What's the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian?!
i know i'm a vegetarian, but i dont know what a vegan is!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
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Vegans eat and wear no products or by-products that come from animals!. No milk, eggs, dairy, gelatin, etc!. and they do not wear leather or silk, etc!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's the same thing it was the first 200 times this question was asked!.!.!. sorry, but it irks that it comes up every single day and no one ever checks the similar questions that pop up when they type their own!.
Anyway, a vegetarian doesn't eat dead animals!. No meat and no slaughter byproducts!.
A vegan doesn't eat, use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever, to the extent that such a thing is possible!. No meat, no slaughter byproducts, no dairy, no eggs, no honey, no leather, suede, wool, fur, silk, down, feathers, pearls, and no cosmetics/toiletries made with rendered animal ingredients or tested on animals!. We also avoid industries, like circuses and rodeos, which exploit animals for entertainment!.
Vegetarianism can be either a diet or a lifestyle, but veganism is a lifestyle by definition!. Vegetarians who don't drink milk or eat eggs, but do not practice other aspects of veganism (buy leather, for example) are known as strict or total vegetarians!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Anyway, a vegetarian doesn't eat dead animals!. No meat and no slaughter byproducts!.
A vegan doesn't eat, use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever, to the extent that such a thing is possible!. No meat, no slaughter byproducts, no dairy, no eggs, no honey, no leather, suede, wool, fur, silk, down, feathers, pearls, and no cosmetics/toiletries made with rendered animal ingredients or tested on animals!. We also avoid industries, like circuses and rodeos, which exploit animals for entertainment!.
Vegetarianism can be either a diet or a lifestyle, but veganism is a lifestyle by definition!. Vegetarians who don't drink milk or eat eggs, but do not practice other aspects of veganism (buy leather, for example) are known as strict or total vegetarians!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'll give you the descriptions:
Ovo-lacto vegetarian: Eats eggs, milk products, but abstains from meat and gelatin in any form!. They may or may not eat honey!.
Lacto vegetarian: same as ovo-lacto, but does not eat eggs too
Raw foodist: doesn't eat food cooked above a certain temperature
Ovo vegetarian: same as ovo-lacto, but does not consume milk products
Pescetarian: will eat not meat except for fish!. However, they still eat eggs, milk products, and maybe gelatin and honey!.
Vegan: does not wear, use, or eat any animal products including milk products, eggs, gelatin, honey, fur, animal tested cosmetics and creams, and things which have animal testing done on themWww@FoodAQ@Com
Ovo-lacto vegetarian: Eats eggs, milk products, but abstains from meat and gelatin in any form!. They may or may not eat honey!.
Lacto vegetarian: same as ovo-lacto, but does not eat eggs too
Raw foodist: doesn't eat food cooked above a certain temperature
Ovo vegetarian: same as ovo-lacto, but does not consume milk products
Pescetarian: will eat not meat except for fish!. However, they still eat eggs, milk products, and maybe gelatin and honey!.
Vegan: does not wear, use, or eat any animal products including milk products, eggs, gelatin, honey, fur, animal tested cosmetics and creams, and things which have animal testing done on themWww@FoodAQ@Com
A simple search returned 209 results!. I would answer, but I'm sure one answer to one of those 209 questions was good enough!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
A simple search returned 209 results!. I would answer, but I'm sure one answer to one of those 209 questions was good enough!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegans do not eat food with any animal byproducts in them including but not limited to milk, eggs, cheese!.
Vegetarians do eat things like milk, cheese, eggs, fish, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarians do eat things like milk, cheese, eggs, fish, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarians don't eat meat
Vegans don't eat meat either, but they also don't eat dairy products or anything that came from an animal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegans don't eat meat either, but they also don't eat dairy products or anything that came from an animal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com