Goods and Bads about a Vegetarian Diet? ?!
Is it good for u or not!?
What are the good things and the bad things!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
What are the good things and the bad things!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Good about Vegetarian diet always supersedes by numbers compare the meat based diet!.
You would not find much resources online openly declared that meat based diet are good, nevertheless anonymous could not justify the scores of advantages compare the vegetarian diet!. Meat industry is a huge business and regarded as societal norm!. There have been trolls and meat promoting hosts are paid well everywhere to sustain meat industries to keep on moving!.
29 Common Reasons Why Your Vegetarian Diet Isn't Working
- Widely agreed that Plant based products are superior for our immune system!. Your ability to interact with the world around you and remain healthy is dependent to a large extent on the healthy functioning of your immune system!. Your immune system is responsible for fighting foreign invaders to your body, like pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and also for destroying cells within your body when they become cancerous!. It also fights against the pathogens from animal origin!.
- Vegetarians generally post lower overall weight rates, or BMIs, than omnivores or carnivores
- Consumer market is continually more vegetarian-friendly
- Can significantly reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke and other obesity-related diseases
- Varying styles of vegetarianism allow for flexibility in diet
- Some say it's a more Earth-friendly lifestyle!.
- Many philosophers, scientists, thinkers, humanitarians, environmentalists, Peace Makers and sick patients on the bed were/are abstained from meat!.
- Can be cost-prohibitive for some!. A vegetarian diet can be more expensive as vegetable growers are not paid the same enormous subsidies that meat producers are, which make, pound for pound, vegetables and fruits more expensive than meat!. A Vegetarian Diet might add to one’s grocery bill, however, the cost of medically maintaining a healthy body into later years, as opposed to an unhealthy body riddled with disease, makes this the cost-effective choice!.
- Restricts all meats, fish and chicken in some cases even dairy, honey and egg!.
- Critics suggest you deny your body important nutrients, though the studies are not well developed!.
- Vegetarianism is miserable!. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food!. Anything which makes people less happy is bad!.
- Meat is too nice, and membership of a club is no privilege if everyone becomes a member!. The vegetarian club has to be exclusive in order to be appealing!.
THE FACT ABOUT MODERN MEAT why vegetarian diet become less popular and confusing
Introduction –
What could be simpler than a hamburger!? Take a ground beef patty, throw it on a grill, wait a few minutes as the fat sizzles, maybe add some cheese, and stick it on a bun!. It's a thoroughly American operation that takes place countless times a day all around the country!. The average American, in fact, eats three hamburgers a week!. And with more meat available than ever before, today's beef costs 30 percent less than it did in 1970, making it that much more attractive to consumers looking for a quick, cheap meal!. But in "Modern Meat," FRONTLINE goes inside the world of the modern American meat industry and shows that this once simple product, the hamburger, is no longer so simple!.
Industrial Meat –
Consolidation's pros and cons, one cow's journey through the system, and a report on feedlot conditions!.
Interviews –
Industry insiders, federal regulators, scientists, consumer advocates, and journalists discuss the safety of America's meat!.
The Politics of Meat –
A report on the meat industry's influence on Capitol Hill!.
Is your meat safe –
Facts on food-borne illnesses and meat recalls, consumer tips for buying and cooking meat, the debate over antibiotics, and more!.
Evaluating the inspection system –
Are the new regulations working!? Experts weigh in!. Plus, a look at a controversial court case and the story of an embattled USDA inspector!.
Adds & Societal Delusion -
Meat industry is a huge business and regarded as societal norm!. There have been trolls to thumbs down and meat promoting hosts are paid everywhere to sustain meat industries to keep on moving!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You would not find much resources online openly declared that meat based diet are good, nevertheless anonymous could not justify the scores of advantages compare the vegetarian diet!. Meat industry is a huge business and regarded as societal norm!. There have been trolls and meat promoting hosts are paid well everywhere to sustain meat industries to keep on moving!.
