Alright so I'm finally going veg but why cant i eat french fries if there cooked in the same oil as meat?!
Just wonderingWww@FoodAQ@Com
Do you know a place that deep fries bloody steaks!?
If not, most meats are breaded first so I think you're ok if you want your fries, though I wouldn't trust McDonald's fries!. If there was anything in the oil from meaty items, it would be completely destroyed not long afterward and leave nearly indistinguishable ash and hydrocarbons!.
The only problem is that it's deep fried!. After oil has been hot for more than a couple hours, it starts to build up toxic compounds that can have numerous negative effects on your health!. The thing is that most places use the same oil for **over a week**!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If not, most meats are breaded first so I think you're ok if you want your fries, though I wouldn't trust McDonald's fries!. If there was anything in the oil from meaty items, it would be completely destroyed not long afterward and leave nearly indistinguishable ash and hydrocarbons!.
The only problem is that it's deep fried!. After oil has been hot for more than a couple hours, it starts to build up toxic compounds that can have numerous negative effects on your health!. The thing is that most places use the same oil for **over a week**!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No one says you "can't" eat them-there are no veggie police laying down rules, but if you eat fries cooked in the same oil as meat, then they will be contaminated, and not technically vegetarian!. also, MOST fast food fries contain tallow (beef fat) and other animal sourced ingredients!. It just depends on how seriously you want to take things!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You don't have to pay into the fast food machine, and their abusive factory farm sources No matter what you buy there, it supports the system
Opt out and learn to cook for yourself!
Home made french fries are tons better, and can be made using any oil you choose!. Both potatoes and vegetable are completely non animal-sourced Easiest way is to slice the potatoes (use baking potatoes), lay on a cookie sheet and brush with a little oil and salt Bake at 375 degrees F for about 10 minutes, then check them , and stir every couple of minutes till crisp on the outside and cooked on the inside
Far cheaper, and much better for you!.
Someone mentioned fried vegetables !.!.Try some Japanese Tempura recipes and enjoy!
Bon appetite!
Opt out and learn to cook for yourself!
Home made french fries are tons better, and can be made using any oil you choose!. Both potatoes and vegetable are completely non animal-sourced Easiest way is to slice the potatoes (use baking potatoes), lay on a cookie sheet and brush with a little oil and salt Bake at 375 degrees F for about 10 minutes, then check them , and stir every couple of minutes till crisp on the outside and cooked on the inside
Far cheaper, and much better for you!.
Someone mentioned fried vegetables !.!.Try some Japanese Tempura recipes and enjoy!
Bon appetite!
You don't have to be a vegetarian!. You can just limit your meat sources!.
Vegetarians will not eat meat or anything that has been touched by meat, including oil that has used to cook meat!. I've seen people who said they were vegetarians purchase a sausage & egg biscuit and then remove the sausage and eat the egg & biscuit!. These are not vegetarians, just people who say they are vegetarians!.
We don't have to label ourselves!.
If you choose to eat oil that has been used for meat, then why are you labeling yourself as a vegetarian!? Just eat and be merry without a label!
Vegetarians don't eat meat or anything that has been touched by meat!. They do consume other foods from animal sources, such as milk and eggs!. But vegetarians don't eat meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarians will not eat meat or anything that has been touched by meat, including oil that has used to cook meat!. I've seen people who said they were vegetarians purchase a sausage & egg biscuit and then remove the sausage and eat the egg & biscuit!. These are not vegetarians, just people who say they are vegetarians!.
We don't have to label ourselves!.
If you choose to eat oil that has been used for meat, then why are you labeling yourself as a vegetarian!? Just eat and be merry without a label!
