Are you an organic veg*n?!
I thinking about becoming an organic veg@n!. If you are an organic veg*n what's better about it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't be fooled!.
Organic Standards established in 2002 established uniform definitions for all organic products sold in the United States!. The USDA regulates organic farming standards and inspects and certifies farms that follow all USDA organic standards!. Although a few recent studies indicate that some organic foods have higher levels of some nutrients than nonorganic foods, there is insufficient evidence to support the claim that organic foods are more nutritious than nonorganic foods!.
You can compare labels for a nonorganic breakfast cereal and an organic breakfast cereal and see the differences in additives between the two!. Determinging which cereal is more nutritious depends on your personal preferences!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Organic Standards established in 2002 established uniform definitions for all organic products sold in the United States!. The USDA regulates organic farming standards and inspects and certifies farms that follow all USDA organic standards!. Although a few recent studies indicate that some organic foods have higher levels of some nutrients than nonorganic foods, there is insufficient evidence to support the claim that organic foods are more nutritious than nonorganic foods!.
You can compare labels for a nonorganic breakfast cereal and an organic breakfast cereal and see the differences in additives between the two!. Determinging which cereal is more nutritious depends on your personal preferences!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Organic agriculture is an efficient way to maintain the quality and integrity of the soil!. It took billions of years to make the Earth's topsoil and it takes less than one hundred to ruin it with conventional agriculture!.
To be honest, it is good to buy organic whenever possible but buying local should take a priority!.
-When you buy local, you can contribute to the livelihood of a family farm instead of those that are heavily influence by corporations!. This increases the chances of those farms surviving and maintaining or improving standards!. Many farms are not certified organic but they do not spray their crops!.
- It takes a whole lot of oil to fuel all of those big-rigs that haul our food around(often from coast to coast)
-When you buy local and in season, you can get crazy deals!. a few weeks ago, my wife went berry picking and paid $14 for 17 lbs of blueberries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
To be honest, it is good to buy organic whenever possible but buying local should take a priority!.
-When you buy local, you can contribute to the livelihood of a family farm instead of those that are heavily influence by corporations!. This increases the chances of those farms surviving and maintaining or improving standards!. Many farms are not certified organic but they do not spray their crops!.
- It takes a whole lot of oil to fuel all of those big-rigs that haul our food around(often from coast to coast)
-When you buy local and in season, you can get crazy deals!. a few weeks ago, my wife went berry picking and paid $14 for 17 lbs of blueberries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yeah, I like my meat too!. I think that most vegetarians are vegetarians because they don't like the fact that we omnivores eat animals that have been bred with the intention for them to be eaten!. I've heard that it takes a lot of energy to have and mature a lot of cows, veggies do too but they get the energy from the sun like solar panels!. It's all on your point of view!.
Oh and Krister, they're planning to make these skyscraper farms!. So in cities like New York, you can get very fresh food!. also the transportation would be zero, just go to the upper levels of the supermarket!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Oh and Krister, they're planning to make these skyscraper farms!. So in cities like New York, you can get very fresh food!. also the transportation would be zero, just go to the upper levels of the supermarket!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's not really a label!. It's just often preferable to support organic agricultural practices, because they involve fewer chemicals on the food itself, and more sustainable farming methods that use less fossil fuels!.
When you're shopping, compare prices between organic and non-organic produce and other groceries, and decide if it's worth it to you!.
When you're shopping, compare prices between organic and non-organic produce and other groceries, and decide if it's worth it to you!.
I only buy organic crops!.
Artificial pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides kill animals and reek havoc on the environment, so eating only organic (if you can) is the next logical progression from veganism!.
It's also even better for your health!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Artificial pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides kill animals and reek havoc on the environment, so eating only organic (if you can) is the next logical progression from veganism!.
It's also even better for your health!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Not exclusively, but I try to eat more organic foods!. Honest Tea is my new favorite thing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am not one!. Won't become one, either!. Not even an organic vegetarian!.
I enjoy eating meat!.
I enjoy eating meat!.