Vegetarians, what would you do?!
Just a hypothetical question: As a vegetarian/vegan, would you prepare a meal with meat for an omnivore friend/relative!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'd rather not, but I would if there was some really good reason and I wasn't using my own kitchen and utensils!.
By "really good reason" I mean if the person was disabled or something like that!.
For example, when my aunt was pretty close to dying, I was visiting at the hospital and the staff dropped off some ground chicken and gravy!. She didn't seem to be interested in eating, so I fed her some of the chicken with a plastic fork!. It seemed like the kindest thing to do at the time!.
I might help somebody else cook meat if they had to leave the kitchen, no one else was there to help, and it might burn or something!. I can't just sit around and let food burn, I used to be a cook!. I wouldn't like having to smell it, though!.
But if an able bodied person wants somebody to cook meat for them, my thought is they can do it themselves or get somebody else to do it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
By "really good reason" I mean if the person was disabled or something like that!.
For example, when my aunt was pretty close to dying, I was visiting at the hospital and the staff dropped off some ground chicken and gravy!. She didn't seem to be interested in eating, so I fed her some of the chicken with a plastic fork!. It seemed like the kindest thing to do at the time!.
I might help somebody else cook meat if they had to leave the kitchen, no one else was there to help, and it might burn or something!. I can't just sit around and let food burn, I used to be a cook!. I wouldn't like having to smell it, though!.
But if an able bodied person wants somebody to cook meat for them, my thought is they can do it themselves or get somebody else to do it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Let's say hypothetically I am a vegetarian, then yes I would!. A vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat!. So if I prepare meat for others to eat, I am still one unless also eat it!. Besides having to cook meat and choosing not to cook it are two different things!. Why would I let people under my care go hungry because I am an "eeew meat" vegetarian!? Mt choice should not be forced upon those under my care!.
Not pay for it!? Okay, but I don't think my 8 and 9 year old children can buy food for themselves!. If as a meat eater, I should support my kids choice to be vegetarian, why should I not support their wish to eat meat!? That would make me an ego centric selfish parent!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Not pay for it!? Okay, but I don't think my 8 and 9 year old children can buy food for themselves!. If as a meat eater, I should support my kids choice to be vegetarian, why should I not support their wish to eat meat!? That would make me an ego centric selfish parent!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am the only vegetarian in my immediate family, and I cook meat for other people frequently!. I find it disgusting, yes, but my friends and family like the cooking and my reasons for being vegetarian don't all stem from the treatment of animals!. I don't like to force my beliefs on others (not that cooking a vegetarian meal for your friend would do that -- I cook vegetarian meals too)!. I don't think that it would be disrespectful at ALL to cook your friend a vegetarian meal though, if that's what you're comfortable with!. Because that's what's most important!. Do what makes you comfortable!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
no, it hasn't happened in the last 28 years as a veggie so i can't see it happening in the next 28 years!.
I'm quite sure anyone visiting our house is here for our company, they lap up the veggie food and keep coming back for more so why would i feel the need to cook meat !?
50% of our PAYING guests at our veggie place are meat-eaters!. So if they are more than happy to pay for veggie food, i don't see a problem with friends eating it when its for free!.
People who are not veggies cannot "hypothetically" answer this question because they cannot apply the moral side to the decision!. They can only guess, and guessing is not an answer!.
Would you speed in a car if you thought it was morally wrong but your passenger thought it was ok !? I wouldn't!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm quite sure anyone visiting our house is here for our company, they lap up the veggie food and keep coming back for more so why would i feel the need to cook meat !?
50% of our PAYING guests at our veggie place are meat-eaters!. So if they are more than happy to pay for veggie food, i don't see a problem with friends eating it when its for free!.
People who are not veggies cannot "hypothetically" answer this question because they cannot apply the moral side to the decision!. They can only guess, and guessing is not an answer!.
