When did you first become a vegetarian/vegan?!
tell me your story :)
Answers: Was it some life changing event? for your health? you just did? or whatever....
tell me your story :)
I am a semi-vegetarian but don't get me wrong I am on my way on becoming a full on vegetarian. I made this decision when I saw how pigs and cows were being slaughtered. I thought it was really mean. So, I became what I am now.
today, visit http://www.kfccruelty.com/
Recently, for me, like two and a half months ago. I don't really know I have ever had anything against eating animals until recently. I saw a television documentary and it showed how they "processed the meat, and cut up the cow ect." It really digusted me, I am an animal person and I mean..I wouldn't want a cow to eat me! So I just choose not to eat them. Call me a hippie, but I see everything on the same level.
I am 13 and recently trying to cut back on meat. ITs really hard though because I pack my lunch, or going out to eat, meat is always the main course.
What I have figured out though is that when you eat meat, you eat grief, pain, and negativity. And it makes you break out more because of the negativity. But vegatables and fruits that are natural make your skin look healtheir and make you feel better about yourself. :]
Meat every once in a while is fine, but McDonald's isn't worth your calorie for the day.
Just today! And i feel fine, my mom said, i would be tired and have NO energy!
I became a vegetarian on November 3, 2007. I was aware of PETA and one day the subject of factory farming was brought to my attention over the internet. I was looking at wikipedia, and there is a picture of pigs squeezed into cages so tight they cannot move. Right then and there is when I became a vegetarian. That is no way for anyone to live and they do not deserve to suffer and die. Then January 13 of this year I became a vegan in order to live a life that is as cruelty free to animals as possible. Also, I do not use products that contain animal byproducts nor do I use products from companies that test on animals. I don't consume or wear anything that is derived from any living being. It has truly changed my life and opened my eyes. I will fight for animal rights for the rest of my life.
I was veg for 1.5 or 2 years before I became vegan. I became vegan while studying the environmental impact of agri-business. I realized how ecologically unsustainable a large scale omnivorous diet is to sustain globally. Producing meat places massive stresses on the earth's resources and the environment. I study environmental engineering and majoring in agricultural waste management. That along with the obvious ethical concerns about animal treatment are the main reasons I decided to become vegan. Some of my other reasons
1. Cruelty to Animals
2. Health
3. World Hunger
4. Worker Rights
5. Government Negligence
6. The environment
Also reading some books by Peter Singer about ethics really changed my perspective.
About a month ago.
Actually,I went vegetarian(no meat, fish.seafood,dairy or eggs) for a month on a bet. I won the bet and now I'm back to being an omni. It was quite easy because I only eat meat about three or four times a week anyway.
Four months ago, and it just came to me.
1969, after meeting and talking to a vegetarian - there weren't nearly as many vegetarians then as there are now
Last november. I had read up a lot about animal cruelty and in school we were doing about meat and how animals are slaughtered. I was so disgusted I just couldn't eat meat anymore so I decided to follow a vegetarian diet. I love animals. :)