How many people were hardcore vegans and decided to relax a bit?!
Answers: to become a flex vegan/veg?
Not enough...people would rather hold onto their beliefs and ideals than realize what's actually good for them.
*Edit* That goes for both sides, not just vegan but uber meat-eaters as well. Way to use your thumb-downs, guys. =)
I assume some people who go vegan for health may someday relax a bit. But those of us who are vegan for moral reasons don't back down easily.
I'm a vegan and I'm pretty relaxed, but then i have peace of mind that I am not contributing to the cruelty and suffering of animals.
Depends on your real reason for being a vegan in the first place!
To Kyle & Fluffycat: Thumbs up to you guys!
Anyhoo there is no such thing as a ''flex vegan''. It is a nonsense word.
For example, you cannot have a ''heterosexual gay man''. It does not make logical sense :o)
Can you have a hetero lesbian man? Yes, so relax a little.
Being a healthy vegan is very good for me, - so why would I change that. I am also very relaxed. -
Hey Damiana, having beliefs and being a healthy vegan are not exclusive. - they are actually more compatible and peaceful than eating a dead animal!
my family fluxuates between being more vegan and less vegan right now I think we are less vegan, meaning we have some dairy products,
Ey up, CS; new account mate? What happened to the old one?
None, as there is no such thing as a flex vegan/veg. Some may have changed to become flexitarians or fully fledged meat-eaters, though I've never met one. I know someone who was vegan for years - one of the first vegans I ever met - who changed and became vegetarian, ie he began to include dairy products and eggs in his diet.
not me
but i read this n i wanna comment on it
octocat! wrote...
For every vegan/vegetarian I meet - I eat 3 times as much meat - out of spite - so they are killing extra animals for being a vegan.
well octocat, im sure with all that meat eating, ur doing ur body a lot of damage coz we all know eating meat is bad for u, but if ur gona eat 3 times as much... well!! ur gona die at an early age, maybe u will get heart disease or somethin, but the veggies will live way longer... so really by doing what ur doing now, ur saving animals in the future coz u will die early. well done mate
I'm not sure what you mean by "hardcore." I strive to live as cruelty-free as is feasable, if that's what you mean.
I don't ever see myself "relaxing" my veganism. I won't ever eat dairy or eggs again purely for the gross-out factor, and I don't think I could eat meat again if I wanted to... non-vegan foods/products/clothing just sicken me.
How many people were hardcore vegans and decided to relax a bit to become a flex vegan?
None did, CS.
Considering there's no such thing as a "flex vegan", nobody did. I'm sure some folks became vegetarians only and gave up the vegan lifestyle while retaining the diet.
Nice new avatar on your new account, CS.
For every vegan/vegetarian I meet - I eat 3 times as much meat - out of spite - so they are killing extra animals for being a vegan.