Would you speed in a car if you thought it was morally wrong but your passenger thought it was ok !? I wouldn't!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have and I do!. My husband is not a vegetarian and most of the people I know aren't either!.I don't push my diet choice on people because it always causes tension and a pointless debate!. I always choose lean, organic meats so there is less fat and chemicals in the meal!. I may not agree with the obsession with meat that this country has but being forceful wont win anyone over to vegetarianism!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
no i wouldn't!. a veggie meal is within the realm of foods that an omni eats!. a meat meal is not within the realm of foods a veg eats!. so it's not the same!. anyone can eat what they want around me, but i don't have to cook it!. my bf knows if he wants meat, he can have it!.!.!. but he's cooking it and buying it and prepping it himself :) Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have done this, but I don't prefer it!. I would only prepare meat that was organic and not factory farmed!. I don't know where to find that, so I don't prepare it!.
I have a friend who owns his own chickens!. If he went out and killed one of his chickens and asked me to cook it, I would!. I'm an excellent cook!. I'd just modify a tofu recipe!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have a friend who owns his own chickens!. If he went out and killed one of his chickens and asked me to cook it, I would!. I'm an excellent cook!. I'd just modify a tofu recipe!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I do this all the time, my husband loves meat and while I may not agree with him, I still love him and cook 99% of all his meals!.
so yes I would!. But if you absolutely dont feel comfortable, think about buying precooked meat in the super markets, you'll pay more but you might have a little more piece of mind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
so yes I would!. But if you absolutely dont feel comfortable, think about buying precooked meat in the super markets, you'll pay more but you might have a little more piece of mind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Never!. I wouldn't personally dish up things either- so I couldn't be a waitress etc!. I don't force people to be vegetarian it's their choice, but in my mind it's like saying it's alright, what other people do is their choice and that's fine, but me personally, no!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm vege and I regularly dish up meat for my omnivorous family!. I'm not against people eating meat at all, I just don't do it!. Apparently anything I cook with lamb is just delicious! I can't even stand the smell of it cooking though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
yes, i would!. Me being a vegetarian is my personal choice and for them eating meat is their choice!.
What would you do if they didn't feel like cooking you a vegetarian meal when you went to visit them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
What would you do if they didn't feel like cooking you a vegetarian meal when you went to visit them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
No!. My commitment to veganism stems from my unwillingness to contribute to animal suffering!.
If I purchase and prepare a dead animal product, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO EATS IT, IVE FUNDED WHAT OUTRAGES ME!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If I purchase and prepare a dead animal product, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO EATS IT, IVE FUNDED WHAT OUTRAGES ME!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
no i wouldnt but i know he would still probably get a nice big steak afterwards so i would prepare a nice big vegan meal for him so he wouldnt have to eat after, or would be too full to eat anything meaty afterwardsWww@FoodAQ@Com
nope, if i see meat i get queasy, my grandma is cooking bacon and i smell it!. it is disgustingWww@FoodAQ@Com
No, I don't eat meat because I believe its cruel to the animals!. I much rather cook a vegetarian dish and know that no animal suffered just because my friend likes steak!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have done, in the long and distant past, but I wouldn't do it now, it goes againt what I believe too much!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, It doesn't do an omnivore any harm to eat a vegetarian meal occasionally, in fact they should enjoy it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I've helped my family cook, especially around holidays, but I wouldn't do it myself!.!.!. mostly 'cause I don't know how!. I also wouldn't pay for it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yeah, I've done it actually 2 nights in a row this week!. I'm not too crazy about it although the food smelled phenomenal!. I just cook for my family!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Never!. This is your opportunity to show them just how tasteful a veg meal can be!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Only if they bought it, my money does not support animal cruelty!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i dont prefer to but we usually just eat outWww@FoodAQ@Com
A nice vegetable stir fry with zucchini, squash, broccoli, etc!. and use brown rice on the side and a maybe like a split pea soup or something on long that lines!. Starbucks also has a green tea mix that is niceWww@FoodAQ@Com