Its against the rules...IM TELLING ON YOU!! ~ ROFL?!
go scottie dont tell on me please!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Everyone just keep reporting this person as ILLEGAL and start sending this person to higher authorities!.!.!. death threats, sexual harassment threats, etc!. I am not even kidding you that these things are taken EXTREMELY seriously lately (my mother works in a security office is all I'm going to say and they trace and weed out tons of IP addresses, and there IS serious punishment, this is where it stops being a joke and becomes criminal)!. There are new laws in place now that protect people, especially young people like the user this person is singling out, from sexual harassment and threats online!. This person could even be charged with solicitation of sex online and who knows what else!.
If someone can say these things they are capable of doing these things!.!.!. this sicko is obviously the same type of pervert that rapes, kills, maims, tortures, etc!. I would categorize people that think like this right up there with those two guys that strung up a black man and dragged him for miles off of his car, or that story from last year about some man that abducted a 6 month old baby and raped it to death!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If someone can say these things they are capable of doing these things!.!.!. this sicko is obviously the same type of pervert that rapes, kills, maims, tortures, etc!. I would categorize people that think like this right up there with those two guys that strung up a black man and dragged him for miles off of his car, or that story from last year about some man that abducted a 6 month old baby and raped it to death!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Your grandparents are doing better than your friend and her mom because elderly people had to walk to school!. Their food wasn't full of high fructose corn syrup and pesticides when they were growing as children!. They also had cleaner air and water!. I am studying this stuff--really--it's scary!. We look at our grandparents and think we will be like them one day but young people are less and less healthy--they won't age as well as our grandparents!.
It has nothing to do with meat!. Meat is a source of lipids (fats) and proteins, but vegetables are essential for vitamins!.
If your friends' mom has so many health problems, she may have poor genetics or mal-absorption of minerals!. It's pretty hard to be a health conscious vegetarian and have a vitamin deficiency!. Maybe she has an eating disorder or eats a lot of chips and fried food!?
I can understand why you answered the question the way you did!. You are basing your opinion from a very limited scope!. There are lots of different people out there representing various lifestyles!. Too bad you have a bad example of a vegetarian, but that shouldn't cloud over your entire perception!.
Seriously, the best thing you can do for yourself, if you want to be healthy like your grandparents one day, is eat fresh foods!. If you want good meat, you have to realize that meat when your grandparents were younger was not produced the way it is today!. This is sad!. Watch themeatrix!.com It's a cute cartoon, nothing gory!. It talks about how factory farming has changed over the years!. If you've seen The Matrix you will like The Meatrix
Anyway, what I'm saying is, at least buy organic, free-range meat if you want to be healthy!. Many things will come and go, but you will be in the SAME BODY until you die, so take care of it!.
If a health person eats junk food once in a while, or a person who eats junk food eats a salad once in a while, how do you think they will end up later in life!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
It has nothing to do with meat!. Meat is a source of lipids (fats) and proteins, but vegetables are essential for vitamins!.
If your friends' mom has so many health problems, she may have poor genetics or mal-absorption of minerals!. It's pretty hard to be a health conscious vegetarian and have a vitamin deficiency!. Maybe she has an eating disorder or eats a lot of chips and fried food!?
I can understand why you answered the question the way you did!. You are basing your opinion from a very limited scope!. There are lots of different people out there representing various lifestyles!. Too bad you have a bad example of a vegetarian, but that shouldn't cloud over your entire perception!.
Seriously, the best thing you can do for yourself, if you want to be healthy like your grandparents one day, is eat fresh foods!. If you want good meat, you have to realize that meat when your grandparents were younger was not produced the way it is today!. This is sad!. Watch themeatrix!.com It's a cute cartoon, nothing gory!. It talks about how factory farming has changed over the years!. If you've seen The Matrix you will like The Meatrix
Anyway, what I'm saying is, at least buy organic, free-range meat if you want to be healthy!. Many things will come and go, but you will be in the SAME BODY until you die, so take care of it!.
If a health person eats junk food once in a while, or a person who eats junk food eats a salad once in a while, how do you think they will end up later in life!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
YOU ARE AN IGNORANT TEN YEAR OLD!. You can choke on your steak you shitheadWww@FoodAQ@Com
okay seriously what is your problem, did mommy not love you enough!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Pardon me, but!.!.!. WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
ehhh did i miss somthing!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
**** both of your ignorant asses!.Www@FoodAQ@Com