I think that i might go vegetarian?!
do you have any tips to do this the right way!?!?
and any really good recipes!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
and any really good recipes!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
ive been vegetarian for a year now and I feel tons better!! (inside and out)!.!.!. my skin looks better, my digestive system is better
I would just suggest to evolve gradually!.!.!. If you eat beef, chicken, fish, pork now!.!.!.!. eliminate slowly
First I eliminated beef and pork (the worst), then slowly chicken, then I only ate seafood - if I had any meat at all !.!.!.!.!. started getting used to eating and cooking different vegetarian recipes with tofu and soy products!.!. until - I know longer had the taste ( or urge) for it!.!.!.
also- I read a book that helped me out a lot !.!. it's called Skinny ***** (I know I know) - I didnt use it to lose weight - but the reference in it helped me learn a lot about the MEAT industry and their horror stories!.!.!.!.I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT
But anyway
You will feel the difference! Good Luck!
I would just suggest to evolve gradually!.!.!. If you eat beef, chicken, fish, pork now!.!.!.!. eliminate slowly
First I eliminated beef and pork (the worst), then slowly chicken, then I only ate seafood - if I had any meat at all !.!.!.!.!. started getting used to eating and cooking different vegetarian recipes with tofu and soy products!.!. until - I know longer had the taste ( or urge) for it!.!.!.
also- I read a book that helped me out a lot !.!. it's called Skinny ***** (I know I know) - I didnt use it to lose weight - but the reference in it helped me learn a lot about the MEAT industry and their horror stories!.!.!.!.I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT
But anyway
You will feel the difference! Good Luck!
I would suggest you get protein powder and mix it in to some of your favorite drinks or you can make a smoothie and put some in- they usually have recipes on the back of the container that gives you some ideas!.
also vegetarians don't usually get enough Iron so I would think about getting an Iron pill that you would take every day!. Usually doctors suggest that!.
As far as recipes go I would suggest a cheese sandwich- Mozzarella cheese melted on bread with salad and another piece of bread (then I usually dip it in Italian dressing!.)
also vegetarians don't usually get enough Iron so I would think about getting an Iron pill that you would take every day!. Usually doctors suggest that!.
As far as recipes go I would suggest a cheese sandwich- Mozzarella cheese melted on bread with salad and another piece of bread (then I usually dip it in Italian dressing!.)
I think vegetarianism is awesome!. I've been doing it since July 4th, and I think I'll do it for life too!. My health has enjoyed a complete turn around, and I've lost almost 30 pounds!. I feel better and I'm not depressed anymore!. But don't overwhelm yourself!. Just think of vegetarianism as an experiment, and try it for a week!. If it feels right, try it for a month!. At first you can just cut meat out of your diet, and if you feel up to the challenge you can cut out fish, eggs and dairy too!. Remember, vanilla soy milk has a lot of good protein, and so does tofu!. Mix the two together in a blender with a half of a banana and some berries and you have an awesome smoothie that's healthy, vegetarian and low in calories -- not to mention that it has lots of great protein!. Boca Burgers in the frozen produce section also are a great meat substitute! And there are health food stores with lunch counters that serve some amazing vegetarian fare!. Remember, you can eat anything so long as it's not meat, so there's a lot to eat out there!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i've been a vegetarian for quite some time now!. i don't know where you stand vis a vis currently eating red meat (i!.e!. do you eat a lot as it is!?) but i rarely ate red meat and it was a smooth segue into cutting it off completely!. i would however suggest taking supplement vitamins (like protein and iron especially for girls) because i suffered an iron deficiency for a while afterwards!. also you should check out foodnetwork!.com because that's where i get all my animal-friendly deliciousness!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Sweetie, go to your library and borrow a book or two on being a vegetarian!. You also want to buy a couple vegetarian cookbooks!. The internet is nice once you know the facts, but 50% of what you can read online is misleading or wrong!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
try thisWww@FoodAQ@Com
try thisWww@FoodAQ@Com
You'll come back!.
Red meat rules!. MmmmmmmmWww@FoodAQ@Com
Red meat rules!. MmmmmmmmWww@FoodAQ@Com