Vegitarian birthday food ideas.?!
We will be having meat eaters at the party but i thought things like the saussage rolls are vego buttaste like real saussage rolls.
Easy and simple is great for me. And any ideas are good i can't wait to read what tasty ideas yous might have. Very thankful for the help.
Answers: Hi, It's my birthday on the 16th and I was thinking about doing a choc cake with vego saussage rolls but i don't have many more ideas than salad...blah!
We will be having meat eaters at the party but i thought things like the saussage rolls are vego buttaste like real saussage rolls.
Easy and simple is great for me. And any ideas are good i can't wait to read what tasty ideas yous might have. Very thankful for the help.
Fruit plate, veggie plate, cheese and crackers, chips if people are walking around.
If it's a meal then go with something ethnic and fun. I love vegetarian Indian food. It's pretty easy to make as well (i made 4 big servings of curry tonight in under an hour). You can do a breakfast thing with eggs, biscuits, potatoes. I don't like fake meat much as a vegetarian (except tofurky) and most meat eaters don't either. Veggie burgers that don't try to be meat are tasty. Mexican can be great vegetarian. Refried bean burritos or a DIY chipotle would be a good theme. Make your own quesadillas are reallllly easy with a goerge forman. You can have margaritas (mockgaritas if underage).
Have a Happy Birthday!!!
Vegetarian lasagna is universally popular, especially with a nice salad a and a bottle of wine and some good bread. Pancakes, thin, with lemon and sugar and whipped cream would also be good and sophisticated for both omnivores and vegetarians.