29 Common Reasons Why Your Vegetarian Diet Isn't Working
- Widely agreed that Plant based products are superior for our immune system!. Your ability to interact with the world around you and remain healthy is dependent to a large extent on the healthy functioning of your immune system!. Your immune system is responsible for fighting foreign invaders to your body, like pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and also for destroying cells within your body when they become cancerous!. It also fights against the pathogens from animal origin!.
- Vegetarians generally post lower overall weight rates, or BMIs, than omnivores or carnivores
- Consumer market is continually more vegetarian-friendly
- Can significantly reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke and other obesity-related diseases
- Varying styles of vegetarianism allow for flexibility in diet
- Some say it's a more Earth-friendly lifestyle!.
- Many philosophers, scientists, thinkers, humanitarians, environmentalists, Peace Makers and sick patients on the bed were/are abstained from meat!.
- Can be cost-prohibitive for some!. A vegetarian diet can be more expensive as vegetable growers are not paid the same enormous subsidies that meat producers are, which make, pound for pound, vegetables and fruits more expensive than meat!. A Vegetarian Diet might add to one’s grocery bill, however, the cost of medically maintaining a healthy body into later years, as opposed to an unhealthy body riddled with disease, makes this the cost-effective choice!.
- Restricts all meats, fish and chicken in some cases even dairy, honey and egg!.
- Critics suggest you deny your body important nutrients, though the studies are not well developed!.
- Vegetarianism is miserable!. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food!. Anything which makes people less happy is bad!.
- Meat is too nice, and membership of a club is no privilege if everyone becomes a member!. The vegetarian club has to be exclusive in order to be appealing!.
THE FACT ABOUT MODERN MEAT why vegetarian diet become less popular and confusing
Introduction –
What could be simpler than a hamburger!? Take a ground beef patty, throw it on a grill, wait a few minutes as the fat sizzles, maybe add some cheese, and stick it on a bun!. It's a thoroughly American operation that takes place countless times a day all around the country!. The average American, in fact, eats three hamburgers a week!. And with more meat available than ever before, today's beef costs 30 percent less than it did in 1970, making it that much more attractive to consumers looking for a quick, cheap meal!. But in "Modern Meat," FRONTLINE goes inside the world of the modern American meat industry and shows that this once simple product, the hamburger, is no longer so simple!.
Industrial Meat –
Consolidation's pros and cons, one cow's journey through the system, and a report on feedlot conditions!.
Interviews –
Industry insiders, federal regulators, scientists, consumer advocates, and journalists discuss the safety of America's meat!.
The Politics of Meat –
A report on the meat industry's influence on Capitol Hill!.
Is your meat safe –
Facts on food-borne illnesses and meat recalls, consumer tips for buying and cooking meat, the debate over antibiotics, and more!.
Evaluating the inspection system –
Are the new regulations working!? Experts weigh in!. Plus, a look at a controversial court case and the story of an embattled USDA inspector!.
Adds & Societal Delusion -
Meat industry is a huge business and regarded as societal norm!. There have been trolls to thumbs down and meat promoting hosts are paid everywhere to sustain meat industries to keep on moving!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Good: less animals are brutally slaughtered, less energy is used to feed you, less water is used, (usually) cheaper, (generally) healthier, less chance of meat-related illnesses (like mad cow), less pollution created to feed you!.
Bad: some people don't like vegetarians, it may be harder to find food at fast-food places like mcdonald's!. (maybe that's actually a good thing) , also I'm not sure how old you are but I'm in school and they serve absolutely nothing vegetarian for lunch except cookies!. :-( However, it's not really healthy anyway, mostly hamburgers and the occasional deep fried chicken!.
I have been vegetarian since I was born and feel great about it, no regrets whatsoever!. I also get sick a lot less than many of my peers, maybe due to diet!?
Contrary to popular belief, it is almost unheard of for a vegetarian to have low iron/protien, much less have a disease from that!.
Don't just not eat meat and assume you'll automatically be healthy though! That's a mistake lots of people make!. Being vegetarian will be no good if you substitute your meat for french fries and donuts!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Bad: some people don't like vegetarians, it may be harder to find food at fast-food places like mcdonald's!. (maybe that's actually a good thing) , also I'm not sure how old you are but I'm in school and they serve absolutely nothing vegetarian for lunch except cookies!. :-( However, it's not really healthy anyway, mostly hamburgers and the occasional deep fried chicken!.
