My parents are worried that I will not get enough protein by being a vegitarian!?!
I am not a vegan but still, how can I get enough protein and still be a vegitarian!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Going vegitarian is almost a life style change!. Educating those around you, is the hardest part!. If you are just going to eat the vegi's that they put on the table, they have a legitimate concern!.
You have to plan and execute your diet!. You have to educate yourself!. For instance, beans and rice is one of the most complete forms of protein on the planet, when mixed!.
You can do this, but not willy nilly!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Eduate yourself, and them!. They have to be confident that you know what you are doing!.
EDIT ----- YES, there are lots of peeps who can point you to sources of information for you to get protein on a vegi diet, but remember, you said your parents are worried, the source of your frustration,,,,, bottom line, you have to educate them so they have confidence in your choices!. Your parents may be wrong, and everyone here may be right, but your source of frustration is not everyone here, it's your parents!. Find out what sources they think are credible, and then work from there!. A classic tactic, prepare meal plan or two, and go to their doctor for advisement, and take them along!. Then you are both convincing them, and honoring their concern, without being disrspectful of their position!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Going vegitarian is almost a life style change!. Educating those around you, is the hardest part!. If you are just going to eat the vegi's that they put on the table, they have a legitimate concern!.
You have to plan and execute your diet!. You have to educate yourself!. For instance, beans and rice is one of the most complete forms of protein on the planet, when mixed!.
You can do this, but not willy nilly!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Eduate yourself, and them!. They have to be confident that you know what you are doing!.
EDIT ----- YES, there are lots of peeps who can point you to sources of information for you to get protein on a vegi diet, but remember, you said your parents are worried, the source of your frustration,,,,, bottom line, you have to educate them so they have confidence in your choices!. Your parents may be wrong, and everyone here may be right, but your source of frustration is not everyone here, it's your parents!. Find out what sources they think are credible, and then work from there!. A classic tactic, prepare meal plan or two, and go to their doctor for advisement, and take them along!. Then you are both convincing them, and honoring their concern, without being disrspectful of their position!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There is NO reason why anyone should be worrying about your protein intake unless you're starving yourself or living on junk food!. Your parents have bought into the Protein Myth, which inexplicably discounts the fact that protein is the building block of life meaning!.!.!. plants are made of it!. On a per calorie basis, many plant foods have MORE protein than beef, not less!. Protein deficiency is virtually unheard of in the developed world!.!.!. your parents have probably never even heard of kwashiorkor!.
Anyway, vegetarians get plenty of protein just by eating a balanced diet!. You can google the vegetarian food pyramid to see how many servings of each food group you should be eating daily to meet your nutritional needs!. For protein, eat soybeans and soy foods (like tofu, tempeh, edamame, tvp, and any of the hundreds of faux meat products on the market, like boca burgers!.) also eat beans and other legumes (lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter, chickpeas,) whole grains (all of them provide protein,) nuts and seeds (ditto,) fruits and vegetables (especially dark green ones,) dairy products and eggs!. If you're getting enough calories to meet your energy needs, you're getting enough protein!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Anyway, vegetarians get plenty of protein just by eating a balanced diet!. You can google the vegetarian food pyramid to see how many servings of each food group you should be eating daily to meet your nutritional needs!. For protein, eat soybeans and soy foods (like tofu, tempeh, edamame, tvp, and any of the hundreds of faux meat products on the market, like boca burgers!.) also eat beans and other legumes (lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter, chickpeas,) whole grains (all of them provide protein,) nuts and seeds (ditto,) fruits and vegetables (especially dark green ones,) dairy products and eggs!. If you're getting enough calories to meet your energy needs, you're getting enough protein!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
My parents were worried at first too, I take a vitamin in the morning!. Some good brands that make all vegetarian food are Amy's, Boca, and Morning star!. The meals they sell all have a lot of protein in them!.
For breakfast you could eat a!.!.!.
1!.)A Cheese omelet with your favorite veggies in it!.
2!.)Veggie sausage links!.
3!.)A breakfast sandwich with boca bacon, bell peppers, cheese on toasted bead!. (Yum!)
For Lunch try!.!.!.
1!.)Veggie Burgers
2!.)Veggie Dogs
3!.)PB&J sandwich
These would be good for dinner!.!.
1!.)Veg!. Chili
2!.)Taco salad with fake ground beef
3!.)An Amy's frozen meal, they all have a lot of protein
also try eating more beans and nuts!.
Tell your parents about some of these meals and that they have a lot of protein! I hope this helps!!
For breakfast you could eat a!.!.!.
1!.)A Cheese omelet with your favorite veggies in it!.
2!.)Veggie sausage links!.
3!.)A breakfast sandwich with boca bacon, bell peppers, cheese on toasted bead!. (Yum!)
For Lunch try!.!.!.
1!.)Veggie Burgers
2!.)Veggie Dogs
3!.)PB&J sandwich
These would be good for dinner!.!.
1!.)Veg!. Chili
2!.)Taco salad with fake ground beef
3!.)An Amy's frozen meal, they all have a lot of protein
also try eating more beans and nuts!.
