Why does a vegan's life have to be even harder?!
Soy milk, most brands here contain casein!. Soy cheese, nearly all brands here contain casein, those that dont, contain MSG!. Genetically modified foods EVERYWHERE here, theres no half and half sections where theres non modified or modified, just modified only, and i cant survive on cucumbers and potatoes alone, i rather die!. how can i escape all this!? no matter where i go i cant find a place to finally be at peace, doesn't anyone else feel like they are trapped like this!? where we are forced to eat foods that we believe is bad, and anything else is too expensive to buy or might be removed since the government might declare it as "bad for you" such as blueberries and supplements, what can i do, or if you are experiencing something like this, what can us vegans do!?!!?!
Well well well
These answers are mad!
Basically, I would suggest that you need to buy a shopping guide, 'the animal free shopper'[buy from vegan society {or amazon is cheaper}] is a good start, out of date by 2 years now but it's a good guide for ingredients and their crazy inedible animal parts origins!.
I hope you soon find shopping easier, the processed food manufacturers are corrupt as hell and obviously only motivated by profit, so they chuck all manner of crap into their products!.
The only way to eat really is fresh and local, avoid the processed junk, don't let them slip you a bit of sheep in the soya milk, or cow in the everything else!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
These answers are mad!
Basically, I would suggest that you need to buy a shopping guide, 'the animal free shopper'[buy from vegan society {or amazon is cheaper}] is a good start, out of date by 2 years now but it's a good guide for ingredients and their crazy inedible animal parts origins!.
I hope you soon find shopping easier, the processed food manufacturers are corrupt as hell and obviously only motivated by profit, so they chuck all manner of crap into their products!.
The only way to eat really is fresh and local, avoid the processed junk, don't let them slip you a bit of sheep in the soya milk, or cow in the everything else!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I've been thinking about it this week actually!. Its really stressful! I believe that if we stick to the main things that we can avoid, we are doing the best we can!. We have to eat more than just two things, so obviously we have to make do with what we have!. I believe that as long as I stay away from everything that I can I am doing my part!. Its impossible to weed out absolutely everything!! Unless you want to live off of potatoes and mushrooms :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Eat whole foods only!. (Make your own soy milk and cheese!.) Shop at farmer's markets or in the organic department!.
Seriously, though!.!.!. eat whole foods and you'll have no problems with hidden ingredients!. It's kind of a pain in the butt, but if you make big batches of stuff (like nut butters/milks and soy milk/cheese) once a month, it's less problematic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Seriously, though!.!.!. eat whole foods and you'll have no problems with hidden ingredients!. It's kind of a pain in the butt, but if you make big batches of stuff (like nut butters/milks and soy milk/cheese) once a month, it's less problematic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
shop at whole foods market!. Once there, get a foods consultant to help you!. Trust me, they are very helpful!. A friend of mine was shopping for gluten free foods for her daughter and one of the guys working there was totally gluten free!. I'm sure lots of vegans work there!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wow, so dramatic! I manage to find non-genetically modified vegan food!. I heartily believe you can too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
silk says on the label plain and clear they do not use genetically modified soybeans to make their soymilk!. Why not give silk a try!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
i want to know too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
" where we are forced to eat foods that we believe is bad"
Here is the key to your problem!. You have "believed" yourself into a corner where almost everything is unhealthy to eat!. Now I have been eating a diet almost all of which would probably horrify you, including lots of meat and other animal products, non-organic vegetables and fruit, and genetically modified foods, for 75 years!. I am healthy as a horse, eat and drink with delight both at home and in the nicest restaurants, and enjoy every minute of it!. I guess my pleasure and your discomfort illustrate the fruits of the difference in our belief systems!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Here is the key to your problem!. You have "believed" yourself into a corner where almost everything is unhealthy to eat!. Now I have been eating a diet almost all of which would probably horrify you, including lots of meat and other animal products, non-organic vegetables and fruit, and genetically modified foods, for 75 years!. I am healthy as a horse, eat and drink with delight both at home and in the nicest restaurants, and enjoy every minute of it!. I guess my pleasure and your discomfort illustrate the fruits of the difference in our belief systems!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Whatever your personal beliefs, it's time you acknowledged that the Vegan diet is not natural!. Yes, it's your choice, but it's your own personal moral decision, and you will have to work very hard at it!. If you're going to remove a significant staple of a human diet, then you'll have to accept some menu challenges!. So, you have to accept either the bland unbalanced diet, or you have to accept some ingredients that you don't particularly want!.
I can understand not wanting to kill animals!. I don't agree with vegetarianism, but I understand it!. But Veganism is just beyond me!. No animals are killed in the harvesting of milk or eggs!. So if you wanted to, you could add those items back into your diet, eat better, and still never kill an animal!. That's just my take on it!. I wish you luck in what ever course of action you decide to take!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I can understand not wanting to kill animals!. I don't agree with vegetarianism, but I understand it!. But Veganism is just beyond me!. No animals are killed in the harvesting of milk or eggs!. So if you wanted to, you could add those items back into your diet, eat better, and still never kill an animal!. That's just my take on it!. I wish you luck in what ever course of action you decide to take!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well for one thing, you made the choice to be vegan!. No body forced you to do it!. I assume you were aware of the restrictions that your choice has!.
Second, I am not aware of any naturally grown produce that contains preservatives!. You certainly don't have to eat soy cheese, soy milk soy everything!. That's just being lazy!. Very contrary to what most vegans claim (here at least) that they do more research and pay more attention to what they eat
If you feel "trapped" then break out!. You put yourself in the trap and you can certainly get out if you try!. Not by eating meat but by doing more research to add more variety to what you eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Second, I am not aware of any naturally grown produce that contains preservatives!. You certainly don't have to eat soy cheese, soy milk soy everything!. That's just being lazy!. Very contrary to what most vegans claim (here at least) that they do more research and pay more attention to what they eat
If you feel "trapped" then break out!. You put yourself in the trap and you can certainly get out if you try!. Not by eating meat but by doing more research to add more variety to what you eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i truly don't understand the whole vegan diet thing!. do you really think you are healthier and going to live longer than someone who isn't a vegan!? wouldn't life be so much easier with a well balanced diet!? one that doesn't exclude meats and dairy!? no one is saying you should eat a ribeye every night!. i myself, cannot fathom my morning coffee without some half and half and a nice rare steak with a good bottle of red wine, now and then!. and, don't even try and tell me that i can't or shouldn't eat salami on my pizza!!!!.!.!.seriously, alittle meat and dairy ain't going to kill you!. and the lack there of, isn't going to make you live longer!. it's all a crap shoot!. and, even if it meant living 10 years more, i would never give up hot dogs!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com