Why do meat eaters even bother visiting the vegetarian and vegan section of Y!A?!
Answers: After all, it's clearly not geared towards them!:)
Well I know we have a group of trolls who plague us here - every YA section has trolls - but there are some regular users of this forum who are meat-eaters and make an intelligent contribution. Because they're not judgemental, even though they might poke a little fun, they have the respect of most of the users of this forum. I wouldn't like to see them leave.
Why the aggressive veg*n-hating few do it - boredom? lack of outside interests? lack of friends? lack of intelligence? Who knows.
I use the cancer forum a lot, and there are people who post cancer jokes on there, and people who post pretending to have cancer; there's trolls on every forum.
I think maybe they're really bored. I've always sort of wondered that myself after I saw some of their answers.
I like reading the random post of Ashley/Cristy.... I now hear of person called slotted spoon.
other than that I like educating myself on a subject I know very little about and people like Maggie can give you some insight...
Because it is something to do! Nothing has to be geared towards them, how many atheists do you see clutter the religion section? It's because they want to say their side
1. To share their thoughts, no matter how different they are
2. to argue about the rights of either side, and the logic
3. Sometimes they have a good time mocking people or trying to sound superior
4. Just because they can
anyone is free to search around, even more so if they don't agree to discuss it. both sides get a little over their head sometimes though, but you can't blame them.
i always wonder why they are so hostile to people that don't eat meat. maybe they are a little jealous that we look so good. lol
To discuss V & V issues. I, personally, hang around to share information and make sure that propaganda based disinformation and opinion isn't received as cold hard fact.
The meater/flexitrolls are no more representative of meaters than Ashley/Christy, et al, are of vegers. Endeavor to ignore them all.
"After all, it's clearly not geared towards them!:)"---What the hell are all of those humans doing in the "Dogs" section?
I am a meat eater, but everything I eat doesn't have to have meat in it.
I just came here because you are one of my contacts and asked a question :P I'll leave now before the flogging comes.
maybe they want a change of diet. or freedom. or boredom
if you click on food and drink link ---- you'll kind of notice all the answers from sub categories are listed. Also not all the meat eaters are anti vegetarian.
I do like to read the Q&A in veg section --- get some ideas, learn few things, meat eater or not everyone realizes vege food is better for your health.
However I would like more people to list some recipes targeted for meat eaters, or people who aren't that keen on eating raw veges. It's not a secret majority of people(ok guys) don't like asparagus, broccoli, sprouts etc, or uncooked veges. So maybe give us people more recipes that we can enjoy as well.
Again most people aren't anti vegetarian, though at the same time they don't like vegetarian views imposed either(minority).
it makes people feel less guilty about the way they act if they can make someone else feel bad for their choices. if eating an animal doesn't make you feel even the slightest bit of guilt (especially after seeing things like "Meet your Meat") then there is something wrong with you. people that know the torture animals go through and still choose to eat meat have to get on here and bash veg*ns to try to make us feel like we're the ones in the wrong. little do they know how proud we are of our choice.......
because we are curious, is that a problem? why are you all so sensitive anyways, any time any one asks you anything you all flag it. has it ever occurred to you that we don't really understand you and are asking sincere questions? i guess not, i asked why, and listed the most common arguments against vegetarianism and it got flagged, because it was "insulting", omg get over yourselves. i am not a meat eating troll, i wanted to now why most people are vegetarians or vegans, i guess i'll never know because everytime i try to ask, it gets flagged. p.s. i don't eat most meat either, and am extremely picky about food, when people ask me about it i explain myself, instead of getting my panties in a bunch. try it sometime, and you can flag this if you must, but i speak the truth
oh and here is something for you all to get upset about, my neighboor is a vegan, she is a nice girl but she is sooo strange, she obviously has ocd, she is completely neurotic, and she looks sick all the time, soooo skinny. i just want to shove some protein down her throat. put a little junk back in that trunk
I look through the food section as a whole seeing if i can help someone out, it just happens to be in the overall food section. I personally wish I could block it since I'm sick of meat eaters always posting retarded questions like "do you eat animal crackers?" "do you know how many bug, rabbits, aliens are killed with combines harvesting your veggies?"
I just happen to glance at the titles as I'm surfin through.
