Quorn? What's your view?!
Answers: For those of you who have tried Quorn, what's it like? I've seen a mixed reaction so what do you think?
Lovely!!! I have the quorn mince when i do a spag bol, or the quorn pieces for a curry... and at christmas i had the quorn roast which is gorgous and told by my fiance that it's just like turkey and last week tried the quorn swedish style balls with pasta and that was also nice. I have been a vegetarian for around 20 years now.
Its not as bad as i expected
Its an ok replacement for meat
I really don't like it.
But that's just my opinion.
It's worth a try if you are curious :-)
Lovely stuff! Had the mince pies today : )
i would leave it in the freezer...vegetarians only i would say. it doesnt taste aweful, probably get quite tasty once know how to cook with it and you not used to eating meat anymore..
Its lovely, I eat it alot =)
Its really tasty!
EDIT: So because I have my views on Quorn, I get thumbs down?!
Its ok...... but only ok......
It's rank! What i don't get is why vegetarians would want to buy something that is trying to be just like meat when thats the thing they don't want to eat. Am i the only one who finds this strange?
In itself it is virtually tasteless, that is why it is usually drenched in garlic or other spices. I am not happy about eating it .
Tastes awful, I am really not keen on it, and I am vegetarian.
SHADOWMAN, Quorn is microprotein from a fungus, cultivated in a laboratory. It also contains the albumen of chicken eggs, so is not suitable for vegans.
Everyone who says Quorn is GM is WRONG. The fungus is genetically identical now to the natural one they initially made it from.
mmmm Mushrooms...ew! they've turned into to chicken flavoured cardboard
I had quorn sausages once. As a meat lover, I thought it was very nice. I think the mixed reaction is due to the different way they do quorn.
Yuck, yuck and double yuck. When I became vegan I couldn't eat it anyway because it has eggs. I wasn't too sad about it. It seems like franken-food.
There are far better options for vegetarians. I don't like it. It all tastes the same no matter what shape it's in. Realeat, meat free mince is quite nice. Has a taste of it's own but is ok. It's better if you can make your own stuff really. You could look up other sources of protein and see what you like.
Yuck, horrible GM fungus...
Your much better off just eating meat from animals reared organically and slaughtered and butchered locally.
I certainly wouldn't be keeping pigs if I thought they would come to a very cruel end - I'm usually quite attached to them come slaughter-weight lol.
its just meat-free meat, nice to taste a little like chicken except its a bit more dry, but its better than eating soya mince.
tofu is much better for you but you need to marinade it with a good tandori or curry powder overnight in a fridge then it becomes a better tasting meat substitute. lightly fry it and your away quorn pieces are good for curry or casserole's
good to cook with its idiot proof cookery for vegetarians