Come here veg*ns!?!

Question: Come here veg*ns!!?
if you're a veg*n then I'm adding you as a contact because I think all of you are really cool =] but i also have another question so this one isn't pointless

do you support peta!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have been vegan for over a year now!. My husband, who was a lacto-ovo vegetarian has gone vegan with me as of a month ago!.

I support PETA because they do help animals!. They don't always directly help animals, but their campaigns are awesome!.

If it were not for PETA I wouldn't even be vegan!.!.!.www!.meat!.org changed my life!.

People have a lot of negative things to say about PETA, like they waste their money when they could be saving animals!.!.!.They are saving animals!. You can save a lot more animals by turning people vegetarian that you can by saving a single chicken from a farm!.

also they have all the members boycott certain companies that hurt animals!. Companies usually give into to PETA because it's easier than dealing with so many angry vegetarians:)

People can say what they want about PETA!. I personally don't care what they say because I can see the differences that they make!. I work on their letter-writing campaigns and I love getting e-mail alerts from PETA telling me that another company has given in :) especially when I worked on that campaign!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have a love/hate relationship with PETA!. I think their ideas and crusades are worthwhile, but the message is sometimes lost in their tendency to shock and awe!.

I'm not a huge PETA advocate, but I have learned a lot from their site about animal testing, recipes and transitioning into the vegan lifestyle from vegetarianism!.

Thanks for thinking I'm cool!.!.!.and I must agree - vegans *are* pretty cool people when you think about our staunch dedication to the cause and all the flack we take for it!.
You're cool as well!.
Have a fantabulous day!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I used to be a member of Peta and I will admit that they have done a lot of good when it comes to animal rights and spreading the word on Veg/Veganism!. However, I stopped supporting them when the news came out that they were killing dogs and cats from shelters and had to go to court over it!. I no longer support them and I'm very sad that I gave them way too much of my money!.

RE: www!.petakillsanimals!.com!. Yes, they do BUT this website is put out by the meat industry to counter act all of Peta's efforts!. Just an FYI!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've been vegan my whole life and still haven't met any others!. Its good to see I'm in good company!.
I don't necessarily support Peta ,yet i do believe in caring for animals and any other living thing that exists in this world!. I believe that all living things should be treated with no less than dignity and respect!. Any one else who believes in that can gladly add me as a contact!. :)
All of us are definitely cool for standing by our beliefs even if they may not be widely supported!. You all get a big thumbs up from me!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, I don't support PETA because they misuse and mislead!. If you're going to support an organization, do it locally like a shelter!.

I'm looking forward to the ID who's so insanely jealous of me to re-post my answer and insult me!. It's weak and it's a violation!.

EDIT: and there it is just as predicted!

Uh-oh it looks like that jealous kid re-posted my answer!. That's a violation!. Don't despair!. With some hard work you could someday come up with your own answer!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think, on the whole, peta does more good than harm so I'm glad they exist!. But I'm not a member and I never will be!. I just don't support a lot of their tactics, nor do I support some of their more extreme positions!. I'd rather support the Humane Society or Farm Sanctuary!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

hi =)
i'm a vegetarian, and i think veg*ns are pretty great, too!.
what other dietary preference is so great that it gets its' own catagory!!? that's obviously a point leading to the conclusion that we rock!! this forum is full of informative, supportive, positive people!.!.!.!.!.not preachy, elitist ones like some people would think!. i think we're not only doing a great job of supporting and informing, but a great job of breaking down the stereotypes as well!. way to go vegans and vegetarians!!! oh, and thanks for all of the kind words =D

as far as PETA goes, i agree with some things they do and don't agree with others!. i don't support them monetarily since i dont know to which cause my money would go, but i do support other animal-cruelty causes, including a local animal shelter!. for all of you animal lovers, here is a website you can visit daily and just by clicking a button donate food to animals in shelters!! it's FREE (the site's sponsors pay) and you can click on the various tabs at the top to donate to other worthy causes as well!. happy clicking =D

I used to support Peta but now I think they go too far with things!. They say we can't have pets, we can't take medicine, all that stuff!. And we treat animals better than THEY do! I mean, they kill animals! Come on, right!?

- Vegan

PS - Look at this

Edit : Oh yeah, I forgot :) thanks for thinking we're cool!. you are also really cool :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

im not so sure about peta!. i sort of support them!.!.!.but after the whole dog dumping in NYC, im not so sure!. but maybe it was just those 2 employees who are to blame!.!.!.!.but you never know i guess!. ha yeah i hope that coveres your question!.!.!. (:Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm a vegetarian!.

My thoughts on PETA!.!.!.
PETA is a case of having your heart in the right place!.!.!. but your head up your ***!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't donate money to Peta (I support other charities), but they do get results and I admire that!.

ps- you're cool too!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

HEY! I'M VEGAN! I support PETA for their cause, but don't support the violent way they are trying to spread it!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm vegan and i hate peta!Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, I don't support PETA because they misuse and mislead!. If you're going to support an organization, do it locally like a shelter!.

I'm looking forward to the ID who's so insanely jealous of me to re-post my answer and insult me!. It's weak and it's a violation!.

I'm not a veg*n!. I never could step up to the plate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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