Pros of a meat-based diet?!
Answers: I am writing a paper for school on vegetarianism vs. meat-based diets, and I have to give pros and cons of both. Could someone please list a few pros of eating meat? Cons of going veg?
There may be pros, but I can't think of any that are exclusive to a meat-centric diet. Meat has protein, iron, selenium (which evidently IS an antioxidant) and B vitamins. But all of these things can easily be found in plant foods, so it's not much of a pro... especially when you consider the unhealthy things they come packaged with in meat.
About the only con of going vegetarian that I can think of is social pressures. It's easier and more convenient to go along with the majority.
Examine your carnassial teeth. Examine your eyes. We are born predators. Think of evolution.
Besides, though I love the taste and texture of most non-meat, I really have to rip through carefully anointed - or otherwise marinaded - flesh. When the moon gets full. Report It
B-12 absolutely cannot be found in plant foods.
I won't answer your questions again. Report It
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