1. Curiosity (hats off for these type) or has a sincere question.
2. Our mere existence is a challenge to some of them as to what they believe.
3. Some obtain a sick pleasure via trolling
4. Some I'm sure love a good debate. I've been known to like a good debate myself, though I only debate things I believe in. If someone makes a good point I'll allow it to shift my perspective.
your questions show up in food and drink general until they get to the bottom of the page.......most will not bother answering unless you put the term meat eater in the question....you always complain about it .........don't use the term meat eater and most won't bother............we will most always defend our beliefs as you do.........freedom of speech
It is a free forum. Just because it is labeled as V&V does not mean it is theirs exclusive. I never started with the intent of coming here to agitate. After a question caught my eye and reading some of the responses I felt a need to respond to what I feel is some misinformation and even a few lies. As long as there are organizations that are dedicated to take away my right to eat what I want I will continue to comment here.
Sometimes they know the answer :O oh yeah...
I think for the same reason many Atheists go to the Religion and Spirituality section.
They see us as trying to convert them so they've decided to try to convert us...
Some meat eaters actually like vegan and vegetarian cuisine...I am a chef and I cook everything under the sun...its such a close-minded thing to think that just because someone is a meat eater that they can't enjoy an amazing meatless dish.....Unless you are on YA to stir up trouble and not use this forum for what its here for, a question and answer source NOT a platform.
I am a meat eater, but I am also a Chef, I work a a Hospital, that has alot of Vegans, and Vegetarian Patients, so if i can get new ideas from this site, it helps me, come up with new ideas. as for other meat eaters, why not? After all, all of the Answer sites are open to everybody, are they not???
I'm a meat eater and I am curious.
While I do eat meat, I have a heart. I do support free range meats and I would certainly support more humane treatment of animals before they make it to my plate. I do make an effort to avoid veal because I really think it is horrific treatment of a cow.
I think there is some good information here, too.
Because many meat eaters are curious and want to learn moer about their diet. I come on this forum because I belong. I am a flexitarian vegan and I have a lot of knowledge and questions about the vegan diet altogether.
Michael H says it best.
Oh, and also, Christy the hateful vegan attracts everyone, but in a negative way. She should be banned from Y/A altogether.
I'm not vegan, but I answer questions here occasionally when it is a nutritional question that I actually have an answer to.
I would never discourage a person from being vegan/vegetarian, it can be healthy, but only if it is done correctly. You can't just disregard the fact that some nutrients are not easily available without animal products, you have to know where to get them from in other ways.
So, don't go on a crusade to shut out anyone based on what they eat, it's all about the attitude they have about the subject.
Like I said, Christy is a supposed juicearian, but she is the most negative person on Y/A that I've seen and should be banned.
To Michael H & Mrs Reznor- Great answers guys!!
The vegetarian section is about veggies, if you have a problem with us, you can go somewhere else! Simple.
Because they are free to go in any section they'd like.
It is a subcategory of the Food Section and can be for anyone who wants to visit it. I used to answer a lot here, till the first of the year came and I became chained to my desk for tax season. Regardless, I am an omni who likes to visit here because, one, I have several buds who are veggies who are in here and secondly, even though I am an omni, I enjoy cooking and I really do not eat meat 24/7/365. I like to look at the recipes that people post and I have learned a lot about organic choices over the past several months.
While, I think you are talking more about trolls, who stir up trouble, you really shouldn't worry about omni's too much. The vast majority of us have no intention of trying to shove meat in your face or condemn you diet. Most of us are peaceful people who like to discuss food and learn more about healthy eating options.
Have a nice day!
Because it's a place called the United States, dear. If people want to become vegetarian, they can, and this section provides information on that. Nobody said you had to be born veg, or that you had to go through a rite of passage to use this section. It's almost like asking, "Why do immigrants come to the United States when it's clearly not inteded for them?"
Some may want inspiration, and they might eventually go vegetarian. Let 'em in!
They are jealous and wish they were vegetarians/vegans :)
If you didn't know, you're question still gets posted in food and drink in general.it still appears there, and we read it, and we get hurt. it would be nice though if it appeared only in the Vegan section. So that we wouldn't have to deal with questions that call meat-eaters trolls.