COOK for your DOGS? What's your favorite Vegan recipe?!
When I began cooking for my dogs I used the recommended amounts of protein, fat, vegetables for her age as described by our Vet. Then a deep rub spot that would not heal on her elbow healed in two weeks. The only thing that changed was her food. Ingredients we use ALL go into the food processor to prevent strands of food getting caught between their teeth, which can cause tooth decay, it also breaks the exterior of vegetables for better digestion. After each meal they get two large milk-bones for the health of their teeth and gums.
We also keep some high quality dry dog food for those rare times when there is a rush and no time to cook.
What ingredients do you like to use and what proportions for your dog's age of soy, beans, vegetables, etc... and do you ever use herbs like you do for your own dinner? I do! :-)
Answers: My dogs are VERY happy! We have decided our dogs can be vegan's also.
When I began cooking for my dogs I used the recommended amounts of protein, fat, vegetables for her age as described by our Vet. Then a deep rub spot that would not heal on her elbow healed in two weeks. The only thing that changed was her food. Ingredients we use ALL go into the food processor to prevent strands of food getting caught between their teeth, which can cause tooth decay, it also breaks the exterior of vegetables for better digestion. After each meal they get two large milk-bones for the health of their teeth and gums.
We also keep some high quality dry dog food for those rare times when there is a rush and no time to cook.
What ingredients do you like to use and what proportions for your dog's age of soy, beans, vegetables, etc... and do you ever use herbs like you do for your own dinner? I do! :-)
I don't cook for our dog, but she gets pieces of tofu and seitan and she loves it.
There is a recipe site for dogs you might want to check out.
And to Cajal: Cats are carnivores, dogs aren't..they get along very well without meat. Just for your information. So stop shouting and insulting people and inform yourself!
What street corner do you live on? Obviously your not making much money since you hall all of this free time. VEGAN TERRORIST THAT IS ANIMAL CRUELTY!
Dogs were not meant to be vegan. You're robbing them of important nutrients.
I'm vegan but I'm against of the vegan food for dogs or cats, because they are carnivorous. We are omnivorous, and therefore we can be vegetarians, the dogs no!!!
Hmmmm I don't know if I completely agree with making my dog vegan...I'm pretty sure they're supposed to have atleast some meat in their diet. BUT you said you cooked for your dog and a wound that would not heal did?
Thats a sign of good health..sounds like they might be doing just fine off a vegan diet??
Good for them.
My boyfriend and I are both vegans. However, we have a large dog, who eats normal dog food. As one of the other people here said, dogs and cats are not meant to be vegans. There are specific nutrients that dogs and cats need that are not found anywhere else but meat. With that said, it is much easier to have a dog on a semi-vegan diet than a cat. If you are concerned with the animal rights and health, you should be concerned with your dog's health as well. That means that you should try and get her the best recommended dog food even if it is not vegan. Plus, it is not good for the dog to eat different foods all the time (it upsets their stomachs), so alternating the "recipes" is not good for your puppy even though she might like it, and you may think it is a good practice since there is no other animal cruelty.
We feed our dog Science Diet and Eukanuba brand b/c those brands are better ones available on the market. On the rare occasions we will make her some pasta with little tofu pieces - without any spices or condiments (but that is only if we ran out of food, and don't want to go to the store until the next day).
You can go to
That site lists almost all Recipes.
Not only the recipe you are looking for but also other popular recipes.