Why won't more people become vegetarians and stop wearing animal fur and skin?!

Question: Why won't more people become vegetarians and stop wearing animal fur and skin!?
I was wondering why more people won't choose a vegetarian/vegan diet!. Do most people who eat meat not know the torture these animals go threw when there are so many alternatives!? Do they realize the torture animals go threw for fur and leather!? I am confused because once I was made aware of the horrific torture these animals were going threw for me I nearly fainted!. I feel nothing should have to die for me to live!. Please tell me your opinions!.
Peta!.org may help those who are not awareWww@FoodAQ@Com


Julia, whether she meant to or not, it's natural to be judgemental of people who fund animal torture and eat unhealthy products!. Or to poke fun at a nation that is so severely obese and sick from overconsumption of animal products that its the laughingstock of the world!.

Our "digestive system" is your evidence that we are natural OMNIVORES!? Our digestive system that begins with our flat, plant-grinding teeth,down to our stomachs, with extremely low acidity, and winds through our long intestinal tract typical of natural herbivores!? How many naturally omnivorous species do you know of who have to COOK meat in the wild because their stomachs cant digest the enzymes and they DIE if its eaten raw!?

Taking the lives of animals even if it wasn't unhealthy for us to consume their flesh IS immoral, as are those who support it!. Sorry!.

As for your references to God, the Garden of Eden, God's perfect world, was vegetarian (Gen!. 1:29-30)!. Immediately, God calls this ideal and non-exploitative relationship "good" (Gen!. 1:31)!. There follow many years of fallen humanity, when people held slaves, waged war, ate animals and committed various other violent acts!. But the prophets tell us that the peaceable kingdom will be nonviolent and vegetarian; even the lion will lie down with the lamb (e!.g!., Isaiah 11)!. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, who ushers in this new age of nonviolence!. When Christians pray, "Your will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven," the one prayer given to us by Jesus, this obligates us to change our lives, to make choices that are as merciful and loving as possible!. There will be no factory farms and slaughterhouses in heaven!.

You're right that more people should be committed to helping the environment!. But you think eating veggie burgers vs!. dead cow and pleather instead of leather is really comparable to the car vs!. bike debate when it comes to "convenience"!? Really!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

People disconnect their emotions to the subject!. Society had conditioned them to think meat is the best food to eat!. also, there is a huge problem with ignorance!. I find that when people are educated about the subject concerning a meat based diet, health, and the meat industry, they are more apt to adopt vegetarian diet or eat less meat!.

There is a large growth of flexitarian diet in the US!. That is partly because people are realizing that the meat based American diet isn't the best!. (Along with other reasons)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well i agree people shouldn't wear animal fur and skin!. its ugly and harms animals!.

lol!.!. but vegetarian and vegan diet!?!? dont u see how WEAK vegetarians and vegans are!?!?!? meat gives u protein for muscles!. its NECESSARY for those who care for their body!. however there isn't much we can do to stop the torture!. we need to eat meat and well!.!. idk how to stop them from being tortured!. not eating it wont matter!. and we cant stop eating chikennn cuz they overpopulate!.!.!.

and when u said u dont want them to die for you to live!?!? well its KIND OF SORT OF more important for us to live!. we have a brain we can use to help this world!. and they dont got much!.!. but yeah they shouldn't be tortured!.!.!. thats cruel!.!.

so i half agree but meat is important!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Many Meat eaters turn a blind eye to that and get offended when someone mentions about vegetarian or vegan diets!. The meat eaters are brain washed by the meat packers and meat sellers! I bet the world be a gentler world if there was no meat eaters! Www@FoodAQ@Com

PETA is an organization full of nut jobs who exaggerate things to try and get people to think like them!. With that being said, I like the taste of meat and my leather jacket looks good!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because they don't care enough, were all humans and some just aren't as compassionate towards animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mhm!.!.!. thats great info!.!.!. kets all save the animals when people verywhere are being slaughtered for consumer products!.!.!. douschbag treehuiggerWww@FoodAQ@Com

Because no matter how much torture they go through, I still cannot stay away from bacon, steak, chicken or a good rack of lamb! Tofu is no substitute! Www@FoodAQ@Com

I guess they just don't want to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like JelloWww@FoodAQ@Com

I personally don't like PETA!. I have my reasons why!.What I am confused about is why people are joining PETA!. I know that many teens think that following PETA's ways is the new 'cool' thing to do since they have a say and influence in something controversial!. The people who are in this organization and who are about to become a part of it need to re-think what their doing!. Before people join (or whatever) this organization, they need to research what the members of PETA have done to animals (as well as people)!. They take everything way too far trying to get their point across!.

