Question for vegetarians/vegans of any type: Easy points?!

Question: Question for vegetarians/vegans of any type: Easy points!?
This a survey for a college science class!. Feel free to elaborate and I always give 10 to best answer!.

1!. Some people say they are vegetarian and still eat chicken and just avoid Cow!. Some eat fish!. and some avoid cheese and eggs because they come from an animal!. What is your diet and what category do you fit in!?

2!. What was your motive for becoming a vegetarian!? (just don't like meat flavor, scared of diseases, wont kill an animal, religion, etc!.)

Hi Klay!

I can't claim vegetarianism anymore because I do eat turkey in order to get enough protein (years ago I was diagnosed borderline anemic and my doctor asked me to consider eating SOME meat!. Turkey is the easiest for me to digest)!. But other than turkey I still eat a largely plant-based diet!.

But when I was "veg", I didn't eat meat/fish, but did have cheese, eggs and honey!. I also gave up buying products that were tested on animals, including my car!! (Animal testing reaches amazingly cruel levels)!.

Animal rights was my reason for going veg!. I had made a donation to the World Wildlife Fund and got on someone's mailing list!. Weeks later I started receiving stuff from PETA, and when I saw some of the horrible things that were going on, I made the decision that I could no longer be a part of that!.

That was about 15 years ago, and I confess that there are times when it's hard to find veg options!. Sometimes I end up eating chicken but I have to say that I notice the difference in how I feel within a day!. I genuinely feel better when I eat vegetarian!. I still pay attention to articles and stories about the food processing industry and whenever I hear a scare about beef recalls and such, it's a huge relief to know that I don't have to worry where I bought my food!.

Great question !.!. good luck with your project!Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I don't eat any meat at all, kingdom animal and I don't eat it!.

2!. I have many, many reasons!. The first of which (and I think the most jarring) is that we are killing and torturing things for no good reason!. I believe that all life is precious!. I don't think murder and torture is okay!.
My second big reason is mostly environmental!. We use so much grain to feed live stalk, it's unbelievable!. We cut down so many forests to have more space to grow corn for cattle!. At the current rate of deforestation in the US, there will be no more forests left fifty years from now!.
also, most people don't know that the meat industry produces more greenhouse gasses then the automobile industry!.
I have other reasons, and I'm discovering more reasons all the time, but those are the main ones!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I never understood the whole partial vegetarian thing!. I don't eat anything an animal had to die for!. No meat, seafood or **** like that!. I do still eat cheese and eggs though!.

2!. It's not so much that I have this big problem with killing animals it's just that the manner in which the animals that I eventually ate were kept in disgusting conditions, fed disgusting things, covered in sores, slaughtered in disgusting ways and stored in disgusting ways!. I didn't want to eat it anymore!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I do not eat any meat!. I do eat eggs and dairy sometimes, but in an increasingly limited amount!. IMO, if you eat chicken, you are not a veg!. People who avoid ALL animal products are vegans!.

2!. I am a vegetarian because I do not like the way animals are treated/processed for food here in the US!. Animals are treated in an extremely inhumane way, in most cases!. also, I think that the current practices of meat production are more harmful on the environment than necessary!. If all animals were free range and grass fed, I might feel differently about meat consumption!. This is why I only occasionally eat dairy - I sometimes eat free range eggs from my local farmers market, or organic milk from free range grass fed cows!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian - I don't eat chicken or any other animal flesh, but I still consume dairy products!.

I loved meat when I was a child, but I was always curious about where it came from - and when I found out, I always felt guilty and disgusted for having eaten something that was once alive!. The very thought of it was disturbing and enough to make me lose my appetite!.

Finally, in my late teens, I decided to take a stand and become a vegetarian!. Not only am I not eating something that was once living, but being a vegetarian has numerous benefits: it's healthy and also helping the environment!. Becoming a vegetarian was definitely one of the best decisions I've made in my life so far!.

I hope this helps - good luck with your project!Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. When i say I'm vegetarian (someone who consumes no animal flesh) I MEAN IT! I eat no meat, which INCLUDES: cow, chicken, pig, fish, turkey, lamb, and any other species belonging to the kingdom animalia!. I also don't consume animal byproducts, such as dairy, eggs, honey, leather, fur, etc!. I don't frequent zoos, rodeos, or circuses, where animals are held in captivity or forced to perform for profit, and I don't buy products from distributing companies that conduct animal toxicity tests!. When I say I'm vegan what I mean is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL BOYCOTT OF PRODUCTS RESULTING FROM ANIMAL SUFFERING!.

