Bean or legume starting with letter Q ? Anyone know ? ?!

Question: Bean or legume starting with letter Q !? Anyone know !? !?
I was in a waiting room recently and picked up a magazine which listed some super foods!.
One was a bean or legume that they stated was a complete protien!.
I should have written it down but didn't!. It's probably available at health foods stores!. It started with a Q!. Anyone know what the name is!?

It was likely QUINOA (pronounced KEEN WA) Quinoa is a complete source of protein, and is highly nutritious!. I grind whole quinoa (the red kind is my favorite) into flour to use for baking as a gluten free wheat substitute!. It can be cooked much like rice, and has a nice, nutty flavor!. It is considered a cereal grass seed, not a legume or bean though!. You can get it at most health food stores!.


Though not technically a grain, quinoa can substitute for nearly any grain in cooking!. Actually the seed of a leafy plant, quinoa’s relatives include spinach, beets and Swiss chard!. Due to its delicate taste and rich amounts of protein, iron, potassium and other vitamins and minerals, it is quite popular!. It is also a good source of dietary fiber and is easily digested!.

Quinoa is an ancient crop that grows in poor soil, dry climates and even mountain altitudes!. It is native to the Andes, but is also grown in South America and the Colorado Rocky Mountains!. Although it can grow in arid conditions, it thrives best in well-drained soil!. You should be able to find quinoa in health food stores and larger supermarkets!.

I'm not to sure of beans or legumes but there's an ancient grain called 'Quinoa' pronounced 'Keen-wa' that is very rich in protein!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Quinoa!. It's a great grain!. Tons of vitamins and minerals!. It's really good for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


If I'm correct, it's not a bean or legume!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Quinto BeansWww@FoodAQ@Com

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