Im becoming a vegetarian ?!

Question: Im becoming a vegetarian !?
i cant stand what is going on in the slaughter houses! it is horriable and i read that if you are a vegetarian you save 100 animals a year! but im from louisianna and seafood is huge here and i wondering if i have to give it up!.!.!.or can i give up just meat!?!?!? also what about tuna fishWww@FoodAQ@Com

Hello there, thank you very much for thinking about the animals and considering vegetarianism!.

It's great if you just cut down on meat, obviously not eating any meat or animal products would be better, but you have to take steps that are comfortable to you!.

Tuna and other seafood are animals too, that's why I don't eat them!. If you feel you need to take it slowly, then that's fine, but I'd certainly recommend cutting out the fish as well!.

Nothing nutritionally wrong with a veg*n diet, provided you take a little care!. There's so much information out there now, so it shouldn't be hard to do a little research and work out what to do!. Here's a link to start you off:


Thanks again, and best of luck with becoming vegetarian!


Fish and other sea creatures are not included on a vegetarian diet!. If you want to be vegetarian, you will not eat seafood!. Fish is meat, even though two major religions don't consider it so!.

There are many issues with eating sea creatures, such overfishing causing problems in underwater ecosystems!. also, the commercial fishers tend to catch more of what they don't want than what they do, and those animals get tossed back in the sea dead!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ok, lots of questions here!. I'll answer them in numbers!.

1!. Yes, the buisiness in the slaughterhouses is aweful, and you will save 100 animals a year if you give up meat AND fish!.

2!. You by no means HAVE to give it up, but you won't be a flat out vegetarian if you don't!. You would be a pescovegetarian!.!.!. but that's basically a less severe degree of being an omnivore, or one who eats meat and plants!.

3!. Tuna fish is fish!. So that counts as!.!.!.fish!

So, a brief summary: If you give up all meats, poultries, and fish, you save 100 animals a year being a vegetarian!. If you do not give up fish, including fish, you are a pescovegetarian!. I came from a big meat eating household, and people still eat meat in my family, but I have avoided it!. Unless you really, really love fish and wouldn't be able to stay away from it, I would suggest giving it up!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There are no rules about what you have to eat and what you dont!. If you eat sea food including fish then your diet will be more balanced and you will be less likely to need supplements than if you dont eat them!. if your conscience is ok with you eating fish and seafood then eat it!. if you cant stand eating anything that has been killed to eat then you should become vegetarian!. If you dislike all intensive farming methods for animals then you shoud become vegan!.
Even plants have to die for us to eat them - but its part of the food chain that things have to die for something else to survive!.
As for tuna read up on the way they are caught and then make your own mind up!.
You dont have to slavishly follow other peoples rules - as long as you are within the law do whatever makes you happy - its your life!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Really , you should give up fish!. Especially tuna and salmon!. When sailors first came to North America there was enough fish in the water that they stopped the boat!. Now the salmon are vulnerable!. As a result bears are dying!. Grizzly bears are endangered!. I firmly believe that if there is one meat to give up, it is fish!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i know thats what made me become a vegitarian because slaughter houses are horible! and yes i heard that you save 100 animals a year if you give up both meat and fish but if you want to keep eating fish it is called a Prescetarian which means you dont eat meat but you eat fishWww@FoodAQ@Com

To become a vegetarian learn some veg recipes

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