Trouble being vegetarian?!

Question: Trouble being vegetarian!?
Okay well i just recently became a vegetarian and my family constantly picks on me about it and says im going all hippie just because i care so much about animals and i belive what they do to animals in slaughter houses is cruel, unesscesry and disgusting! so any good comebacks!? or what should i do Www@FoodAQ@Com

I recently became a vegetarian too and my family made fun of me also!. The first month my family said it was a phase and teased me when they bit into burgers but its been five months now the jokes don't come as often anymore and there actually starting to take me seriously and supporting on my decision!. The jokes will die off eventually don't give into the teasing and your earn respect for your decision! Go veg! =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Straight out tell them that the reason that you became a vegetarian is because you believe that humans are better than animals!! If you think that humans are better than animals there is actually a legitimate reason to say that you are vegetarian!. Animals try to get by in life by resorting to bloody matters of taking the lives of other animals, and they are not able to advance past this barbaric state, or else they will die!. Us humans though have developed civilization far enough that we no longer have to kill to survive, and with our improved technologies in agriculture and technology developed from our more complicated minds compared to animals we are able to not only survive, but prosper while living a peaceful life and never harm a single living creature!.

Do we want to diminish the stature of the Human Beings dominance over animals by resorting to the barbaric lifestyle that they cannot escape while we have a choice!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't say anything to them until they say something first!. Unfortunately, family members often antagonize veg members of the family and voice their opinions of vegetarianism!. Like we care what they think, right!?

Anyway, if they say something you could choose to ignore them or you could say that you are perfectly happy with what you are doing and that you wish everyone was more supportive of your choices!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you give them comebacks, that's a sure sign that they are getting to you!.

Are you confident in your decision!? Do you plan on sticking with it!?

If so, you need to act like it!. If people say ignorant things, you need to ignore them or laugh!. In turn, you need to talk about other things!. If you always talk about vegetarianism, you may be trying to do a good thing, but you are asking to get teased!.

If you had the power to win any argument, who would you be helping!? Your ego!? You stated that you want to help the animals, so I suggest that you find constructive ways to do that without drawing negative attention!.

tell them the story of how a PETA undercover worker worked in the Butterball Turkey slaughterhouse during Thanksgiving, and filmed another worker actually molesting (entering his fingers into a turkey) before he killed it!. It will make them think twice before sitting down to a holiday meal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well, i've been a vegetarian my entire life!. entireeee!.

whenever people call me a hippie, i just smile and flash a peace sign!.
people are just tring to annoy you!.



Has some good information on why it's good to be a vegetarian :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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