Is it true that horses were harmed in the filming of the movie Ben Hur??!
If so, can you provide some "evidence" and not just speculation of what you heard!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
"Nearly two hundred horses were used during the filming of the chariot race scene in the 1925 Fred Niblo film, Ben-Hur!. Fortunately, it was reported that not a single horse was injured!. This would probably relate more to luck than a deliberate attempt by anyone to ensure the safety of the animals!."
This was taken verbatim from this website!.!.!.which was the only one I could pull up regarding horse abuse and the movie Ben Hur!.
This was taken verbatim from this website!.!.!.which was the only one I could pull up regarding horse abuse and the movie Ben Hur!.
yeah, in the chariot scene about 1 minute in, the white horse on the left (ben hur's right) banged it's leg against a piece of wood that was laying on the ground!. It left the horse with a cut that required bandaging!. Watch the scene very carefully!.Www@FoodAQ@Com