2!. My motive for becoming vegetarian was so that I could respect myself morally, which is impossible to do once you learn what horrific treatment of our fellow creatures our money actually funds!. But in doing omre research, my stance has only been affirmed by other reasons!. If they're ranked, my motives are as follows:

1!. Don't fund animal torture!.
2!. Eat what's healthy!.
3!. Eat what's natural!.
4!. DON'T eat blood, pus, sh*t, and steroids!.
5!. Help the environment!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I am a vegan!. I do not eat any time of product that comes from an animal!. This includes: meat from cows, pigs, birds, fish or any other animal; animal milk and its by-products; eggs; gelatin!. In addition to this, I avoid buying and using leather, as it is the skin of a dead cow!.

2!. I became vegetarian because of ethical reasons!. As I learned more about veganism, I started to think that it would be not only more ethical, but also more healthy, to be vegan!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I was brought up as a vegan and then when i was 12 began eating cheese, by the time i was 16 i ate eggs as well!. Since i turned 19 i have eaten chicken twice! But didnt like it really! I will eat things like dairyy cakes and so on but have a real mental block about eating actual meat which i think is why i didnt like chicken to two times i tried it!. I enjoy eggs though when i am in the mood! But i'm a bit odd and i dont like cows milk to drink or on my cereal or anything!. I would prefer soya!.

2!. I was brought up as vegan so i didnt really have a motive for it, my mother was one when she had me so raised me the same way )and i was a very healthy child by the way)!. I mainly chose to expand what i ate as i got older as i was going out with my friends more and my diet meant i had to take my own food or have boring stuff when i was out!. I don't regret it though as it means i have an easier time finding something to eat when i am at restaurants and so on!.


I am Vegan!.I don't eat flesh, milk, eggs, honey, or any of those other by-products of the meat industry!.

The reason I became Vegan is sort of stupid!.
It was a bet between a few friends, to see who could survive the longest!. When we started I took it upon myself to do some research on the subject, and learned about how abnormal milk consumption is and how overfished the seas are and how chickens are probably the most abused animals on the face of the earth!. My friends all died off the diet in a matter of a couple of weeks, and I won the $5 from them each!. But the thought of going back to consuming anything from the meat industry seemed atrocious, and when I tried to down a piece of cheesecake, I found myself choking on it!.
It's been five months so far!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarian, don't eat any meat to my knowledge!.
During second pregnancy, meat was again nasty to my taste buds (was also the case my entire life before giving birth to my first where upon I could eat meat without seasoning and love it), but even more that pictures of dead animals were floating through my head without me really thinking about it, and all before I knew I was pregnant!.!.!.worsened as pregnancy went along!. I finally did my research and a couple months after my son was born, both children and I went veg!

1!. I am a vegetarian but I don't go out of my way to eat dairy either!. If there's a teensy-tinsy amount of dairy in something someone has made, I might have some so that I won't offend them!.

2!. My blood pressure was always low-healthy as a veggie!. When I went back to being an omnivore, my blood pressure went up, my skin got worse, my periods lengthened, and muscle spasms increased!. I love animals and don't want to support the slaughtering and mistreatment of innocent animals!. Baby roosters are often dumped into dumpsters to suffocate at egg farms!. Male calves are sent to veal farms at dairy farms!. It's a very corrupt system!. I don't believe that because we are "bigger" or that we are animals that gives us the right to play God!.we're not superior to any living creature in my opinion!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1)I don't eat any meat!. I'm lactose intolerant, so I'm barely able to drink milk!.!.!.which I don't like!. I eat eggs!.!.!.and cheese, on occasion!.
2)I have the satisfaction of knowing that I'm not contributing to the killing and eating of animals us humans eat!. OH! Yes, and the healthier diet and lifestyle!. It's a win/win situation!.

Thanks, xD!Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!.) I am a Lacto-ovo vegetarian, which means I will eat both milk and eggs, though no fish, chicken or other meat, etc!.

2!.) My reason for becoming a vegetarian is, I see animals as innocent as children and find it awful to eat them!. also the thought of eating flesh makes me sick!Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I'm a vegetarian which to me is defined by not consuming any living beings that have been killed for food, no sea life, chicken, pig, cow, etc!.

2!. Compassion for animals, against present day industry standards!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I am vegan - I don't consume anything derived from animals!.

2!. I don't want to be a part of the use or abuse of animals in any way for my food/clothing/etc!. and I also believe the vegan diet is a much healthier and happier way to live!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am not one, but I think some vegetarians do it for nutritional reasons and believe chicken and fish are healthier than beef and pork!. I am still on the fence about becoming one!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. im vegetarian!. i dont eat ANY meat!.
2!. less animals are being tortured and killed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. I still eat dairy and eggs!.
2!. I do not agree with the animal cruelty!. and its a healthier lifestyle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!.i eat no meat but still eat eggs and drink milk!no fish ethier!

2!.i feel bad because to many amimals are being abused!Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. i eat eggs and dairy, due to living with my parents and them being old fashioned about my veggie-ism at all!
2!. animal rights!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians tend to eat fruit and vegetables, fish, eggs and cheese!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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