Im becoming a Teen Vegetarian , Help Plz ?? ^^?!
I have decided to become a Vegetarian , But i am a Teen ( 13 ) Is that too young !? If not , then what Are my first Steps !.!. !? And since Im still growing ( i need to grow , Im not REALLY short but kinda ) Wat should i do !?Www@FoodAQ@Com
A vegetarian diet is perfectly healthy, providing you do it right! There is no age that is 'too young'!. After all you can be a perfectly healthy vegetarian from birth!. First of all have a look into what you should be eating each day, food to replace the nutrients and protein you get from meat!. Such a lentils - you will learn to love these! You don't have to give up meat all in one go either, go at the pace you wish to!. Personally I just stopped eating it all together, but you can just try not eating fish and then chicken etc!. Try making meals incorporating lentils, beans and dark leafy vegetables!. For what you should be eating have a read here: http://www!.vegsoc!.org/info/basic-nutriti!.!.!. !. Good luck! Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why would it be too young!? Being vegetarian is so much more healthy for you than eating meat!. It is also better for your body to start early!. First steps would be to make sure you are eating a balanced diet (That goes for both vegetarian and meat eaters)!. Then all you need to do is not eat meat!. It is as simple as that!. Piece of cake!. Congrats on making a wise and healthy choice!. The animals thank you too!.
Well, i am a teen as well and i recently became a veg!. It isnt too yound cuz some people are veg from birth or from much younger!. As long as you get enough protein and such vitamins that meat gives you then its fine!.You could stop eating meat or at once or first stop withred meat and then a while later when you are ready take all meats off!. It doesnt stunt your growth at all, as long as you take supplements or just make sure that you get all the necessary vitamins!.
Hope that helped!!!! :DWww@FoodAQ@Com
Hope that helped!!!! :DWww@FoodAQ@Com
Well im 13 and i just recently became a vegetarian!. My first few days i didnt feel to well i felt very tired and weak then i started taking b12 and meat supplenments and im alot better now so your first step would be to stop eating meat and make sure you get protein still and soy, preanut butter and almonds are really good for you to so dont think your only other option is tofuWww@FoodAQ@Com
You'll be perfectly fine by stop eating meat!. It won't affect your growth at all!. There are many other factors affecting your growth!.
The trick, though, is to find alternate sources of protein!. They are pretty abundant (soy/tofu, nuts, peanut/peanut butter, legumes, beans)!.
Just keep a variety in your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The trick, though, is to find alternate sources of protein!. They are pretty abundant (soy/tofu, nuts, peanut/peanut butter, legumes, beans)!.
Just keep a variety in your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Hey! I'm 13 too!
I became one last year! It is the best thing in the world becuase you have the good feeling that you arent eating flesh!
Plus you will become helthier!. Ive lost weight and my skin has gotten better!. You just feel, fresh I guess is the word!
Email me if you have more questions
I became one last year! It is the best thing in the world becuase you have the good feeling that you arent eating flesh!
Plus you will become helthier!. Ive lost weight and my skin has gotten better!. You just feel, fresh I guess is the word!
Email me if you have more questions
i'm 12, and a vegetarian!. it's perfectly fine!.
i recommend drinking a lot of milk, and maybe even protein shakes!.!.!.considering you still need protein!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i recommend drinking a lot of milk, and maybe even protein shakes!.!.!.considering you still need protein!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well first off I thinks it′s great and even thou u are a vegan now u still need protine so eat lots of toffu (at first it′s really gross but then u learn how to cook it right and it tasted great) Www@FoodAQ@Com
Its never too young!
Just eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts etc!.
you know what to doWww@FoodAQ@Com
Just eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts etc!.
you know what to doWww@FoodAQ@Com
u need to be eating ur meat butwait until ur 15 16yrs oldWww@FoodAQ@Com