I would only become a vegetarian if there is a disease (like Mad Cow Disease) in the food that is found across the country!. I do know what happens to those animals, yet I still eat my meat!. People don't seem to care as long as it's not their dog (or other animal friend) on their plate!. If I had gotten to know the cow who was made into a juicy hamburger (that I was supposed to eat) I wouldn't eat it!. Why!? Because it was my friend!.

Treatment of animals is something that concerns me!. I don't like it when people don't respect animals!.
What I always think is that when animals go to slaughterhouses,is that PETA wants to give them first class treatment before it dies!. Or do they just want someone to monitor how the workers treat the animals!? That is what I'm thinking!. So why can't they do it themselves!?

To me the animals are killed for a reason!. As Madonna has once said, animals die out of respect for us!.

Don't freak out!. It is just a opinion!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Whether you meant to or not, your question did come across as judgmental!. The way that it's worded makes it seem like you believe that the meat industry is immoral, and that anyone who doesn't share that opinion has something seriously wrong with them!. In short, it sounds like you think that people should be vegetarian or that it's wrong to not be vegetarian/vegan!. Peta!.org isn't the world's greatest resource for finding information about the animal foods industry, as it has a very distinct agenda and doesn't provide a very balanced look!. (For example, it chooses the most extreme cases and makes it seem like that is the way ALL animal foods are raised!. That simply isn't the case!.)

Some people genuinely think that meat and milk come from little farms where the animals all frolic in the pastures and come inside at night to be milked by Farmer Brown!.

Additionally, you're way off base about humans being herbivores!. Our digestive tract, from our teeth to our tail, has characteristics of both carnivore and herbivore animals!. In short, this means that we are designed to be omnivores!. That being said, we can afford to choose to not eat meat if we so desire!. The same goes for milk and eggs!. We don't *need* to eat them, but since they're a very efficient source of nutrients, many people choose to do so!. As for the Biblical reference, while we certainly were originally given plants to eat (according to the Bible), after we got kicked out of the Garden, G-d gave permission to eat animals and we have ever since!.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly to your question, most people care only about themselves and their loved ones!. You work in the auto industry!.!.!. you know how many people drive cars rather than take public transportation!. It's terrible for the environment, it's wasteful, and it's making us unhealthy!. Why don't people give up their cars!? They'd be helping the environment, reducing the chance of themselves causing a fatal accident, and probably losing weight and increasing their cardiovascular fitness from walking an extra mile or so a day!. So what's to lose!? Well, it's inconvenient!. It's a lot easier to drive a car!. So we do!. That's all!. Same thing for meat!. It takes longer to cook beans and for plenty of people, they just don't taste as good!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

ya people no the torture but we still like meat and as long as it is on store shelves people will continue to like it!. and some people find animal fur and leather nice looking and attractive however i find it very cheesy and they should not kill chinchillas or types of endangered cats for there fur is wrong since they r wild and we do not eat there meat!. i feel that leather is better since we eat cow meat!. i can live without cow meat and pig meat and lamb and dear and all types of meat but chicken meat!. i love chicken!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't even try to preach something that you have absolutely no idea about! have you ever been there to watch the animals get fed!? Have you been to the slaughter house!? No, I guarantee not!.
And meat eaters aren't the brainwashed ones!. MEAT IS TASTY and GOOD FOR YOU, no one has to convince me of that!. It's the Peta members and psychos like YOU who are brainwashed and try to do more brainwashing!.

And on a further note, those against this can go die from malnutrition!! Woot!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I will not quit because I do not want to!. Any argument that uses the letters PETA in it only strengthens my resolve!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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