Hey Hippie
Vegetarians and vegans choose to be that way for DIFFERENT reasons. They ain't all cow lovers. SOME of them do it for health reasons, believe it or not.
And, you're too damn judgmental. Live and let live, dude. Vegetarians ain't doin' you no harm.
True vegs don't wear leather--- only the hypocrites.
This is something I struggle with personally. I have 2 leather sofas, leather shoes, and a leather coat.
By title, vegetarian means that I do not consume animals. If I were "vegan," my title would assume more.
Some vegitarians eat no meat for the health benefits. Some just dont like meat, perhaps its a texture thing. Everyone does things for different reasons, not everyone is a veg for the same reason as the person next to them.
dude they just dont like the idea of EATING other animals
I'm vegan, and there isn't so much as an animal-derived cell in anything I own, use, or eat, thankyouverymuch.
If you've got a problem with vegetarians/vegans, at least make an effort to be intelligent and creative with your insults, because I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
Quite easily. Many people are vegetarian because they choose the diet for their health and ethics have nothing to do with it.
What's up with that? You weren't educated on the subject so you lowered yourself to using stereotypes.
Wow, you're 20 and didn't know that??? Yikes!
EDIT: You're a troll, kid. I've viewed your posts. You're only kidding yourself.
"I freckin love KFC...mmm KFC...go huge a tree you hippie!"--short-term memory loss?
well you could wear light brown leather.
This has been asked before. The idea is that if someone else has already killed the cow to eat it, there's no harm in wearing the skin. In fact, it would be wasteful *not* to make use of it. If someone were killing cows just for the leather (a pretty rare event), then it wouldn't be acceptable.
Many vegetarians also eat eggs and milk products, because the animal isn't killed for it.
Vegetarianism is a dietary choice and, beyond that, each vegetarian needs to decide where they draw their own line. Some feel that, since they cannot shut down the beef industry, it's OK to wear the byproduct. Some feel that that would be hypocritical.
For a meat-eater to call them out on it is silly. It's like saying if you can't do EVERYTHING to make your stand, it's pointless to do anything at all.
some do some dont
Sometimes people are vegetarians just because they dont like meat, so that doesnt mean they dont wear it, while other people are vegetarians because they do not think its right to kill an animal and eat it/use it.
i just dont eat meat because i dont care for the taste
hand me all the leather shoes and bags in the world!
Well, some people are vegetarians for diet reasons, or because they just don't like the taste of meat. That doesn't mean they're vegans or animal rights activists.
I was not always a vegan, so I do own leather items- but I'm not about to waste them and throw them away just to make a statement. I won't buy them any more- but don't be so quick to judge.
Some Vegs grab their stuff from the thrift store because organic cruelty free gear can become expensive.
Besides I went Vegan for the environment- the other stuff came later.
I don't eat meat or leather!
I'm a vegie because i don't like the taste.
i understand your question honey . I'm a vegetarian. If i don't eat animals, what sense would it make wearing them.
some Vegetarians wont wear leather...
personally I am not a vegetarian but I dont feel any reason to bash those who are...
the ones I dont like are the hypocrites who think they are living a cruelty free life...
Well, I'm a leather wearing vegetarian and the reason for me is....I LIKE leather! LOL. Okay, I know I'm going to get a bad rating for saying that, but it's true! I think a nice leather jacket is stylish and chic and works well with a nice wardrobe. I also think that leather shoes are durable and economical. HOWEVER I'm not a vegetarian because I like animals. Actually, I'm not an animal lover at all. I don't even have any pets. I'm a veggie because for me, it's a healthier lifestyle. Hope that answers your question!