Do scallops have a brain? Is it okay for vegitarians to hunt them?!
Alright my family is planning another "scalloping" trip!. Basically you go snorkling and pick them up!. Would it be okay for me to take part in this as a vegitarian!? Why or why not!?
Do they feel pain!? Have a brain!? Love!? Scientifically why would it be okay or not okay to hunt them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Do they feel pain!? Have a brain!? Love!? Scientifically why would it be okay or not okay to hunt them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, scallops don't have a brain per se!. They have a nervous system that is much more primitive than ours!. They probably perceive things like pain as just something to avoid rather than something that "hurts" if that makes any sense!. They certainly don't love or reason or anything else that mammals might do!. So, go ahead and enjoy your trip with your family!. Just make sure you're doing it in an environmentally friendly manner and that the population of scallops isn't threatened!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Scallops may have a nervous system that is less sophisticated than ours, but it still exists!. They belong to the animal kingdom; therefore, if you were to hunt and eat them, you would not fit the context of a vegetarian!. Just because an animal doesn't function as we do, doesn't mean that it is not an animal! I cannot tell you if they love or to what extent they feel pain!. You can still go along with your family, just don't do the killing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
People are vegetarians for many different reasons!. Some people, and it seems you may fall into this category, do not want to cause harm to what they feel is a sentient being!.
Scallops do not have brains, although they do have organs that function as "eyes" which can pick up light/dark!. Plants are also photosensitive and live in groups!.
You have to make the choice for yourself, don't decide what you're comfortable with by someone else's definition of what it means to be a "vegetarian" or "animal!." It all depends on your knowledge of your self and why you have made the choices you've made!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Scallops do not have brains, although they do have organs that function as "eyes" which can pick up light/dark!. Plants are also photosensitive and live in groups!.
You have to make the choice for yourself, don't decide what you're comfortable with by someone else's definition of what it means to be a "vegetarian" or "animal!." It all depends on your knowledge of your self and why you have made the choices you've made!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No they don't have brains and don't feel pain!.
No vegetarians do not eat them as they do not eat anything that results in the animals death!. But, you can hunt them if you want to as long as you don't eat them!. Vegetarians can hunt and shoot ducks and deer if they want to but just can't eat them!. There are many vegetarians who are so for dietary or religious reasons and ethics regarding animals has nothing to do with that decision!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No vegetarians do not eat them as they do not eat anything that results in the animals death!. But, you can hunt them if you want to as long as you don't eat them!. Vegetarians can hunt and shoot ducks and deer if they want to but just can't eat them!. There are many vegetarians who are so for dietary or religious reasons and ethics regarding animals has nothing to do with that decision!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well every living thing feels pain and such to different degrees!. Plants feel the least, where very developed animals like humans feel the most!. Scallops are in the middle!.!.!.
Basically what I am saying is that its not really vegetarian to disrupt an animal in is habitat, or otherwise harm it!. Scallop if you want, but I wouldn't as a vegetarian!. Have fun with your family, anyway!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Basically what I am saying is that its not really vegetarian to disrupt an animal in is habitat, or otherwise harm it!. Scallop if you want, but I wouldn't as a vegetarian!. Have fun with your family, anyway!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Do you want to eat them!? If not, catch as many as you wish and call it "your portion of dinner!." Then, throw them back and say "I'll just have salad (or whatever)!."
That way, you participate but don't harm anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
That way, you participate but don't harm anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can't hurt scallops, because they don't have a brain!. A vegetarian doesn't eat them because they are animals!. It's up to you if you want to go scalloping or not!.
BTW: It's kind of boring Www@FoodAQ@Com
BTW: It's kind of boring Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarians don't harm animals!.
Scallops are animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Scallops are animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes they have a brain!.!.!.!.many scalllops have written some brilliant novels!.!.!.they also have highly evolved social practises like country line-dancing!.!.!.do not let your silly ill-concieved notion of veganism ruin a FAMILY OUTING!.!.!.that would be tragic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com