understand it as more of a personal thing. i think they know they can't change 6,000,000's eating lifestyles but they like to show that they're against it anyway. same way a person will wear a livestrong bracelet.

no, but it'll leave more meat for me.....................

I am trying a vegan diet for 6 weeks for strictly health reasons. After reading "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman, I won't ever have much meat in my diet again, perhaps once a week.

not everyone is a vegetarian or vegan because of the fact that animals are killed. So that is a judgmental statement.

I am a vegetarian. I chose to be a vegetarian because the quality of my life is better. Vegetarians are healther, estimated to live 7 years longer than their meat eating counterparts. Do more research. A lot of vegetarians, especially vegans do it for HEALTH REASONS.

So no it won't stop the rest of the world from eating meat. But I don't care.

I don't think anybody's stand on this on either side will change anyone else's mind. I've always figured people who don't eat meat simply don't enjoy it. I have also always figured that people who live a certain way to "change my mind" are wasting their time. I want facts and information, not emotions or opinions.
I support anyone who wants to be healthy--that's cool--but not anybody who tries to tell me I got to change. Hence, I don't try to argue or tell anybody what to do.

I understand exactly what you are saying. I think a lot of vegans think that the rest of the world will follow them. The only way I think people will stop eating meat all together, is if somehow the vegans make it illegal to hunt or kill animals. I hope that never happens. I personally think meat is a good source of protein.

I do not know about the rest of the world but I will continue to eat meat.

i sometimes eat meat, i mostly dont

meat and chicken are great, but honestly- it just isn't the most logical way of feeding a nation! It cost money to raise that many animals- water- feed- hormones-antibiotics. Its no wonder they are treated so poorly. They are trying to make a profit.
As for water resources more than half the water consumed in the US is to raise animals for food. A veggie diet requires 300 gallons per day. A meat based diet required more than 4,000 gallons of water per day.
Global warming: the meat industry cause more global warming than all cars trucks suvs planes and ships in the world combined.
Polution: Farmed animals produce about 130 times as much excrement as the entire human population of the united states.
So I don't think the world will choose this lifestyle- but every one person helps!
One may think- how am I saving the earth- just me- how will it matter?
But its all about supply and demand. Think of the 2% vegans out there. There is 2 % less demand for meat..eggs, dairy. And believe me- the meat that gets laid out for supermarket shoppers, gets consumed- my meat eaters, that is there demand. One person does make a difference.

The number of animals that are bred and slaughtered depends directly on the consumer demand for meat. Every time we refrain from purchasing meat in a grocery store, we reduce this consumer demand and ensure that fewer animals will be bred and forced to suffer in the future.

So while going vegetarian won't "save the world", it does have a significant impact. It's estimated that each vegetarian prevents the deaths of about 100 animals per year.

Think about vegetarianism in terms of stealing. There will always be thieves in the world, and I'm not going to change the world if I personally choose not to steal. But I strongly believe that it's unethical, so I'm not going to do it myself. Deciding to steal would be the same as saying, “If I can’t stop all the evils of the world, I may as well give up and engage in them myself.”

No, it won't. But, all vegers added together make a difference nonetheless.

It may surprise you to find out that I'm not trying to stop the rest of the world from eating meat. To each their own. I am responsible for my own decisions and I have to make them in accordance with my own values. I do not wish to support a disgusting industry, so I don't. I cannot save the Earth; I can only do MY part to reduce MY carbon footprint. Veg*nism is a major part of that. Do you think that if you can't save the world or save all the animals that it's pointless to do anything at all in that direction? If so, that's a very sadly defeatist attitude, although it'll come in handy any time you want to get out of making a tough decision...

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead

Nobody stops eating meat hoping other people will do the same. People stop eating meat because they think it's healthier, better for the enviroment, more ethical or whatever reason. Now if others are influenced and stop eating as well, it's a bonus. I think it is wrong killing animals to eat when it's factual we don't need it. But I know the killing won't stop....I'm just glad I'm not a part of it...

Of course the whole world will not become a vegan if a small percentage of the population is, but every person that changes to a veggie diet is helping the earth, even if it is only one person at a time. Everyone has their own opinions and I'm sure there is always going to be someone that is eating meat, but at least I can sleep at night knowing that I don't contribute to the horrible exploitation of any animal. It makes me feel good inside no matter what anyone says.

No,my being vegetarian will not stop meat eating. People have the right to make choices as they see fit. And while I choose to be a vegetarian for my own reasons, I still and would respect people who eat meat.

However,just because something probably does not make s significant impact, it is not a reason for people to give up on what they feel is morally right. Just because all people will die sometime, it doens;t mean they should stop enjoying life.

Yes. I am vegan and i'm doing a great thing for the earth.

Do you know how much water it takes every day to process meat and everything? Well, you won't be using half as much if you are vegetarian or vegan.

Slaughter houses have run off's that contribute to pollution and the cutting down of forests so there can be space for animals before they are slaughtered.

..What good does eating flesh do? Nothing.

I am vegan and I encourage people that eat meat to harvest it from the wild.

I don't know where you got the idea that veg people think they will change the whole world. It's a pretty deluded view of our choices.

I am vegan because I don't want anything to do with this:

There is no need to eat animal products to be healthy, so why should I contribute to such suffering?

Some people may be inspired by the way that I live, but basically, it is my choice and every other person on Earth has their own choice to make. Only a fool would think that they can force others to think like they do.

i personally have influenced quite a few people to at least their meat intake and at least know where their meat comes from.

should people have kept slaves because "oh if i don't, everone else will still keep them anyway, so what's the point?" that's not a good attitude. i'm not goign to keep doing something i think is wrong just because it's common. it's still wrong and i want no part in it.

i don't give it up with the expectation that anyone else will....in fact, my husband is a meat eater and i'm okay with that. i think it's a personal decision. i gave it up because each person that stops eating meat saves the lives of 100 animals each year. maybe that isn't changing the world, but it is definitely doing my part.

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