I have been vegetarian since I was born and feel great about it, no regrets whatsoever!. I also get sick a lot less than many of my peers, maybe due to diet!?
Contrary to popular belief, it is almost unheard of for a vegetarian to have low iron/protien, much less have a disease from that!.
Don't just not eat meat and assume you'll automatically be healthy though! That's a mistake lots of people make!. Being vegetarian will be no good if you substitute your meat for french fries and donuts!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Eating red meat can double your chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis, which is a definite pro for vegetarianism!.
The bad things are the obvious such as lack of iron !.
I find that Sanitarium have a great range of vegetarian meals such as sausages, hot dogs, burgers, etc, which have high iron levels and are simple and quick to make!.
The bad things are the obvious such as lack of iron !.
I find that Sanitarium have a great range of vegetarian meals such as sausages, hot dogs, burgers, etc, which have high iron levels and are simple and quick to make!.
pro- you can feel good about not suporting the mass slaughtering of animals
- con- more expensive (to be healthy and not just junk)
Why is it so many people did not give pros and cons!?!? Only, their reason to become a vegitarian or why meat it bad!.
btw, pipman, that is why I thumb downed you!.!. you did not answer the questionWww@FoodAQ@Com
- con- more expensive (to be healthy and not just junk)
Why is it so many people did not give pros and cons!?!? Only, their reason to become a vegitarian or why meat it bad!.
btw, pipman, that is why I thumb downed you!.!. you did not answer the questionWww@FoodAQ@Com
Being a vegetarian requires allot of knowledge of nutrition to be healthy!. Most people think vegetarians are healthy, which lots are but there are lots of vegetarians that have high blood pressure and diabetes because of lack of knowledge with nutrition!. Being a vegetarian requires you too eat lots of vegetables with combination of the proper complex carbs to insure complete protein so your body can maintain proper body functions!.
EDIT- I love haters that give me thumbs down, when in fact I'm a certified nutrition expert, my goal is to have 10 thumbs downWww@FoodAQ@Com
EDIT- I love haters that give me thumbs down, when in fact I'm a certified nutrition expert, my goal is to have 10 thumbs downWww@FoodAQ@Com
I have my own website, that can attempt answering this question!. http://veggieheadworld2!.webs!.com
1!. You are boycotting a massacre formed by the meat industry!.
2!. You are excluding bug killers, anti-biotics, growth hormones, and e-coli from your diet!.
3!. You are setting a lifestyle example and some people may look up to you for being such a tough cookie!.
4!. You are saving water, energy, oils, and vegetables that could be feeding starving children in Africa!.
5!. You put down the price of gas by not wasting the oils we need so much on powering a slaughterhouse!.
6!. You are also helping the environment because the animal feces in slaughterhouse which, once again, have e-coli, anti-biotics, growth hormones, and bug killers in them are burned and let into the delicate atmosphere!.
7!. You have something to be proud of yourself for!. We are stuck here trying to make our lives mean something until we reach eternal happiness, and this way, you can reach your goal :-)
1!. It can be hard, until you see how meat is made :-/
2!. Some people don't like vegetarians, because they are sometimes stubborn and closed minded!. (only some, but the rest of you are cool :-D)
3!. I've heard that soy can reduce sperm count :-O
4!. It's harder to order when you're eating out!.
Hope I helped :-)
1!. You are boycotting a massacre formed by the meat industry!.
2!. You are excluding bug killers, anti-biotics, growth hormones, and e-coli from your diet!.
3!. You are setting a lifestyle example and some people may look up to you for being such a tough cookie!.
4!. You are saving water, energy, oils, and vegetables that could be feeding starving children in Africa!.
5!. You put down the price of gas by not wasting the oils we need so much on powering a slaughterhouse!.
6!. You are also helping the environment because the animal feces in slaughterhouse which, once again, have e-coli, anti-biotics, growth hormones, and bug killers in them are burned and let into the delicate atmosphere!.
