Fried potatoes are generally considered unhealthy. Is it unhealthy to fry potatoes in olive oil?!
Olive oil is probably the best kind of cooking health wise!.
Fried potatoes aren't necessarily bad when eaten in moderation!. Say, no more than once or twice a week!.
Or, at least that's what my wife says!. I trust her judgment!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Fried potatoes aren't necessarily bad when eaten in moderation!. Say, no more than once or twice a week!.
Or, at least that's what my wife says!. I trust her judgment!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Okay, something worth mentioning here: the fat you eat is the fat you wear!. Whether this is olive oil or any other oil, including flax seed and vegetable oils!. Olive oil may be better than many oils, but it is still liquid fat, and so should be used sparingly!.
I would try grilling and mashing potatoes rather than frying them!. Or if you absolutely feel you must fry them, do this only very occasionally with the olive oil!.
Omega 3's and the like are are best from ground flax seed by the way!. Fish are a less than optimal source of omega 3 for various reasons!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I would try grilling and mashing potatoes rather than frying them!. Or if you absolutely feel you must fry them, do this only very occasionally with the olive oil!.
Omega 3's and the like are are best from ground flax seed by the way!. Fish are a less than optimal source of omega 3 for various reasons!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, most likely unhealthy, plus olive oil breaks down at a very high heat!. Since the entire surface of the potato slice is exposed to fat to make it a "fry", it'll be high in calories!. The fats in olive oil are better than the fats in other oils but regardless it won't transform the fry into something healthy!.!.!. while a whole potato has tons of great nutrients, like potassium, lots of fiber, etc!., just an ounce of fries has 150+ calories (as much as a whole, big baked potato or more)!. So to make your fries as nutritious as eating a normal potato, you'd have to eat 600 calories or more of them!.!.!. and most of the calories would be coming from fat!.!.!. that doesn't sound healthy to me :)
Oh, but if you bake potato wedges until they're crisp like steak fries (just very lightly drizzled or coated with olive oil and spices) you save calories and it'll taste good!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Oh, but if you bake potato wedges until they're crisp like steak fries (just very lightly drizzled or coated with olive oil and spices) you save calories and it'll taste good!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No! if u were to cook potatoes softly in olive oil while avoiding BOILING of olive oil, then its ok!. But! dont fry anything in olive oil because it would simply turn to something too much unhealthy once it reaches a certain temperature and especially when it starts boiling and bursts over the place, it's even dangerious and is connected to cancer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
yes!. i do this all the time!. try getting sliced potatoes in water on the canned veggie isle drained!. put down a small layer of oil in a skillet and add the potatoes!. add your favorite spices!. i love season salt, a bit of garlic powder, and old bay!. fry for about 10-12 minutes until golden around edges!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
As fats go, it's a better choice than most!. But olive oil does tend to smoke at high heat, so it's not always ideal for frying!. I make my home fries in olive oil, but I don't exactly consider them health food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
My wife just dusts them in Vegetable protein powder, salt, and pepper and then very lightly fries them in olive oil!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Olive oil would be a healthy choice, I like peanut oil!. I think the main reason fried potatoes are considered unhealthy is because some people, especially teens, eat to much of them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Olive Oil contains the GOOD FAT!.!.!.!.!.!.but it does have high calories!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
olive oil is very healthy for you so i say yesWww@FoodAQ@Com