Why do Vegan's think they are better than everyone that's not?!

Question: Why do Vegan's think they are better than everyone that's not!?
Even plants eat meat!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not all do but the ones that do are self-righteous!. They don't really care about animals!.
It's great to be vegan, but don't go on about it!. People don't like being guilt-tripped and will go against what you're saying just because you are annoying them!.
I'm so sick of hippie lunatics ranting and raving about animals!. Their hysteria is degrading the actual importance of animal cruelty and they are making the whole animal rights movement a joke!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Meat eaters often assume that vegetarians/vegans think we're better than they are, and personally, I think it's just preemptive defensiveness!. Down deep people know that eating meat is wrong, but they like convincing themselves that they must eat meat to be healthy or that's it's "natural"!. When confronted with someone who doesn't eat meat, they feel exposed and uncomfortable, and immediately start blaming that person!. Kind of like when we hear of a violent crime, we wonder how the victim might have brought it on themselves, thereby convincing ourselves it can't happen to us, so we can so back to feeling secure!.

If you didn't feel down deep that eating meat was wrong, you wouldn't be bothered by others who don't eat meat - no matter what they said!. When we really believe something, we feel secure in ourselves, so what others do doesn't bother us!. When we're insecure about our beliefs, any hint at the contrary view sends us into tizzies!. It's a good clue, though, about what we need to think more deeply about!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most Vegans like me don't think they are better than everyone else!. This may sound a little bit stuck up, but I DO think that I am better than people like my ex boyfriend who have blood as thick as pudding and a tomato red face because they eat nothing but meat only to annoy me!. I agree with you, some of my vegetarian friends would preach to everybody and pretend to cry everytime they have a funeral for somebody's balogna sandwich!.!.!. But I think that your question is a bit unfair!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I dont think that they do!. I have alot of vegan friends and none of them think that they're better than everyone else!.

someone replied saying that people get all defensive around vegetarians/vegans and they say things that they think we're thinking!. its true!. not once have i ever said or done anything to anyone who eats meat, but they constantly say things to me about it, even though i dont think anything!.

just because im vegetarian, doesnt make me any better tahn anyone else!. i choose this, i dont expect everyone around me to not eat meat because i dont!. thats their choice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Everybody who believes in anything follows it because they think it's the best way!. Republicans are Republicans because they think being a Republican is better than being a Democrat!. Atheists are atheists because they think it's better than believing in God!. If you didn't think it was better, why would you believe in it!?

Your user name is a pretty good example!. You are (apparently) saying you don't like Barack Obama and implying you believe you are better than people who do like Barack Obama!. I'm not putting you down, it's just an observation!.

I don't understand the relevance of "Even plants eat meat", though!. Plants can't make choices, people can!.

People will always pick out groups they don't belong to and complain about how arrogant or stupid these people are!. It's just human nature!.

A group that is a particularly small or unusual is more likely to be made a target by the majority!. In turn, the group is going to want to defend what they believe, why wouldn't they!?

However, it is a sign of maturity to have respect for others even though they may have beliefs that don't agree with yours!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

First of all, plural nouns don't take apostrophes!. Second, unless it begins a sentence, you don't need to capitalize "vegan!." Third, I don't think I'm better than nonvegans!. While I wish everyone would go vegan, I know it isn't for everyone!. Fourth, there aren't that many carnivorous plants around; aside from the Venus flytrap, most people would be hard-pressed to name them!. Fifth, your name just screams "troll!"


Why do you think that every single vegan is like this!? Have you met every single vegan on the planet in person!? I could say 'Why does every meat-eater so selfish that they consider their taste buds more important than ethics!?' But I won't, because it's stupid to make such statements about vast amounts of people I don't even know!.

What do you mean by 'Even plants eat meat'!? Just because another living being does something, it does not make it right for you to do it!. Some people murder and rape other people, some animals eat their own children, does this make it alright for you to do it!? You really can't look to other animals or even plants for moral guidance, because they can't be expected to have morals!. It's not a good idea to follow other humans, either!. You have to think about morals yourself!.

A lot of vegans actually consider all animals to be equal, we all on an equal footing, despite our achievements, downfalls, deeds and misdeeds!. That's what animal rights is based on!.

You, on the other hand, appear to think that you are better than all vegans, loads of people you have not even met!.

@ tiara_askew: I couldn't agree more, I think that's extremely good input!. To try and add to it - people believe in a 'just world' to make themselves feel safe!. They pretend like there's justice and fairness out there, all their lives they've been brought up with criminals being aphrehended and the world seems like a pretty fair place, so when they're faced with the truth that billions of animals are being tortured daily, they really want to defend their 'just world hypothesis' to keep feeling safe, especially as they think they're being attacked for contributing towards this suffering!. So they'll blame or even vilify the victims, and the people disrupting their safe little bubble of a world-view, hence the skewing of reality to demonise veg*ns!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Loli think its a common misconseption that they do!!
When i was vegatarian for a while every one too offence to me!!?!
People feel like you are thinking alot of things that you arent!

Id ask the question, why does everyone have a problem with vegitarians etc!Www@FoodAQ@Com

i don't think they do!.no, i am not a vegan!.i'm an omnivorous human being but i don't think vegans think they're superior than non-vegans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's not that vegans think they are better than everyone else!. It's just that they think they are better than you, which is not that high of a bar to cross!.!.!. Troll!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've never realized that about myself, living in a house full of meat-eaters that I love dearly and respect!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have a tun of vegan friends that are fine with me not being vegan!.!.!. though I'm sure our lunches look funny to others, me with like, a ham sandwich or something and them with some veggy only concoction Www@FoodAQ@Com

LOL!.!.I'd say those you know must be standing on their high horses!.
I do not think Manure is considered "Meat"!. in fact the best manure for plants are harvested from Herbivores!.!.Horses, Cows etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We don't!.

Why do you feel the need to make generalizations about a group of people millions strong!? I doubt you know more than one or two!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

who said we did!? besides, i think i'm better then you since you're an idiot not because i'm a vegan!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

they are probably healthierWww@FoodAQ@Com

We don't!.

You're just really ignorant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There not, There just jealous of other people who have a yard full of cows & chicken's to chase and have it available to put it on there supper table!.
and the fact that they can't have one for a pet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

they are what they eat!.!.!.!.fcuk all!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Who knows!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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