Tell your parents about some of these meals and that they have a lot of protein! I hope this helps!!
Protein is in every living thing on this planet!.
You cannot avoid protein!.
We need very little protein!.
Most of the protein we eat goes down the toilet!.
On top of that we 'make' our own protein using amino acids, so technically we do not need to eat proteins, but amino acids!. But we can also break down proteins into amino acids and then use them in this way, but it takes more energy than just eating non-combined amino acids!. Fruits are packed full of amino acids, and so are many other foods!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You cannot avoid protein!.
We need very little protein!.
Most of the protein we eat goes down the toilet!.
On top of that we 'make' our own protein using amino acids, so technically we do not need to eat proteins, but amino acids!. But we can also break down proteins into amino acids and then use them in this way, but it takes more energy than just eating non-combined amino acids!. Fruits are packed full of amino acids, and so are many other foods!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Americans are protein-obsessed!. People in this country get entirely too much protein following "guidelines"!.
You can get all you need from soy,beans and rice, nuts and seeds, grains like quinoa, soy milk, etc!.!.!. !. It's hard to not get enough!. As long as you've read up on vegetarianism and eat a balanced diet, you'll be just fine!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can get all you need from soy,beans and rice, nuts and seeds, grains like quinoa, soy milk, etc!.!.!. !. It's hard to not get enough!. As long as you've read up on vegetarianism and eat a balanced diet, you'll be just fine!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
"Mom, Dad, have you ever heard of a disease called kwashiorkor!? You haven't!? That's because it's a disease of protein deficiency!."
Thank you and good night!.
Dear Gaia, the protein myth just will not die!. The meat and dairy industries put this out there to get people to buy their products!.
First of all, you only need !.3 to !.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight!. Second, even vegans get more protein than they need!. Third, too much protein, and you're stripping calcium from your bones, not to mention wrecking your kidneys!. Relax!. Eat a variety of foods!. Eat brown rice and whole wheat pasta!. Enjoy your analogues in moderation!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Thank you and good night!.
Dear Gaia, the protein myth just will not die!. The meat and dairy industries put this out there to get people to buy their products!.
First of all, you only need !.3 to !.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight!. Second, even vegans get more protein than they need!. Third, too much protein, and you're stripping calcium from your bones, not to mention wrecking your kidneys!. Relax!. Eat a variety of foods!. Eat brown rice and whole wheat pasta!. Enjoy your analogues in moderation!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
since when are veggies and fruits bad for you!?
oh come on already, here's a nutritional value catalog of minerals, vitamins and proteins in fruits and veggies!.
so, parents don't promote eating right any longer!? i recall in my day my folks were always pushing me to eat my veggies and fruits!.
meat, has nothing in it, come on already!.!.!. those with a primary meat and processed food diet have many issues healthwise along with social wise!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
oh come on already, here's a nutritional value catalog of minerals, vitamins and proteins in fruits and veggies!.
so, parents don't promote eating right any longer!? i recall in my day my folks were always pushing me to eat my veggies and fruits!.
meat, has nothing in it, come on already!.!.!. those with a primary meat and processed food diet have many issues healthwise along with social wise!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Easy!. Almost everything you eat has protein in it!. Google the vegetarian food pyramid and you'll be all set!. You dont need all the fake frozen foods others are suggesting at all!. Once in awhile is fine but sticking to unprocessed foods is best!. I get most of my protein from whole grains, nuts and beans!. Even broccoli has it! You don't need as much protein as you think you do!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I recently became a vegetarian like 1 week ago!. I would make an egg or beans with rice!.
As long as you're eating protein!. I would just read on vegetarian snacks/meals and other information and share it with your parents!.
Hope that helped :]Www@FoodAQ@Com
As long as you're eating protein!. I would just read on vegetarian snacks/meals and other information and share it with your parents!.
Hope that helped :]Www@FoodAQ@Com
tofu and fake meats
beans and nuts
eat a balanced meal
eat a little bit of everything you can eat in a vegetarian diet
good luck with this journey and don't let anybody tell you CAN'T do this!.
hope i helped!.
beans and nuts
eat a balanced meal
eat a little bit of everything you can eat in a vegetarian diet
good luck with this journey and don't let anybody tell you CAN'T do this!.
hope i helped!.
U can take vitamins and morning star products are great and have lots of protien and so does cheese such as cottage cheese!. I'm vegetarian and thats what i do to make sure i have enough protien!. Good luck!!! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
its really easy!. you eat nuts and beans and tofu and grain products, not to mention in your case eggs and milk products!. all you have to do is pay a little attention and make sure you get some!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Talk to a nutritionist!. Get information from him/her that your parents can read!. It will be more convincing coming from a professional, than from people you don't know on the internet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Nuts, milk, beans, cheese, eggs!.!.!.these all contain good amounts of protein! I am not a vegetarian, but I have eaten vegetarian meals before!Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegetarian's get plenty of protein, and vegetarian products like boca burgers have plenty of protein in them!.