I'm thinking of giving up being a vegetarian?!
I'm 18 and I've only been a vegetarian for 2 months!.
My parents don't support me at all in this!. My dad absolutely hates me for being one!. I'm muslim and he thinks that I'm doing it because of a faith or whatever!. He watches me when I go in the kitchen and harrasses me when I get food!. He forced me to eat chicken last month!. He's stopped giving me allowance and says he's going to make my life miserable and not treat me the same way as my brothers or sisters!. He's already hated me all of my life and now it's even worse!. Starting today I'm not allowed to eat any food in our house until I stop being one!.
I'm miserable!. I've never cried so much in my life!. I feel like he's doing this just because he wants to control EVERY part of my life!.!.!.like he doesn't really care about my health!. My mom has been a little better than him!.!.!.but still!.!.!.I have very little support!.
I've felt since I was 10 that being a vegetarian is the right thing to do!.!.!.I can't explain it but I KNOW that God wants me to be one!.
But I just don't know any more!.!.!.I don't know why I'm being punished!.
I really am just so miserable!.!.!.and I need advice!.
Please be nice to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
My parents don't support me at all in this!. My dad absolutely hates me for being one!. I'm muslim and he thinks that I'm doing it because of a faith or whatever!. He watches me when I go in the kitchen and harrasses me when I get food!. He forced me to eat chicken last month!. He's stopped giving me allowance and says he's going to make my life miserable and not treat me the same way as my brothers or sisters!. He's already hated me all of my life and now it's even worse!. Starting today I'm not allowed to eat any food in our house until I stop being one!.
I'm miserable!. I've never cried so much in my life!. I feel like he's doing this just because he wants to control EVERY part of my life!.!.!.like he doesn't really care about my health!. My mom has been a little better than him!.!.!.but still!.!.!.I have very little support!.
I've felt since I was 10 that being a vegetarian is the right thing to do!.!.!.I can't explain it but I KNOW that God wants me to be one!.
But I just don't know any more!.!.!.I don't know why I'm being punished!.
I really am just so miserable!.!.!.and I need advice!.
Please be nice to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It sounds to me as though your father is a much bigger problem than your vegetarianism!. It may be best to address the father problem first and put vegetarianism on the back burner!.
The excessive power that Muslim tradition gives your father puts him in a position where it will be difficult to deal with him until your are on your own!. At that point you will have a lot of issues to deal with concerning human relationships, and the details of your diet may fade into the background!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The excessive power that Muslim tradition gives your father puts him in a position where it will be difficult to deal with him until your are on your own!. At that point you will have a lot of issues to deal with concerning human relationships, and the details of your diet may fade into the background!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Your dad is a f*cking @sshole!.
Who the hell does he think that he is!?!!?!!?!!?!!?
Your father deserves to be in prison!. If I were you, I'd leave the house and never speak to him again unless he wants to apologize profusely!.
He's hated you all your life!?
You need to get out of that house now!.
I seriously doubt that he "forced" you to eat chicken!. If he did, I'd have him arrested for assault!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Who the hell does he think that he is!?!!?!!?!!?!!?
Your father deserves to be in prison!. If I were you, I'd leave the house and never speak to him again unless he wants to apologize profusely!.
He's hated you all your life!?
You need to get out of that house now!.
I seriously doubt that he "forced" you to eat chicken!. If he did, I'd have him arrested for assault!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Eat the food you like
Vegetarianism is not necessary if you are not over weight
have no ailments related to over-eating, over fat, etc!.
Vegetarianism is good if you want to live a happy and healthy mind and body!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarianism is not necessary if you are not over weight
have no ailments related to over-eating, over fat, etc!.
Vegetarianism is good if you want to live a happy and healthy mind and body!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
omg i feel so bad for you :[
thats completely horrible that YOUR OWN FATHER would be so rude to you because of the choice of being a vegetarian!. eat what you want!. dont listen to him!. if you want to be a veg, so be it! im so sorry about that, i give you my sympathy and good luck, hun!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
thats completely horrible that YOUR OWN FATHER would be so rude to you because of the choice of being a vegetarian!. eat what you want!. dont listen to him!. if you want to be a veg, so be it! im so sorry about that, i give you my sympathy and good luck, hun!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
If it is possible for you to move out and strike on your own, that's your best option!. You are an adult and do not have to stay in a place where you are miserable even though that place is what you call "home"!.
good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com
good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com
This really is a relationship issue and not a dietary issue!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Here is what you should do:
1!.Give up being a vegetarian--but only for a few months!
2!.As soon as you move out and go to college and start living on your own, become a vegetarian again!.
3!. Remember: Being 18, you are an adult!. That means that your parents are not under control of you anymore!.
4!.Try to make your dad understand why you want to be a vegetarian!.
5!.Don't ever give up again!
I'm not exactly a vegetarian, but for religious reasons I don't eat any kind of food that is non-veg except for chicken!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
1!.Give up being a vegetarian--but only for a few months!
2!.As soon as you move out and go to college and start living on your own, become a vegetarian again!.
3!. Remember: Being 18, you are an adult!. That means that your parents are not under control of you anymore!.
4!.Try to make your dad understand why you want to be a vegetarian!.
5!.Don't ever give up again!
I'm not exactly a vegetarian, but for religious reasons I don't eat any kind of food that is non-veg except for chicken!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
you're right , your father does want to control you and you're stepping out of line with your vegetarianism, I wish I knew what you could do about this, seems he'll never change, perhaps you should eat meat when he's around, but never eat it when you are away from your father, wait fior a time in the future when it'll be easier to be a vegetarian, good luck, I will be thinking of you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wow!.!.!. thats a lot to handle mate!.!.!.
If at all possible I'd recommend move out, seems like a very hostile enviroment!. It can't do any good for you staying there!.
I'm a veggie for a year, i dont eat any meat or use any animal products although i have slipped up a few times =(,
But i firmly believe its what God wants me to do,
If you do too, it will be hard, but stick to it :) you will be rewarded, all great people suffer!. I believe you canWww@FoodAQ@Com
If at all possible I'd recommend move out, seems like a very hostile enviroment!. It can't do any good for you staying there!.
I'm a veggie for a year, i dont eat any meat or use any animal products although i have slipped up a few times =(,
But i firmly believe its what God wants me to do,
If you do too, it will be hard, but stick to it :) you will be rewarded, all great people suffer!. I believe you canWww@FoodAQ@Com
Wow I'm so sorry your dad sounds really unloving, uncaring and mean! I don't know how well you handle pressure but i know myself i would most likely rebel and stand for what i believe in if it means so much to you!.!. Or you can do this, wait til you move out than become a vegetarian!.!.!. or only eat meat around your parents and when your not around them don't eat meat!.!.!. I mean i know its not completely being vegetarian but its the closest you can get to being one right now!. I'm sorry to say your dad is so mean but I am really surprised that a father could behave this way to his own child!.!.!. Your not allowed to eat in your own house!? That is kind of freaky!.!.!.
Good luck!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Good luck!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
You are another poor soul fooled into believing that vegetarianism is "easier" than the Ten Commandments!. When it comes your time to stand before God, the LEAST of His concerns will be what you threw down your throat! *laughter*Www@FoodAQ@Com