Vegetarians don't eat meat or anything that has been touched by meat!. They do consume other foods from animal sources, such as milk and eggs!. But vegetarians don't eat meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
you can do anything you want, but that is usually taboo for vegetarians and vegans because there will be some (very small but still significant) percentage that has meaty oil on it or absorbed into it!. That's gross!. You have to make your own decision on it though, i personally don't follow it as a really, really strict rule because as long as i don't buy the meat i'm not supporting it!. i try hard not to though just because that doesn't seem healthy, and it's still a mini meat by-product!. But the point is you are still making an effort!. I'm sure every veggie has their own take on the matter, and this wouldn't make or break you as one!.
good luckk!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
good luckk!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
BECAUSE THEY WERE COOKED IN THE SAME OIL AS MEAT!. Do whatever you want to and feel is right, its completely your choice, most people like me prefer to not eat anything that came into any contact with meat!. Others dont mind so much!. Do whatever you are comfortable with and dont listen to the "standards" or whatever!. I personally just make fries at home and tend to not eat out just in case, but if ou dont mind then go for it!. Good Luck!
Hope that helped!!! :D
btw, before you guys critisize, isnt this better than EATING the meat itself!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Hope that helped!!! :D
btw, before you guys critisize, isnt this better than EATING the meat itself!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Hey good for you (:
This question reminds me of something someone said to me once!. I forgot what it was, but she was like ' How do you know you can't do that, is there like a book that says all the things you can't do!? '
There's certain things that vegans make decisions about, it's truly your decision!. But if you really cared about the animals, I think you should stay away from the fried potatoes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
This question reminds me of something someone said to me once!. I forgot what it was, but she was like ' How do you know you can't do that, is there like a book that says all the things you can't do!? '
There's certain things that vegans make decisions about, it's truly your decision!. But if you really cared about the animals, I think you should stay away from the fried potatoes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can if you want!. It doesn't really help animals to be a "purist"!. Some of us just prefer to avoid anything that's touched meat because we think it's gross!.
If you're not bothered, then don't worry about it!. Your choice not to buy and eat meat is what has the most impact, for animals, the environment, and your health!.
Congrats on going veg!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you're not bothered, then don't worry about it!. Your choice not to buy and eat meat is what has the most impact, for animals, the environment, and your health!.
Congrats on going veg!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
dont say that you cant, just because youre going veg!.
a good idea is cooking them in vegetable oil!. but if youre going to burger kings for example, then its not veggie oil!. besides fried food isnt good for you - a good sub would be veggie fries - have no idea how they make them but theyre good, look it up maybe they have the recipeWww@FoodAQ@Com
a good idea is cooking them in vegetable oil!. but if youre going to burger kings for example, then its not veggie oil!. besides fried food isnt good for you - a good sub would be veggie fries - have no idea how they make them but theyre good, look it up maybe they have the recipeWww@FoodAQ@Com
Um, you can eat whatever you want!. It's totally your choice!. Being a vegetarian isn't like joining a church!. You're not going to be excommunicated because you didn't follow every silly dogma to the letter!. Your diet, your choice! Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well there will be some juices from the meat on them but it's not like there is a rule book you need to follow while turning vegetarian!.
At this point in my life I wouldn't eat it but that's me!. I don't want meat flavors on my potatoes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
At this point in my life I wouldn't eat it but that's me!. I don't want meat flavors on my potatoes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't eat french fries!. As good as they taste, you WILL pay the price down the road in terms of; clogged up arteries, heart attacks, strokes, kidney stones, high blood pressure etc etc!. Fries turn to gew in your belly, yummy!.
You could if you want!. My motto was "if i dont know for sure, it doesnt bother me"!.
if you went vegan and did that, you wouldn't be vegan but if you are a vegetarian then go right ahead!Www@FoodAQ@Com
if you went vegan and did that, you wouldn't be vegan but if you are a vegetarian then go right ahead!Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can if you want to!. Many vegetarians just prefer not to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It depends on whether you are an Orthodox, Conservative, or Reformed Vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Because they wouldn't be a vegetarian food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
See its like dipping a brush of one color into another color without without washing the brushWww@FoodAQ@Com
Just cook fries at home, cause fast food and restaurant fries!.!.!. unpleasant!Www@FoodAQ@Com
oil is tested on animals!.