Can you eat eggplant raw?!
my little sister wants to know if you can eat eggplant rawWww@FoodAQ@Com
I read somewhere that it has some sort of toxin in it!. I've eaten it raw before, and although I didn't like it at all, I'm still alive!. Try it and see what you think!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
My brother in law's girlfriend made something with raw baby eggplants on the side a couple of times!. She used to live in Thailand!. I don't know if it's a typical Thai thing to use raw eggplant or if she made it up!.
I liked it better than I thought I would, but I still prefer eggplant to be cooked!.
I liked it better than I thought I would, but I still prefer eggplant to be cooked!.
As for eating eggplant raw, you just wouldn’t want to!. It doesn’t taste good and the mushy texture is even worse raw!. Besides, uncooked eggplant contains solanine — a toxin that can cause gastrointestinal difficulties!.
Yeah, in terms of medical reasons!. However, it would be mushy and disgusting in my opinion!. Try grilling or baking it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
What would be the point of eating raw eggplant!? It wouldn't be harmful but it sure would taste pretty disgusting!. Any other way but raw!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You could!. It probably wouldnt taste that great!. I would try grilling it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I wouldn't eat it raw, it will give you an awful gassy tummy!. Www@FoodAQ@Com