What should i do for drying vegetables (parsley,mint..)after washing them?!
Answers: after seprating bad parts from good parts of pasley we wash them.the problem is that we have to wait for a long time to let them dry then putting them in refregirater.(cause if we put them wet in refregirator they will be spoiled am i right?)
you are right they can spoil if wet, however if you have room in your fridge you can stand them up in a container of water- this is what we do in restaurant kitchens.
i wouldn't use paper as for drying as it is wasteful and bad for the environment. You can buy a lettuce dryer (aka salad spinner) which are made of plastics so they are also bad for the environment but you only do it once so it's not as wasteful
I wash my vegetables and fruit, then put them on a towel and gently pat them dry.
after washing them put them between layers of white paper towels to soak up excess water. set oven to lowest temperature for 15 minutes, set your parsley or mint on a cookie sheet, place in oven, turn every 15 minutes. once dry, put into clean containers
You mentioned herbs -- parsley and mint -- with these types I am assuming that you do not grow them with herbicides or pesticides or fungicides, right? If so, then just chop them up and put them in the freezer in little baggies. That way you only take out what you need. If you purchase them from a grocery store, then make sure they are grown pesticide- and fungicide-free. When you get them from a store, they are usually already cleaned, so just shake the water off and repackage. If you really want to dry them, then tie butcher's twine around the stems in bunches and hang upside down, away from drafts and away from direct sunlight. With herbs such as these, they should be dried in a couple of days, possibly even about a week. Then, crumble and put into reused and cleaned spice bottles. Putting the herbs in the fridge damp with water will not spoil them any quicker.
i dont know thats a really good question. i do know that my mom would know. she is the head chef at the Fatz Caffe in Blairsville Georgia. You should go there. Order the steak its really good. But ill get back to you on that one. Shell know the answer!
Blot them dry and place them in single layer on a few sheets of paper towel on a cookie sheet in a warm dry place like the top of your stove, anyplace that is not too humid like a bathroom or laundry room will work just fine.