7!. You have something to be proud of yourself for!. We are stuck here trying to make our lives mean something until we reach eternal happiness, and this way, you can reach your goal :-)
1!. It can be hard, until you see how meat is made :-/
2!. Some people don't like vegetarians, because they are sometimes stubborn and closed minded!. (only some, but the rest of you are cool :-D)
3!. I've heard that soy can reduce sperm count :-O
4!. It's harder to order when you're eating out!.
Hope I helped :-)
You'll be a lot healthier - no excessive saturated fat, cholesterol and loads of other things
You won't be killing as many animals through what you eat
You'll realise how to cook way loads more things that taste really great
You'll be doing the planet a favour
The only real down-side is that people will suddenly start treating you like a criminal alien or something!?!
Oh, and you might feel ill IF you don't do it right!. But that's IF, it can be excellent for your health as long as you put a little effort in!.
You won't be killing as many animals through what you eat
You'll realise how to cook way loads more things that taste really great
You'll be doing the planet a favour
The only real down-side is that people will suddenly start treating you like a criminal alien or something!?!
Oh, and you might feel ill IF you don't do it right!. But that's IF, it can be excellent for your health as long as you put a little effort in!.
it's not really that good for you because our bodies were built to eat meat we need the vitamins inside the meat to keep healthy but i guess as long as you take the vitamins your missing out on it shouldn't be too bad!.
good things are that not so many sheep pigs etc will have to be killed for their meat!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
good things are that not so many sheep pigs etc will have to be killed for their meat!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i dont know the specific health issues right now
but just sayinnn
meats really good!.
and i still consider fish meat, personally
i think that you are either completely vegetarian or not!.!.
like my family members who say they KINDA ARE
!.!.hahha i guess!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
but just sayinnn
meats really good!.
and i still consider fish meat, personally
i think that you are either completely vegetarian or not!.!.
like my family members who say they KINDA ARE
!.!.hahha i guess!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
im 24 i have not ate red meat or chicken since i was 11
i am very healthy and have great blood and iron levels
my reasons were bcoz i didnt like the thought of eating an animal
just make sure you eat plenty of green leafy vegies ,mushroom,beans, etc things that will provide you will iron and protein and you will be fine
im very happy with my choice and i would never go back to meat although i have nothing against ppl eating it( i cook meat for my fiance)
and there is no problem with going out and not being able to find food or anything as there ase so many options now plenty of food for everyone no matter what there choice is
in the end its up to u and u only on wat u do and dont consume :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
i am very healthy and have great blood and iron levels
my reasons were bcoz i didnt like the thought of eating an animal
just make sure you eat plenty of green leafy vegies ,mushroom,beans, etc things that will provide you will iron and protein and you will be fine
im very happy with my choice and i would never go back to meat although i have nothing against ppl eating it( i cook meat for my fiance)
and there is no problem with going out and not being able to find food or anything as there ase so many options now plenty of food for everyone no matter what there choice is
in the end its up to u and u only on wat u do and dont consume :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Advantages: Cleaner digestive system, you'll feel lighter, healthier, you don't have to feel guilty about animals, food's fresher
Disadvantages: You get hungry more often, lack of cholesterol and it will be hard to go to fast food restaurants or other people's houses for dinnerWww@FoodAQ@Com
Disadvantages: You get hungry more often, lack of cholesterol and it will be hard to go to fast food restaurants or other people's houses for dinnerWww@FoodAQ@Com
Im going to say that theres alot of stuff to say about the nutrition!. Like meat has alot of stuff plants dont but plants are healthier(vegetables,fruits)!.
Theres just alot of nutrition talk on it!. Its pretty hard to explain it all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Theres just alot of nutrition talk on it!. Its pretty hard to explain it all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
pros: health benefits, not contributing to a major roleplayer in global warming, not eating the flesh of a once living thing!.
cons: no mcdonaldsWww@FoodAQ@Com
cons: no mcdonaldsWww@FoodAQ@Com
Why would you deprive yourself of the greatest food EVER!!?!Www@FoodAQ@Com