Why is being at the top of the food chain so important to some people???!
I've observed that in many people and I am curious as to why some would think that way!? Isn't it enough that we are the only ones that can talk!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
People that think they are at the top of the food chain have obviously not had an opportunity to fight an Alaskan brown bear for a rotting salmon lately!.
That might offer some perspective!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
That might offer some perspective!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The ones at the top of the food chain don't get eaten by others above them on the food chain!. I don't want to be eaten, especially the way wild animals do it!. They don't kill you first then bleed you out and then cut you up into appetizing portions!. They just pin you down and a whole bunch of them rip flesh from your bones while you are still watching and feeling!. That's gotta suck!. Being at the top of the fodd chain reduces the chance of having the flesh stripped from my bones while I am still consious and I like that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It is not that important to many people!. It is merely used to prove a point for a specific discussion!.
Brawn and brute strength is not why we are on the top for the food chain!. It is our ability to out think other animals and produce tools to overcome our problems or provide us with our needs!. Homo Sapiens is the Tool Maker!. Not only meat eaters benefit from this ability of producing tools to hunt!. Vegetarians also use tools to prepare land, plant crops, harvest plants!. Isn't tofu processed using tools!? Aren't plants harvested using harvesting combines and fruit picking machines!? Humans can't fight polar bears with bear hands!? Why do we have to!? Any vegetarians here plant, tend and harvest their own crops!? Any vegetarians here get on their knees and munch on plants off the ground!? Oh I forgot, you are on top of the food chain and use machines for that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Brawn and brute strength is not why we are on the top for the food chain!. It is our ability to out think other animals and produce tools to overcome our problems or provide us with our needs!. Homo Sapiens is the Tool Maker!. Not only meat eaters benefit from this ability of producing tools to hunt!. Vegetarians also use tools to prepare land, plant crops, harvest plants!. Isn't tofu processed using tools!? Aren't plants harvested using harvesting combines and fruit picking machines!? Humans can't fight polar bears with bear hands!? Why do we have to!? Any vegetarians here plant, tend and harvest their own crops!? Any vegetarians here get on their knees and munch on plants off the ground!? Oh I forgot, you are on top of the food chain and use machines for that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't think anybody thinks it's important!. It's just fact and is used as a defense argument against accusations and finger pointing!.
"Isn't it enough that we are the only ones that can talk!?"
I'm gonna just go ahead and say you should rethink that statement as MANY animals talk, they just speak their own language!. A bird's song, a whale's clicks and squeaks or a cat's meow is all "talking"!.
EDIT: No sorry, what exactly did you mean!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
"Isn't it enough that we are the only ones that can talk!?"
I'm gonna just go ahead and say you should rethink that statement as MANY animals talk, they just speak their own language!. A bird's song, a whale's clicks and squeaks or a cat's meow is all "talking"!.
EDIT: No sorry, what exactly did you mean!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have a bird that talks, just ask him!. As far as being at the top of the food chain go's, I prefer not to have my *** chewed on by a lion, tiger or bear!. Being at the top means we have the brain power to stay out of these situations, except for those who think that all wild animals are trainable and will not attack anyone!. Case in point is the trainer in Vegas a few yrs ago that was dragged off stage by the neck in front of 100's of people!. You hurt my bird's feelings by the way and now he won't talk to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I reckon it's to do with the ego - hence why it's usually men who say "we are at the top of the food chain"!. I would love to see these people put into a cage with a hungry lion, we'd soon see who was at the top of the food chain then!.
What's even worse is when people use religion to justify eating meat, there's just no reasoning with them!Www@FoodAQ@Com
What's even worse is when people use religion to justify eating meat, there's just no reasoning with them!Www@FoodAQ@Com
it's a power thing!.!.!. comes from something missing in life!.
a struggle actually in real life, fantasy takes over and of course!.!.!. one has to be the winner, the one at the top!.!.!.!.
comes from folks who have something to prove!.!.!. basically it's a failure on one's part!.
it's the same failure as those who want to rule the world and those who are puritans and want to cleanse the earth of lesser children!.
a struggle actually in real life, fantasy takes over and of course!.!.!. one has to be the winner, the one at the top!.!.!.!.
comes from folks who have something to prove!.!.!. basically it's a failure on one's part!.
it's the same failure as those who want to rule the world and those who are puritans and want to cleanse the earth of lesser children!.
Speciesism!. It's the theory that humans are superior to other animals!. Could also stem from and/or be linked to racism and sexism!.
And just because we don't speak their language doesn't mean animals can't talk!. My cat talks a lot; I sometimes gather what she's trying to communicate, but not always!.
And it has also been shown that nonhuman primates can make and use tools!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And just because we don't speak their language doesn't mean animals can't talk!. My cat talks a lot; I sometimes gather what she's trying to communicate, but not always!.
And it has also been shown that nonhuman primates can make and use tools!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Dominion!.!.!.Historically, man has expanded the reach of his ethical calculations, as ignorance and want have receded, first beyond family and tribe, later beyond religion, race, and nation!. To bring other species more fully into the range of these decisions may seem unthinkable to moderate opinion now!. One day, decades or centuries hence, it may seem no more than ‘civilized’ behavior requires!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
In many cases I'd say it exposes their view that human existence is valuable only if we can control every other living thing around us!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have no idea!. I can guarantee you that people who sit on their asses all day chowing down Big Macs didn't work their way to the top of anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
who knows!? It sure isn't b/c we're amercicans b/c i'm sure not everyone on this site are americans! DUH!Www@FoodAQ@Com
They are just looking for any excuse to not have to give up meat!.
I don't know about top of the food chain!. My own experience has been nibbling away on the whole thing, from steaks and chops at the top to fungi of all sorts at the bottom!. The more the merrier!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Because we're Americans, and as Americans we must rule!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
He who eats meat, eats to the LordWww@FoodAQ@Com