Vegan wrinkle creams or home methods?!

Question: Vegan wrinkle creams or home methods!?
There are so many creams for getting rid of the fine wrinkles that come with middle age, but I don′t want to use them if they contain animal products or were tested on animals - who can advise me!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

if you want to make you own, have a look at this website, I can't guarantee they will work but the avocado one sounds good!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You really can't get rid of your wrinkles; you can only diminish their appearance!. But to prevent further damage, find a vegan moisturizer with sunscreen (Beauty Without Cruelty, J/A/S/O/N, and Earth Science all make vegan moisturizers) and use that every day!.

Me, I consider the fine lines, mostly laugh lines, an indication I have LIVED!. And so should you!.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, drink lots of water to keep you hydrated, and limit the alcohol you consume!. And if you smoke, STOP!. Nothing ages you faster than smoking ciggies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The best way to protect your skin is to protect it from sun damage!. 80% of the visible damage to your skin that people associate with age is actually sun damage!. You only really need a few minutes of sunlight every day to get your vitamin D - afterwards, the sun causes any and all of the following: spots, discoloration, sagging, loss of tone, fine lines!.!.!.

Find a vegetarian-friendly sunscreen or protect your skin in other ways!. Ask any makeup artist or dermatologist what the number one secret is to looking young forever and they'll tell you it's sun protection!. Makeup companies are just now beginning to include SPF 15-30 protection in all their products!.

I'd personally reccomend SPF 45!.

I come from a family of women that look young and beautiful because we all protect our skin!. I use sunscreen every single day and I protect my eyes with sunglasses every time I'm outside in the sunlight!. I wear a hat and otherwise protect myself!.

No creams and potions will save you once the damage happens - why not PREVENT it in the first place, right!? Afterwards you're just spackling on makeup to cover up damage from sun exposure!.

also, NEVER use tanning booths!. Maybe sexy and tan now, but you'll look like a leathery rag twenty years from now, I guarantee it!. There are very few long term studies because tanning booths are fairly recent, and are so popular now that it's inevitable that soon they will be illegal!. The insane increase in skin cancer and skin damage to young women is undeniable!. Ten years from now they'll be gone but the damage will remain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Our skin is one of our largest (if not the largest) organ and it absorbs whatever chemicals we put on it!. I stopped putting chemicals and processed on my skin and started using coconut oil!. If you use virgin cold-pressed coconut oil you will see a significant improvement in the texture of your skin over time!. I tend to put it all over (including my hair) about one hour before showering!. I then wash it off in the shower and do this once per week -- sometimes more in winter!. I use it on my face!. I also love the smell of coconut!.

Another recommendation is to check out the products at www!.lush!.com Most of their products are either vegetarian or vegan and specificy which on the site!. I use their vegan shampoo bars which have no packaging!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The best thing I can tell you to do for wrinkles is MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE!!

Try LUSH Ultralight


or another LUSH moisturizer


Look on ewg!.org and check their cosemetic safety databaseWww@FoodAQ@Com

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