What about fish....?!

Question: What about fish!.!.!.!.!?
I've been vegan for a little over 3 weeks and have been struggling a tad with finding a variety of meals!.!.!. but not with cravings until now, because I've been tired of eating noodles!. My brother made fish one night and I said I didn't eat it and he asked why I don't eat fish!. He understands that I don't eat meat because of the animal abuse, but made the point that fish are allowed to live and swim freely and are not forced to live in small areas to become food!. I read a book and it made me realize what is being done to the animals!. I just wanted to know why you don't eat fish!.!.!. and possible easy to make vegan meals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Even killing wild fish is cruel and is also unsustainable at the rates we're pulling them from the oceans!. Fish often suffer decompression when caught; their eyes can pop out and their stomachs can be pushed out their mouths!.!.!. while they are still alive!. Obviously, hooking a fish is cruel (would YOU like to have a hook jammed through your lip!?) but netting is cruel too!. It's not like they pull thousands of fish from the water and offer a humane, painless death to each and every one - fish are left to die of suffocation!. That's the cruel part!. Then there's the ecologically unsound part: the oceans are being overfished and oceanic ecosystems threaten to collapse within our lifetimes!. Industrial fishing results in enormous by-catch, meaning sea creatures that are not the ship's target are caught, left to die, and then thrown back so as not to count in a ship's quota!. Up to 90% of what's caught drift netting is by-catch!. That's a whole lot of murdered creatures just to get one fish to someone's plate!.

Vegans believe that animals have the capacity for suffering and, as such, we choose not to eat them or exploit them for food!. This includes fish for the simple fact that they ARE animals and they CAN suffer!.

If you're concerned about your nutrition as a vegan, pick up a copy of "Becoming Vegan" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina!. Both are registered dietitians and the book is a valuable resource!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

many fish are farmed to be eaten actually!. not all are caught in the ocean freely swimming around!. vegetarians dont eat fish because it is an animal and you are killing it to eat it!. vegans dont use any animal product because they feel using anything from an animal is exploiting it!. ie honey from bees, milk from cows, etc

soy is very good for you, high in protein, but watch out for soy cheese, many of it is not vegan!. a lot of it has milk enzymes in it to make it melt better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Noodle have eggs!. Cheese has milk from tied up cows!. Fish are too raised for food, in ponds and even in the ocean in large pens with feeders the spread fish food on the water and they fight for it!.

Fish are frozen alive, or beheaded alive and even split right up the belly while alive!.

And they sure taste good!.


Typically, vegetarians don't eat meat because it is killing an animal and since fish are animals!.!.!. Well, that means they don't eat fish!.
They have vegetarian recipes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

read this site!.http://www!.vrg!.org/nutshell/nutshell!.htmWww@FoodAQ@Com

This is a non-cook cook book written by a very good friend of mine!. She has been a raw vegan for 6 yrs and has had experience as a professional chef!. She has trained with some top named raw chefs!.


Enjoy!.!.!.my favorite recipe is the "Salmon" Pate with Pomegranate Relish!.!.!.you wouldn't believe there's not really any salmon!.

I am not vegan or vegetarian, but I LOVE her recipes!. her website has an awesome recipe for a No Cheese Cheese Cake!.!.!.!.OMG, it tastes just like a NY style Cheesecake!.!.!.!.SOOO good!.

If your serious about becoming vegan then you shouldn't eat fish!. Some fish may be bred for food but thats no different to any other animal, cows are bred for food too but you feel bad about eating them!. It's still murder whether it's fish or cow! I'm vegan and i haven't eaten ANY animal flesh in over 3 years!.If your struggling with finding food then do some research!. When i became vegan i did as much research as i could because if you don't follow a well balanced diet it can be harmful!. Theres lots of tofu products you can buy such as tofu ice cream and spreads!. Theres also vegan cheeses and yoghurts and butters! There's so much choice now for vegans, you just have to look around to find it!. Health food shops are the best places to go, i love vegan mince and i make chilli's and stuff with it!. Vegan sausage and burgers are great too!. To stay healthy i take a multivitamin everyday so i get vitB12 and vitD and i take a kelp substitute but you can eat seaweed if you want, you won't find that in any other food and it's vital for your thyroid to function properly!. Hope that helps!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We are human we are suppose to eat meat!. Maybe not abuse them but eat them yes!. Lion tiger and bear will prove thats all in the nature, We cultivate animals because it makes it easier to kill!. Instead of running around with a shoot gun for our next meal!. There abundant of people china alone has 1!.3 billion people they make up 20% of the population!. Now would you have 1!.3 billion people out running around with guns trying to hunt there own food!? and with out evolving our nature we would of never evolved in to the things we know today!. Like medical things that help cure animals!. So i think eating fish is fine!. Its apart of nature!. Think of it like this if you didn't eat it a bird a shark any other animal would of ate it before you!.

also even if there raised in pen!. least the wild ones aren't being hunted down, and the population on fish wont decrease!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Commercial fishing has been heading in a horrible direction for decade upon decades!.

Vegetarians do not eat animals!.

Fish are animals!.

Here is a small list of foods that vegetarians do eat!.

Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentil, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12!.

All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended!.

It may help you if you see proof that vegetarians have the same potential as anyone else!.

If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise!?

A lot of Farm Raised Fish are tightly packed in together and fed antibiotics to kill off the diseases they get from the stress and bad conditions!. If you do eat fish it should only be wild alaskan Salmon or sockeye salmon because you need the oils and good fats to help with your brain function and other important parts of your body!. If you refuse to eat fish at least take Vitamin E oil!. they sell natural wild salmon vitamin e oil at specialty health stores!. As far as vegan recipes I cant help you with that because I was a Vegan for 6 months until my health and energy deteriorated!. You need to seek a professional that can help you plan you nutritional menus!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't eat fish and I'm not a vegan!.

Vegetarian- doesn't eat something that comes from (or is a part of) a dead animal!.

Vegan- doesn't eat something that comes from or is a part of an animal, living or dead!.

That being said!. Cheese without milk can still be non-vegan!. It often contains milk protein to make its texture more cheese-like!.

To answer your question: I don't eat fish because I don't like fish!. That's my primary reason for not eating it!. I never have really enjoyed it!.

I also think that fish is one of the worse meats as animal treatments go!. Basically, there's no nice way to kill a fish!. Whether by net or hook, they're dragged out of their habitat!. If they're deep water, this could mean decompression!. As soon as they leave the water, they start to suffocate/drown!. This is how they die if they're commercially caught!. The luckier ones, which are caught individually, might wind up getting clubbed on the head once they're in the boat!. This kills them instantly!. But they still had to have a hook go through their face and be dragged (painfully, we can assume) to the fisherman!.


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