Cows farts?!

Question: It's scientifically proven that cows farts are contributing to the o zone layer being ruined. I think that's interesing - if they are doing this, what are we supposed to do about it?

Answers: It's scientifically proven that cows farts are contributing to the o zone layer being ruined. I think that's interesing - if they are doing this, what are we supposed to do about it?

One option is to alter the diet of cows to prevent the production of methane, however, this will take some time to perfect as the diet of a cow directly affect the amount of money the farmer can sell the cow for.

Also, it may be possible to collect the farts and use them for fuel, but this will not be possible for many years and it will take legislation to make farmers do it.

I am on the same page as you but really what can you do not to much

All digestion creates methane and once upon a time there were millions of Bison on the plains. A good question might be if there is more or less gas being passed now or then.

It would be nice if we could at least use the cow pies to make methane.

I had to read this question to see where it was going!

I suggest we do nothing. Car emissions contribute too, but that doesnt stop us taking our cars to the post box!
Anyway, it would be cruel to try and stop the cows bodily functions. I think we have to put it down as a necessary emission. If cow farts are bad for the o zone layer, human farts must be too. Surely..?


Edit! I just read squidgy's link "milk, butter, cheese and meat comes at a price" I think this is the perfect answer to your question!

The only practical thing you can do is go vegan.

Well it's also scientifically prove that humans are destroying the ozone layer with intoxicating industry fumes. It's also scientifically proven that global warming is a big hoax so that scientists can get millions of pounds in grants for 'research'

One solution is to become vegetarian or vegan. The only reason we have so many cows farting is that we breed them for food. If everyone went vegetarian, we'd stop breeding so many animals and there would only be a tiny fraction of the number of cows that exist today.

How about Go Vegan!! Less demand means less supply means cleaner air.

I heard about a horrible idea that they were going to take an enzyme from the digestive system of a kangaroo and genetically modify cows to have this gas killing enzyme. Instead of reducing meat consumption they are thinking of putting kanga DNA in cows! How sad.

nothing it is a natural way of life everyone farts!
when cows fart well its just how we fart but i think they poo right after they i think but that's the way it goes it natural

they give off methane gas, but its hardly equivalent to the pollution we are pumping (excuse the pun!) into the atmosphere.

umm..well u cant really do anything about it....its nature and thats how cows digestive tracks are...unless we kill all the cows..but then wed have alot of meat..and then not enogh lol.....thats just me rambling on lol

But all animals, including humans, fart. I don't think there's a solution here.

It's not just the cow farts/burps, it's the resources required to rear cattle that causes carbon emissions. Things like clearing forests to grow grains to feed them, clearing more land to rear them, carbon emissions due to transporting feed, the cattle to the slaughter house, and then distributing the meat to many stores. They are the activities that produce the most CO2. Here is a diagram that shows the energy requirements of a meat dinner compared with an equivalent veggie dinner.

Cows also produce anywhere between 20 to 40 times the amount more wet waste than a human. In addition to their methane emissions or "farts". Methane is 24 times more potent than CO2 and therefore contributes more to *global warming* (not ozone depletion).

Ozone depletion has nothing to do with CO2 or methane. The ozone is depleted by other chemicals called CFC's. Chlorofluorocarbons. They are generally produced by industrial activities, not agriculture.

The gas from cows (methane) actually comes from their breath, not farts. And I'm not sure that methane is affecting the ozone layer.

What it is doing is adding to the greenhouse effect by preventing heat which reflects off the earth's surface from escaping into space as it has done for billions of years. Now some of the heat is being trapped because it bounces off the methane, carbon dioxide and some other gasses which have increased in abundance in our atmosphere over the last two centuries. Like in a greenhouse, the air gets hotter because the heat can't escape.

If you stop eating meat, you are not encouraging producers to breed more cows. This means fewer cows are bred, less methane from cows and less greenhouse gas emissions- which means less chance that the greenhouse effect will occur as rapidly as it has been.

Kill 'em all. They don't do any good. They make you fat, all around. The beef and steak, the milk made for calves growing up to be 1,000 or so pounds. Not humans growing up to be around 200 pounds.

They pollute the ozone, helping to kill us all.

Don't get me wrong, I love cows. They're adorable and such awesome animals. But I just hate them because they're pretty much digging our graves for us.

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